篇名 | 作者 | 刊名 | 出版年 | 查看 |
Cognitive test performance and crash risk in an older driver population |
Stutts, J.C.;Stewart, J.R.;Martell, C.; |
Accident Analysis & Prevention |
1998-05-01 |
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Identifying crash involvement among older drivers: agreement betweenself-report and state records |
McGwin, G.;Owsley, C.;Ball, K.; |
Accident Analysis & Prevention |
1998-11-01 |
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In my car the brake is on the right: Pedal errors among older drivers |
Freund, B.;Colgrove, L.A.;Petrakos, D.;McLeod, R.; |
Accident Analysis & Prevention |
2008-01-01 |
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Urban and rural differences in older drivers' failure to stop at stopsigns |
Keay, L.;Jasti, S.;Munoz, B.;Turano, K.A.;Munro, C.A.;Duncan, D.D.;Baldwin, K.;Bandeen-Roche, K.J.;Gower, E.W.;West, S.K.; |
Accident Analysis & Prevention |
2009-09-01 |
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The social cognitive determinants of offending drivers' speedingbehaviour |
Elliott, M.A.;Thomson, J.A.; |
Accident Analysis & Prevention |
2010-11-01 |
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Personality traits and executive functions related to on-road drivingperformance among older drivers |
Adrian, J.;Postal, V.;Moessinger, M.;Rascle, N.;Charles, A.; |
Accident Analysis & Prevention |
2011-09-01 |
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Personality traits and executive functions related to on-road drivingperformance among older drivers |
Adrian, J.;Postal, V.;Moessinger, M.;Rascle, N.;Charles, A.; |
Accident Analysis & Prevention |
2011-09-01 |
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The influence of demographic factors, processing speed and short-termmemory on Iranian children's pedestrian skills |
Tabibi, Z.;Pfeffer, K.;Sharif, J.T.; |
Accident Analysis & Prevention |
2012-07-01 |
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The influence of demographic factors, processing speed and short-termmemory on Iranian children's pedestrian skills |
Tabibi, Z.;Pfeffer, K.;Sharif, J.T.; |
Accident Analysis & Prevention |
2012-07-01 |
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MMSE as a predictor of on-road driving performance in communitydwelling older drivers |
Crizzle, A.M.;Classen, S.;Bedard, M.;Lanford, D.;Winter, S.; |
Accident Analysis & Prevention |
2012-11-01 |
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Cognitive components of simulated driving performance: Sleep losseffects and predictors |
Jackson, M.L.;Croft, R.J.;Kennedy, G.A.;Owens, K.;Howard, M.E.; |
Accident Analysis & Prevention |
2013-01-01 |
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Direct and indirect effects of mood on risk decision making insafety-critical workers |
Morgan, J.I.;Jones, F.A.;Harris, P.R.; |
Accident Analysis & Prevention |
2013-01-01 |
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Evidence that changes in social cognitions predict changes inself-reported driver behavior: Causal analyses of two-wave panel data |
Elliott, M.A.;Thomson, J.A.;Robertson, K.;Stephenson, C.;Wicks, J.; |
Accident Analysis & Prevention |
2013-01-01 |
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Older drivers and rapid deceleration events: Salisbury Eye EvaluationDriving Study |
Keay, L.;Munoz, B.;Duncan, D.D.;Hahn, D.;Baldwin, K.;Turano, K.A.;Munro, C.A.;Bandeen-Roche, K.;West, S.K.; |
Accident Analysis & Prevention |
2013-09-01 |
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Cognitive and visual predictors of UFOV performance in older adults |
Matas, N.A.;Nettelbeck, T.;Burns, N.R.; |
Accident Analysis & Prevention |
2014-09-01 |
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Towards an explanation of age-related difficulties in crossing atwo-way street |
Dommes, A.;Lay, T.L.;Vienne, F.;Dang, N.T.;Beaudoin, A.P.;Do, M.C.; |
Accident Analysis & Prevention |
2015-12-01 |
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The Standardized Field Sobriety Tests (SFST) and measures of cognitivefunctioning |
Downey, L.A.;Hayley, A.C.;Porath-Waller, A.J.;Boorman, M.;Stough, C.; |
Accident Analysis & Prevention |
2016-01-01 |
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The Standardized Field Sobriety Tests (SFST) and measures of cognitivefunctioning |
Downey, L.A.;Hayley, A.C.;Porath-Waller, A.J.;Boorman, M.;Stough, C.; |
Accident Analysis & Prevention |
2016-01-01 |
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Examining links between cognitive markers, movement initiation andchange, and pedestrian safety in older adults |
Geraghty, J.;Holland, C.;Rochelle, K.; |
Accident Analysis & Prevention |
2016-04-01 |
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