


Conflict analysis for prediction of fatal crash locations in mixed trafficstreams Tiwari, G.;Mohan, D.;Fazio, J.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 1998-03-01 查看
Novel application of red-light runner proneness theory within trafficmicrosimulation to an actual signal junction Bell, M.C.;Galatioto, F.;Giuffre, T.;Tesoriere, G.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2012-05-01 查看
Marital conflict and fifth-graders' risk for injury Schwebel, D.C.;Roth, D.L.;Elliott, M.N.;Chien, A.T.;Mrug, S.;Shipp, E.;Dittus, P.;Zlomke, K.;Schuster, M.A.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2012-07-01 查看
Marital conflict and fifth-graders' risk for injury Schwebel, D.C.;Roth, D.L.;Elliott, M.N.;Chien, A.T.;Mrug, S.;Shipp, E.;Dittus, P.;Zlomke, K.;Schuster, M.A.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2012-07-01 查看
Left-turn gap acceptance models considering pedestrian movementcharacteristics Alhajyaseen, W.K.M.;Asano, M.;Nakamura, H.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2013-01-01 查看
Identifying if VISSIM simulation model and SSAM provide reasonableestimates for field measured traffic conflicts at signalized intersections Huang, F.;Liu, P.;Yu, H.;Wang, W.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2013-01-01 查看
Velocity, safety, or both? How do balance and strength of goalconflicts affect drivers' behaviour, feelings and physiological responses? Schmidt-Daffy, M.;Brandenburg, S.;Beliavski, A.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2013-06-01 查看
Velocity, safety, or both? How do balance and strength of goalconflicts affect drivers' behaviour, feelings and physiological responses? Schmidt-Daffy, M.;Brandenburg, S.;Beliavski, A.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2013-06-01 查看
A comparison of collision-based and conflict-based safety evaluations:The case of right-turn smart channels Sacchi, E.;Sayed, T.;deLeur, P.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2013-10-01 查看
A comparison of collision-based and conflict-based safety evaluations:The case of right-turn smart channels Sacchi, E.;Sayed, T.;deLeur, P.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2013-10-01 查看
A comparison of collision-based and conflict-based safety evaluations:The case of right-turn smart channels Sacchi, E.;Sayed, T.;deLeur, P.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2013-10-01 查看
A comparison of collision-based and conflict-based safety evaluations:The case of right-turn smart channels Sacchi, E.;Sayed, T.;deLeur, P.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2013-10-01 查看
A comparison of collision-based and conflict-based safety evaluations:The case of right-turn smart channels Sacchi, E.;Sayed, T.;deLeur, P.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2013-10-01 查看
A comparison of collision-based and conflict-based safety evaluations:The case of right-turn smart channels Sacchi, E.;Sayed, T.;deLeur, P.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2013-10-01 查看
A comparison of collision-based and conflict-based safety evaluations:The case of right-turn smart channels Sacchi, E.;Sayed, T.;deLeur, P.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2013-10-01 查看
A comparison of collision-based and conflict-based safety evaluations:The case of right-turn smart channels Sacchi, E.;Sayed, T.;deLeur, P.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2013-10-01 查看
Prospect balancing theory: Bounded rationality of drivers' speed choice Schmidt-Daffy, M.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2014-02-01 查看
Prospect balancing theory: Bounded rationality of drivers' speed choice Schmidt-Daffy, M.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2014-02-01 查看
A tree-structured crash surrogate measure for freeways Kuang, Y.;Qu, X.;Wang, S.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2015-04-01 查看
Drivers' behavioral responses to combined speed and red light cameras Polders, E.;Cornu, J.;De Ceunynck, T.;Daniels, S.;Brijs, K.;Brijs, T.;Hermans, E.;Wets, G.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2015-08-01 查看
Transferability of calibrated microsimulation model parameters forsafety assessment using simulated conflicts Essa, M.;Sayed, T.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2015-11-01 查看
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