


Crash characteristics and injuries of victims impaired by alcohol versusillicit drugs Waller, P.F.;Blow, F.C.;Maio, R.F.;Singer, K.;Hill, E.M.;Schaefer, N.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 1997-11-01 查看
Crash characteristics and injuries of victims impaired by alcohol versusillicit drugs Waller, P.F.;Blow, F.C.;Maio, R.F.;Singer, K.;Hill, E.M.;Schaefer, N.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 1997-11-01 查看
Circumstances around the fall in a multinational hip fracture risk study: adiverse pattern for prevention Allander, E.;Gullberg, B.;Johnell, O.;Kanis, J.A.;Ranstam, J.;Elffors, L.;the MEDOS study group,; Accident Analysis & Prevention 1998-09-01 查看
Multidisciplinary in-depth investigations of head-on and left-turn roadcollisions Larsen, L.;Kines, P.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2002-05-01 查看
The influence of extrinsic and intrinsic risk factors on the probability ofsustaining an injury McLeod, R.;Stockwell, T.;Rooney, R.;Stevens, M.;Phillips, M.;Jelinek, G.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2003-01-01 查看
Medicinal and illegal drugs among Danish car drivers Behrensdorff, I.;Steentoft, A.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2003-11-01 查看
Psychoactive substance use and the risk of motor vehicle accidents Movig, K.L.L.;Mathijssen, M.P.M.;Nagel, P.H.A.;van Egmond, T.;de Gier, J.J.;Leufkens, H.G.M.;Egberts, A.C.G.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2004-07-01 查看
Drug use and the severity of a traffic accident Smink, B.E.;Ruiter, B.;Lusthof, K.J.;Gier, J.J.d.;Uges, D.R.A.;Egberts, A.C.G.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2005-05-01 查看
Stated preferences for the removal of physical pain resulting frompermanently disabling occupational injuries Ho, J.J.;Liu, J.T.;Wang, J.D.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2005-05-01 查看
Impairment related to blood amphetamine and/or methamphetamineconcentrations in suspected drugged drivers Gustavsen, I.;Morland, J.;Bramness, J.G.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2006-05-01 查看
Work-related maritime fatalities O'Connor, P.J.;O'Connor, N.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2006-07-01 查看
The use of electronic pharmacy data to investigate prescribedmedications and fatal motor vehicle crashes in a military population,2002-2006 Hooper, T.I.;DeBakey, S.F.;Pearse, L.;Pratt, S.;Hoffman, K.J.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2010-01-01 查看
The effect of alcohol, THC and their combination on perceived effects,willingness to drive and performance of driving and non-driving tasks Ronen, A.;Chassidim, H.S.;Gershon, P.;Parmet, Y.;Rabinovich, A.;Bar-Hamburger, R.;Cassuto, Y.;Shinar, D.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2010-11-01 查看
Parental and offspring assessment of driving capability under theinfluence of drugs or alcohol: Gender and inter-generational differences Rosenbloom, T.;Beigel, A.;Perlman, A.;Eldror, E.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2010-11-01 查看
The prevalence of drugs in motor vehicle accidents and trafficviolations in Shanghai and neighboring cities Zhuo, X.;Cang, Y.;Yan, H.;Bu, J.;Shen, B.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2010-11-01 查看
Drugs related to motor vehicle crashes in northern European countries:A study of fatally injured drivers Morland, J.;Steentoft, A.;Simonsen, K.W.;Ojanpera, I.;Vuori, E.;Magnusdottir, K.;Kristinsson, J.;Ceder, G.;Kronstrand, R.;Christophersen, A.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2011-11-01 查看
The characteristics of young pre-licensed drivers: Evidence from theNew Zealand Drivers Study Begg, D.;Sullman, M.;Samaranayaka, A.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2012-03-01 查看
Substance use and social, health and safety-related factors amongfatally injured drivers Karjalainen, K.;Blencowe, T.;Lillsunde, P.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2012-03-01 查看
The characteristics of young pre-licensed drivers: Evidence from theNew Zealand Drivers Study Begg, D.;Sullman, M.;Samaranayaka, A.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2012-03-01 查看
Substance use and social, health and safety-related factors amongfatally injured drivers Karjalainen, K.;Blencowe, T.;Lillsunde, P.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2012-03-01 查看
ER visits predict premature death among teenagers Johansson, L.;Stenlund, H.;Bylund, P.O.;Eriksson, A.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2012-09-01 查看
ER visits predict premature death among teenagers Johansson, L.;Stenlund, H.;Bylund, P.O.;Eriksson, A.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2012-09-01 查看
ER visits predict premature death among teenagers Johansson, L.;Stenlund, H.;Bylund, P.O.;Eriksson, A.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2012-09-01 查看
Road rage among drug dependent patients Benavidez, D.C.;Flores, A.M.;Fierro, I.;Alvarez, F.J.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2013-01-01 查看
Risk of road accident associated with the use of drugs: A systematicreview and meta-analysis of evidence from epidemiological studies Elvik, R.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2013-11-01 查看
Risk of road accident associated with the use of drugs: A systematicreview and meta-analysis of evidence from epidemiological studies Elvik, R.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2013-11-01 查看
Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs among adolescents: Therole of urban and rural environments Font-Ribera, L.;Garcia-Continente, X.;Perez, A.;Torres, R.;Sala, N.;Espelt, A.;Nebot, M.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2013-11-01 查看
Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs among adolescents: Therole of urban and rural environments Font-Ribera, L.;Garcia-Continente, X.;Perez, A.;Torres, R.;Sala, N.;Espelt, A.;Nebot, M.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2013-11-01 查看
Trends in drug use among drivers killed in U.S. traffic crashes,1999-2010 Rudisill, T.M.;Zhao, S.;Abate, M.A.;Coben, J.H.;Zhu, M.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2014-09-01 查看
Associations between driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs,speeding and seatbelt use among fatally injured car drivers in Norway Bogstrand, S.T.;Larsson, M.;Holtan, A.;Staff, T.;Vindenes, V.;Gjerde, H.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2015-05-01 查看
Prevalence of alcohol and drugs among motorcycle riders killed in roadcrashes in Norway during 2001-2010 Christophersen, A.S.;Gjerde, H.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2015-07-01 查看
Prevalence of alcohol and drugs among motorcycle riders killed in roadcrashes in Norway during 2001-2010 Christophersen, A.S.;Gjerde, H.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2015-07-01 查看
23 years of toxicology testing fatally injured pilots: Implications foraviation and other modes of transportation McKay, M.P.;Groff, L.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2016-05-01 查看
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