


The impact of anticipated action effects on action planning Kunde, W.;Hoffmann, J.;Zellmann, P.; Acta Psychologica 2002-02-01 查看
Influence of practice on response-selection and response-implementationprocesses involved in the response-interference effect Hart, M.A.;Gilmour Reeve, T.; Acta Psychologica 2002-02-01 查看
Time estimation: does the reference memory mediate the effect of knowledgeof results? Franssen, V.;Vandierendonck, A.; Acta Psychologica 2002-03-01 查看
Spatial intention-response compatibility Ansorge, U.; Acta Psychologica 2002-03-01 查看
Duration processing in children as determined by time reproduction:implications for a few seconds temporal window Szelag, E.;Kowalska, J.;Rymarczyk, K.;Poppel, E.; Acta Psychologica 2002-05-01 查看
Does the proportion of associatively related pairs modulate the associativepriming effect at very brief stimulus-onset asynchronies? Perea, M.;Rosa, E.; Acta Psychologica 2002-05-01 查看
Inhibition and blindness to response-compatible stimuli: a reappraisal Caessens, B.;Vandierendonck, A.; Acta Psychologica 2002-07-01 查看
Learning and performance effects of accurate and erroneous knowledge ofresults on time perception Ryan, L.J.;Robey, T.B.; Acta Psychologica 2002-07-01 查看
Is an ant larger than a lion? Rubinsten, O.;Henik, A.; Acta Psychologica 2002-07-01 查看
Processes of task-set reconfiguration: switching operations andimplementation operations Kleinsorge, T.;Heuer, H.;Schmidtke, V.; Acta Psychologica 2002-07-01 查看
Reduced response readiness delays stop signal inhibition van den Wildenberg, W.P.M.;van der Molen, M.W.;Logan, G.D.; Acta Psychologica 2002-09-01 查看
Expectancy, controlled attention and automatic attention in prospectivetemporal judgments Macar, F.; Acta Psychologica 2002-09-01 查看
Impact of decision goal on escalation Karlsson, N.;Juliusson, A.;Grankvist, G.;Garling, T.; Acta Psychologica 2002-11-01 查看
Additive factors analysis of reaction time with alphanumericals and lineorientations as stimuli Sanders, A.F.;Klompenhouwer, F.M.; Acta Psychologica 2002-11-01 查看
Sex differences in recollective experience for olfactory and verbalinformation Larsson, M.;Lovden, M.;Nilsson, L.-G.; Acta Psychologica 2003-01-01 查看
The influence of irrelevant stimulus changes on stimulus and responserepetition effects Notebaert, W.;Soetens, E.; Acta Psychologica 2003-02-01 查看
On spatial response code activation in a Simon task Ivanoff, J.; Acta Psychologica 2003-02-01 查看
Horse-race model simulations of the stop-signal procedure Band, G.P.H.;van der Molen, M.W.;Logan, G.D.; Acta Psychologica 2003-02-01 查看
The effect of prolonged viewing on the recognition of global and locallevels of hierarchically constructed patterns Ninose, Y.;Gyoba, J.; Acta Psychologica 2003-03-01 查看
Congruency-induced blindness: a cost-benefit analysis Oriet, C.;Stevanovski, B.;Jolicoeur, P.; Acta Psychologica 2003-03-01 查看
Display-control arrangement correspondence and logical recoding in theHedge and Marsh reversal of the Simon effect Proctor, R.W.;F. Pick, D.; Acta Psychologica 2003-03-01 查看
Detectability of the negative event: effect on the acceptance of pre- orpost-event risk-defusing actions Huber, O.;Huber, O.W.; Acta Psychologica 2003-05-01 查看
Reducing bias in frequency judgment by improving source monitoring Dougherty, M.R.P.;Franco-Watkins, A.M.; Acta Psychologica 2003-05-01 查看
Mental fatigue and the control of cognitive processes: effects onperseveration and planning van der Linden, D.;Frese, M.;Meijman, T.F.; Acta Psychologica 2003-05-01 查看
Rethinking the focusing effect in decision-making Cherubini, P.;Mazzocco, K.;Rumiati, R.; Acta Psychologica 2003-05-01 查看
When mental images are very detailed: image generation and memoryperformance as a function of age Palladino, P.;De Beni, R.; Acta Psychologica 2003-07-01 查看
Stochastic cascade processes as a model of multi-stage concurrentinformation processing Schwarz, W.; Acta Psychologica 2003-07-01 查看
Programming of expected and unexpected movements: effects on the onset ofthe lateralized readiness potential Leuthold, H.; Acta Psychologica 2003-09-01 查看
The duration of response inhibition in the stop-signal paradigm varies withresponse force van den Wildenberg, W.P.M.;van Boxtel, G.J.M.;van der Molen, M.W.; Acta Psychologica 2003-10-01 查看
Miracles of perception Leeuwenberg, E.; Acta Psychologica 2003-11-01 查看
Miracles of perception Leeuwenberg, E.; Acta Psychologica 2003-11-01 查看
Object concepts and action: Extracting affordances from objects parts Borghi, A.M.; Acta Psychologica 2004-01-01 查看
Executive control emerging from dynamic interactions between brain systemsmediating language, working memory and attentional processes Gruber, O.;Goschke, T.; Acta Psychologica 2004-02-01 查看
Inner speech as a retrieval aid for task goals: the effects of cue type andarticulatory suppression in the random task cuing paradigm Miyake, A.;Emerson, M.J.;Padilla, F.;Ahn, J.-c.; Acta Psychologica 2004-02-01 查看
Age differences in executive functioning across the lifespan: The role ofverbalization in task preparation Kray, J.;Eber, J.;Lindenberger, U.; Acta Psychologica 2004-02-01 查看
Executive function across the life span Zelazo, P.D.;Craik, F.I.M.;Booth, L.; Acta Psychologica 2004-02-01 查看
Development of the acquisition and control of action-effect associations Eenshuistra, R.M.;Weidema, M.A.;Hommel, B.; Acta Psychologica 2004-02-01 查看
Task preparation and stimulus-evoked competition Hubner, M.;Kluwe, R.H.;Luna-Rodriguez, A.;Peters, A.; Acta Psychologica 2004-02-01 查看
Frontal lobe dysfunction and everyday problem-solving: Social andnon-social contributions Channon, S.; Acta Psychologica 2004-02-01 查看
Using saccade tasks as a tool to analyze executive dysfunctions inschizophrenia Reuter, B.;Kathmann, N.; Acta Psychologica 2004-02-01 查看
Cortico-subcortical contributions to executive control Heyder, K.;Suchan, B.;Daum, I.; Acta Psychologica 2004-02-01 查看
Effects of time-order, interstimulus interval, and feedback in durationdiscrimination of noise bursts in the 50- and 1000-ms ranges Hellstrom, A.;Rammsayer, T.H.; Acta Psychologica 2004-05-01 查看
The interaction between stop signal inhibition and distractor interferencein the flanker and Stroop task Verbruggen, F.;Liefooghe, B.;Vandierendonck, A.; Acta Psychologica 2004-05-01 查看
Intelligence and individual differences in becoming neurally efficient Neubauer, A.C.;Grabner, R.H.;Freudenthaler, H.H.;Beckmann, J.F.;Guthke, J.; Acta Psychologica 2004-05-01 查看
Action priming by briefly presented objects Tucker, M.;Ellis, R.; Acta Psychologica 2004-06-01 查看
Abilities and strategies of blind and sighted subjects in visuo-spatialimagery Vanlierde, A.;Wanet-Defalque, M.-C.; Acta Psychologica 2004-06-01 查看
The effect of a reason's truth-value on the judgment of a fallaciousargument Neuman, Y.;Glassner, A.;Weinstock, M.; Acta Psychologica 2004-06-01 查看
From models to rules: mechanization of reasoning as a way to cope withcognitive overloading in combinatorial problems Cherubini, P.;Mazzocco, A.; Acta Psychologica 2004-07-01 查看
Being prepared on time: on the importance of the previous foreperiod tocurrent preparation, as reflected in speed, force and preparation-relatedbrain potentials Van der Lubbe, R.H.J.;Los, S.A.;Jaskowski, P.;Verleger, R.; Acta Psychologica 2004-07-01 查看
Resistance to the impact of interruptions during multitasking by healthyadults and dysexecutive patients Law, A.S.;Logie, R.H.;Pearson, D.G.;Cantagallo, A.;Moretti, E.;Dimarco, F.; Acta Psychologica 2004-07-01 查看
Gender differences on the mental rotations test: a factor analysis Voyer, D.;Saunders, K.A.; Acta Psychologica 2004-09-01 查看
Age-related changes in the efficiency of cognitive processing across thelife span Span, M.M.;Ridderinkhof, K.R.;van der Molen, M.W.; Acta Psychologica 2004-10-01 查看
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