篇名 | 作者 | 刊名 | 出版年 | 查看 |
Biomechanical and perceptual determinants of drawing angles |
Desbiez, D.;Vinter, A.;Meulenbroek, R.G.J.; |
Acta Psychologica |
1996-12-01 |
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Biomechanical and perceptual determinants of drawing angles |
Desbiez, D.;Vinter, A.;Meulenbroek, R.G.J.; |
Acta Psychologica |
1996-12-01 |
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Biomechanical and perceptual determinants of drawing angles |
Desbiez, D.;Vinter, A.;Meulenbroek, R.G.J.; |
Acta Psychologica |
1996-12-01 |
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Aging and multiple cue probability learning: The case of inverserelationships |
Chasseigne, G.;Mullet, E.;Stewart, T.R.; |
Acta Psychologica |
1997-12-01 |
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Axial pen force increases with processing demands in handwriting |
Van Den Heuvel, C.E.;van Galen, G.P.;Teulings, H.-L.;van Gemmert, A.W.A.; |
Acta Psychologica |
1998-11-01 |
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Axial pen force increases with processing demands in handwriting |
Van Den Heuvel, C.;van Galen, G.P.;Teulings, H.L.;van Gemmert, A.W.A.; |
Acta Psychologica |
1998-11-01 |
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The effects of proactive and retroactive demonstrations on learning signedletters |
Richardson, J.R.;Lee, T.D.; |
Acta Psychologica |
1999-03-01 |
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The utilization of visual information in the control of rapid sequentialaiming movements |
Ricker, K.L.;Elliott, D.;Lyons, J.;Gauldie, D.;Chua, R.;Byblow, W.; |
Acta Psychologica |
1999-11-01 |
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Sensorimotor synchronization: the impact of temporally displaced auditoryfeedback |
Mates, J.;Aschersleben, G.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2000-03-01 |
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Wisconsin Card Sorting in adolescents: analysis of performance, responsetimes and heart rate |
Somsen, R.J.M.;Van der Molen, M.W.;Richard Jennings, J.;van Beek, B.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2000-05-01 |
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The interaction of observational learning with overt practice: effects onmotor skill learning |
Weeks, D.L.;Anderson, L.P.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2000-05-01 |
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Blindsight: the role of feedforward and feedback corticocorticalconnections |
Lamme, V.A.F.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2001-04-01 |
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Learning and performance effects of accurate and erroneous knowledge ofresults on time perception |
Ryan, L.J.;Robey, T.B.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2002-07-01 |
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Online versus offline processing of visual feedback in the control ofmovement amplitude |
Khan, M.A.;Lawrence, G.;Fourkas, A.;Franks, I.M.;Elliott, D.;Pembroke, S.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2003-05-01 |
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Influence of different modes of real time visual information on singleaimed movements |
van Doorn, R.R.A.;Unema, P.J.A.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2004-07-01 |
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Resolution of conflicts between internal and external information sourceson a time reproduction task: the role of perceived information reliabilityand attributional style |
Ryan, L.J.;Henry, K.;Robey, T.;Edwards, J.A.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2004-10-01 |
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The effect of visuo-motor transformations on hand-foot coordination:evidence in favor of the incongruency hypothesis |
Salesse, R.;Temprado, J.J.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2005-06-01 |
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Aligning confidence with accuracy: Revisiting the role of feedback |
Gonzalez-Vallejo, C.;Bonham, A.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2007-06-01 |
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Effects of feedback and calibration on the verbal estimation of theduration of tones |
Wearden, J.H.;Farrar, R.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2007-09-01 |
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How robust are the deviations in haptic parallelity? |
Kappers, A.M.L.;Postma, A.;Viergever, R.F.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2008-05-01 |
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Multilevel coordination stability: Integrated goal representations insimultaneous intra-personal and inter-agent coordination |
Keller, P.E.;Repp, B.H.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2008-06-01 |
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Displays that facilitate performance of multifrequency ratios duringmotor-respiratory coordination |
Hessler, E.E.;Gonzales, L.M.;Amazeen, P.G.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2010-01-01 |
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Native language effects in learning second-language grammatical gender:A training study |
Lemhofer, K.;Schriefers, H.;Hanique, I.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2010-10-01 |
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Native language effects in learning second-language grammatical gender:A training study |
Lemhofer, K.;Schriefers, H.;Hanique, I.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2010-10-01 |
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The dual role of vision in sequential aiming movements |
Khan, M.A.;Sarteep, S.;Mottram, T.M.;Lawrence, G.P.;Adam, J.J.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2011-03-01 |
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Integration of disparity and velocity information for haptic andperceptual judgments of object depth |
Foster, R.;Fantoni, C.;Caudek, C.;Domini, F.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2011-03-01 |
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Effects of altered auditory feedback across effector systems:Production of melodies by keyboard and singing |
Pfordresher, P.Q.;Mantell, J.T.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2012-01-01 |
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Do people learn option or strategy routines in multi-attributedecisions? The answer depends on subtle factors |
Broder, A.;Glockner, A.;Betsch, T.;Link, D.;Ettlin, F.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2013-06-01 |
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Do people learn option or strategy routines in multi-attributedecisions? The answer depends on subtle factors |
Broder, A.;Glockner, A.;Betsch, T.;Link, D.;Ettlin, F.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2013-06-01 |
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How to tell a wife from a hat: Affective feedback in perceptualcategorization |
Chetverikov, A.;Filippova, M.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2014-09-01 |
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The impact of concurrent visual feedback on coding of on-line andpre-planned movement sequences |
Leinen, P.;Shea, C.H.;Panzer, S.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2015-02-01 |
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The impact of concurrent visual feedback on coding of on-line andpre-planned movement sequences |
Leinen, P.;Shea, C.H.;Panzer, S.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2015-02-01 |
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Manual preferences for visually- and haptically-guided grasping |
Stone, K.D.;Gonzalez, C.L.R.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2015-09-01 |
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Common vs. independent limb control in sequential vertical aiming: Thecost of potential errors during extensions and reversals |
Roberts, J.W.;Elliott, D.;Lyons, J.L.;Hayes, S.J.;Bennett, S.J.; |
Acta Psychologica |
2016-01-01 |
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