


Age comparisons of serial position effects in short-term memory Korsnes, M.S.;Magnussen, S.; Acta Psychologica 1996-11-01 查看
Age comparisons of serial position effects in short-term memory Korsnes, M.S.;Magnussen, S.; Acta Psychologica 1996-11-01 查看
The influence of enactment on short-term recognition Zimmer, H.D.;Saathoff, J.; Acta Psychologica 1997-01-01 查看
The influence of enactment on short-term recognition Zimmer, H.D.;Saathoff, J.; Acta Psychologica 1997-01-01 查看
Eye fixations, speech rate and bilingual digit span: Numeral readingindexes fluency not word length Chincotta, D.;Hyona, J.;Underwood, G.; Acta Psychologica 1997-12-01 查看
The visuospatial sketchpad for mental images: Testing the multicomponentmodel of working memory Bruyer, R.;Scailquin, J.-C.; Acta Psychologica 1998-03-01 查看
On the independence of modality effects and end-term and distance effectsin episodic comparative judgement: Dissociations of errors and reactiontimes Mohr, G.;Engelkamp, J.; Acta Psychologica 1998-06-01 查看
Temporal-spatial memory: retrieval of spatial information does not reducerecency Farrand, P.;Parmentier, F.B.R.;Jones, D.M.; Acta Psychologica 2001-02-01 查看
Propositional reasoning and working memory: the role of prior training andpragmatic content Meiser, T.;Klauer, K.C.;Naumer, B.; Acta Psychologica 2001-02-01 查看
The effects of aging on visual memory: evidence for functionalreorganization of cortical networks Bennett, P.J.;Sekuler, A.B.;McIntosh, A.R.;Della-Maggiore, V.; Acta Psychologica 2001-04-01 查看
Short-term sentence recall: evidence for the contribution ofacoustic-sensory information Rummer, R.;Engelkamp, J.; Acta Psychologica 2003-09-01 查看
Verbal coding and the storage of form-position associations invisual-spatial short-term memory Dent, K.;Smyth, M.M.; Acta Psychologica 2005-10-01 查看
Disruption of order information by irrelevant items: A serialrecognition paradigm Gisselgard, J.;Udden, J.;Ingvar, M.;Petersson, K.M.; Acta Psychologica 2007-03-01 查看
Cross-task repetition amnesia: Impaired recall of RSVP targets held inmemory for a secondary task Nieuwenstein, M.R.;Johnson, A.;Kanai, R.;Martens, S.; Acta Psychologica 2007-07-01 查看
Cross-task repetition amnesia: Impaired recall of RSVP targets held inmemory for a secondary task Nieuwenstein, M.R.;Johnson, A.;Kanai, R.;Martens, S.; Acta Psychologica 2007-07-01 查看
Glimpses of a one-speed mind: Focus-switching and search for verbal andvisual, and easy and difficult items in working memory Zhang, Y.;Verhaeghen, P.; Acta Psychologica 2009-07-01 查看
Moving and memorizing: Motor planning modulates the recency effect inserial and free recall Weigelt, M.;Rosenbaum, D.A.;Huelshorst, S.;Schack, T.; Acta Psychologica 2009-09-01 查看
Acute aerobic exercise and information processing: Modulation ofexecutive control in a Random Number Generation task Audiffren, M.;Tomporowski, P.D.;Zagrodnik, J.; Acta Psychologica 2009-09-01 查看
Investigating mental representation of order with a speeded probedrecall task Morra, S.;Calvini, G.;Bracco, F.; Acta Psychologica 2009-11-01 查看
Symmetry perception in the blind Cattaneo, Z.;Fantino, M.;Silvanto, J.;Tinti, C.;Pascual-Leone, A.;Vecchi, T.; Acta Psychologica 2010-07-01 查看
Symmetry perception in the blind Cattaneo, Z.;Fantino, M.;Silvanto, J.;Tinti, C.;Pascual-Leone, A.;Vecchi, T.; Acta Psychologica 2010-07-01 查看
Enhancing recognition memory in adults through differential outcomes Plaza, V.;Estevez, A.F.;Lopez-Crespo, G.;Fuentes, L.J.; Acta Psychologica 2011-01-01 查看
Gender differences in adult word learning Kaushanskaya, M.;Marian, V.;Yoo, J.; Acta Psychologica 2011-05-01 查看
Retroactive interference in short-term memory and the word-length effect Campoy, G.; Acta Psychologica 2011-09-01 查看
Action video game players form more detailed representation of objects Sungur, H.;Boduroglu, A.; Acta Psychologica 2012-02-01 查看
Short-term storage capacity for visual objects depends on expertise Sorensen, T.A.;Kyllingsbaek, S.; Acta Psychologica 2012-06-01 查看
The rise and fall of immediate and delayed memory for verbal andvisuospatial information from late childhood to late adulthood Murre, J.M.J.;Janssen, S.M.J.;Rouw, R.;Meeter, M.; Acta Psychologica 2013-01-01 查看
Forgetting at short term: When do event-based interference and temporalfactors have an effect? Barrouillet, P.;Plancher, G.;Guida, A.;Camos, V.; Acta Psychologica 2013-02-01 查看
Forgetting at short term: When do event-based interference and temporalfactors have an effect? Barrouillet, P.;Plancher, G.;Guida, A.;Camos, V.; Acta Psychologica 2013-02-01 查看
Early and late stages of working-memory maintenance contributedifferentially to long-term memory formation Bergmann, H.C.;Kiemeneij, A.;Fernandez, G.;Kessels, R.P.C.; Acta Psychologica 2013-06-01 查看
Early and late stages of working-memory maintenance contributedifferentially to long-term memory formation Bergmann, H.C.;Kiemeneij, A.;Fernandez, G.;Kessels, R.P.C.; Acta Psychologica 2013-06-01 查看
Neither separate nor equivalent: Relationships between featurerepresentations within bound objects Morey, C.C.;Guerard, K.;Tremblay, S.; Acta Psychologica 2013-10-01 查看
Neither separate nor equivalent: Relationships between featurerepresentations within bound objects Morey, C.C.;Guerard, K.;Tremblay, S.; Acta Psychologica 2013-10-01 查看
A bilateral advantage for maintaining objects in visual short termmemory Holt, J.L.;Delvenne, J.F.; Acta Psychologica 2015-01-01 查看
To bind or not to bind, that's the wrong question: Features and objectscoexist in visual short-term memory Geigerman, S.;Verhaeghen, P.;Cerella, J.; Acta Psychologica 2016-06-01 查看
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