


Demographic and spatio-temporal variation in human plague at apersistent focus in Tanzania Davis, S.;Makundi, R.H.;Machang'u, R.S.;Leirs, H.; Acta Tropica 2006-11-01 查看
The activity and inhibition of the food vacuole plasmepsin from therodent malaria parasite Plasmodium chabaudi Martins, T.M.;Domingos, A.;Berry, C.;Wyatt, D.M.; Acta Tropica 2006-02-01 查看
Leishmania infantum released proteins specifically regulate cytokineexpression and production patterns by CD4^+ and CD8^+ T cells Rosa, R.;Marques, C.;Rodrigues, O.R.;Santos-Gomes, G.M.; Acta Tropica 2006-03-01 查看
Molecular characterization of virulent Leptospira interrogans serogroupIcterohaemorrhagiae isolated from Cavia aperea Monte, L.G.;Jorge, S.;Xavier, M.A.;Leal, F.M.A.;Amaral, M.G.;Seixas, F.K.;Dellagostin, O.A.;Hartleben, C.P.; Acta Tropica 2013-05-01 查看
Reservoir host competence and the role of domestic and commensal hostsin the transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi Gurtler, R.E.;Cardinal, M.V.; Acta Tropica 2015-11-01 查看
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