



Environmental consequences of adaptation to climate change in Swissagriculture: An analysis at farm level Tendall, D.M.;Gaillard, G.; Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
A conceptual framework to support adaptation of farming systems -Development and application with Forage Rummy Martin, G.; Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
Identifying management strategies to improve sustainability andhousehold income for herders on the desert steppe in Inner Mongolia, China Li, Z.;Han, G.;Zhao, M.;Wang, J.;Wang, Z.;Kemp, D.R.;Michalk, D.L.;Wilkes, A.;Behrendt, K.;Wang, H.;Langford, C.; Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
A review of post-war changes in rice farming and biodiversity in Japan Katayama, N.;Baba, Y.G.;Kusumoto, Y.;Tanaka, K.; Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
Financial extension that challenges farmers' thinking in discussionclubs helps farmers improve their problem solving abilities Hansen, B.G.; Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
Land health surveillance and response: A framework forevidence-informed land management Shepherd, K.D.;Shepherd, G.;Walsh, M.G.; Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
An analysis of Northern Ireland farmers' experiences of using atarget-driven beef heifer growth management plan and development of anempirical model leading to the launch of a decision support tool to promotefirst calving of beef heifers at 24 months Titterington, F.M.;Morrison, S.J.;Lively, F.O.;Wylie, A.R.G.;Gordon, A.W.;Browne, M.R.; Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
Economic impacts of nitrogen and phosphorus use efficiency on nineteenintensive grass-based dairy farms in the South of Ireland Mihailescu, E.;Ryan, W.;Murphy, P.N.C.;Casey, I.A.;Humphreys, J.; Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
Climate change impacts on phenology and yields of five broadacre cropsat four climatologically distinct locations in Australia Anwar, M.R.;Liu, D.L.;Farquharson, R.;Macadam, I.;Abadi, A.;Finlayson, J.;Wang, B.;Ramilan, T.; Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
The impacts of differentiated markets on the relationship between dairyprocessors and smallholder farmers in the Peruvian Andes Fuentes Navarro, E.;Faure, G.;Cortijo, E.;De Nys, E.;Bogue, J.;Gomez, C.;Mercado, W.;Gamboa, C.;Le Gal, P.Y.; Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
On-farm impact of the System of Rice Intensification (SRI): Evidenceand knowledge gaps Berkhout, E.;Glover, D.;Kuyvenhoven, A.; Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
Integrating irrigation management for improved grain yield of winterwheat and rhizosphere AM fungal diversity in a semi-arid cropping system Liu, R.J.;Sheng, P.P.;Hui, H.B.;Lin, Q.;Chen, Y.L.; Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
RAAIS: Rapid Appraisal of Agricultural Innovation Systems (Part I). Adiagnostic tool for integrated analysis of complex problems and innovationcapacity Schut, M.;Klerkx, L.;Rodenburg, J.;Kayeke, J.;Hinnou, L.C.;Raboanarielina, C.M.;Adegbola, P.Y.;van Ast, A.;Bastiaans, L.; Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
RAAIS: Rapid Appraisal of Agricultural Innovation Systems (Part II).Integrated analysis of parasitic weed problems in rice in Tanzania Schut, M.;Rodenburg, J.;Klerkx, L.;Kayeke, J.;van Ast, A.;Bastiaans, L.; Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
Can animal genetics and flock management be used to reduce greenhousegas emissions but also maintain productivity of wool-producing enterprises? Alcock, D.J.;Harrison, M.T.;Rawnsley, R.P.;Eckard, R.J.; Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
Tillage systems effects on soil carbon stock and physical fractions ofsoil organic matter Pinheiro, E.F.M.;de Campos, D.V.B.;de Carvalho Balieiro, F.;dos Anjos, L.H.C.;Pereira, M.G.; Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
Environmental consequences of adaptation to climate change in Swissagriculture: An analysis at farm level Tendall, D.M.;Gaillard, G.; Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
Editorial Board Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
A conceptual framework to support adaptation of farming systems -Development and application with Forage Rummy Martin, G.; Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
Identifying management strategies to improve sustainability andhousehold income for herders on the desert steppe in Inner Mongolia, China Li, Z.;Han, G.;Zhao, M.;Wang, J.;Wang, Z.;Kemp, D.R.;Michalk, D.L.;Wilkes, A.;Behrendt, K.;Wang, H.;Langford, C.; Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
A review of post-war changes in rice farming and biodiversity in Japan Katayama, N.;Baba, Y.G.;Kusumoto, Y.;Tanaka, K.; Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
Financial extension that challenges farmers' thinking in discussionclubs helps farmers improve their problem solving abilities Hansen, B.G.; Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
Land health surveillance and response: A framework forevidence-informed land management Shepherd, K.D.;Shepherd, G.;Walsh, M.G.; Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
An analysis of Northern Ireland farmers' experiences of using atarget-driven beef heifer growth management plan and development of anempirical model leading to the launch of a decision support tool to promotefirst calving of beef heifers at 24 months Titterington, F.M.;Morrison, S.J.;Lively, F.O.;Wylie, A.R.G.;Gordon, A.W.;Browne, M.R.; Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
Economic impacts of nitrogen and phosphorus use efficiency on nineteenintensive grass-based dairy farms in the South of Ireland Mihailescu, E.;Ryan, W.;Murphy, P.N.C.;Casey, I.A.;Humphreys, J.; Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
Climate change impacts on phenology and yields of five broadacre cropsat four climatologically distinct locations in Australia Anwar, M.R.;Liu, D.L.;Farquharson, R.;Macadam, I.;Abadi, A.;Finlayson, J.;Wang, B.;Ramilan, T.; Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
The impacts of differentiated markets on the relationship between dairyprocessors and smallholder farmers in the Peruvian Andes Fuentes Navarro, E.;Faure, G.;Cortijo, E.;De Nys, E.;Bogue, J.;Gomez, C.;Mercado, W.;Gamboa, C.;Le Gal, P.Y.; Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
On-farm impact of the System of Rice Intensification (SRI): Evidenceand knowledge gaps Berkhout, E.;Glover, D.;Kuyvenhoven, A.; Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
Integrating irrigation management for improved grain yield of winterwheat and rhizosphere AM fungal diversity in a semi-arid cropping system Liu, R.J.;Sheng, P.P.;Hui, H.B.;Lin, Q.;Chen, Y.L.; Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
Editorial Board Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
RAAIS: Rapid Appraisal of Agricultural Innovation Systems (Part I). Adiagnostic tool for integrated analysis of complex problems and innovationcapacity Schut, M.;Klerkx, L.;Rodenburg, J.;Kayeke, J.;Hinnou, L.C.;Raboanarielina, C.M.;Adegbola, P.Y.;van Ast, A.;Bastiaans, L.; Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
RAAIS: Rapid Appraisal of Agricultural Innovation Systems (Part II).Integrated analysis of parasitic weed problems in rice in Tanzania Schut, M.;Rodenburg, J.;Klerkx, L.;Kayeke, J.;van Ast, A.;Bastiaans, L.; Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
Can animal genetics and flock management be used to reduce greenhousegas emissions but also maintain productivity of wool-producing enterprises? Alcock, D.J.;Harrison, M.T.;Rawnsley, R.P.;Eckard, R.J.; Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
Tillage systems effects on soil carbon stock and physical fractions ofsoil organic matter Pinheiro, E.F.M.;de Campos, D.V.B.;de Carvalho Balieiro, F.;dos Anjos, L.H.C.;Pereira, M.G.; Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
Editorial Board Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
RAAIS: Rapid Appraisal of Agricultural Innovation Systems (Part I). Adiagnostic tool for integrated analysis of complex problems and innovationcapacity Schut, M.;Klerkx, L.;Rodenburg, J.;Kayeke, J.;Hinnou, L.C.;Raboanarielina, C.M.;Adegbola, P.Y.;van Ast, A.;Bastiaans, L.; Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
RAAIS: Rapid Appraisal of Agricultural Innovation Systems (Part II).Integrated analysis of parasitic weed problems in rice in Tanzania Schut, M.;Rodenburg, J.;Klerkx, L.;Kayeke, J.;van Ast, A.;Bastiaans, L.; Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
Can animal genetics and flock management be used to reduce greenhousegas emissions but also maintain productivity of wool-producing enterprises? Alcock, D.J.;Harrison, M.T.;Rawnsley, R.P.;Eckard, R.J.; Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
Tillage systems effects on soil carbon stock and physical fractions ofsoil organic matter Pinheiro, E.F.M.;de Campos, D.V.B.;de Carvalho Balieiro, F.;dos Anjos, L.H.C.;Pereira, M.G.; Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
Environmental consequences of adaptation to climate change in Swissagriculture: An analysis at farm level Tendall, D.M.;Gaillard, G.; Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
A conceptual framework to support adaptation of farming systems -Development and application with Forage Rummy Martin, G.; Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
Identifying management strategies to improve sustainability andhousehold income for herders on the desert steppe in Inner Mongolia, China Li, Z.;Han, G.;Zhao, M.;Wang, J.;Wang, Z.;Kemp, D.R.;Michalk, D.L.;Wilkes, A.;Behrendt, K.;Wang, H.;Langford, C.; Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
A review of post-war changes in rice farming and biodiversity in Japan Katayama, N.;Baba, Y.G.;Kusumoto, Y.;Tanaka, K.; Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
Financial extension that challenges farmers' thinking in discussionclubs helps farmers improve their problem solving abilities Hansen, B.G.; Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
Land health surveillance and response: A framework forevidence-informed land management Shepherd, K.D.;Shepherd, G.;Walsh, M.G.; Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
An analysis of Northern Ireland farmers' experiences of using atarget-driven beef heifer growth management plan and development of anempirical model leading to the launch of a decision support tool to promotefirst calving of beef heifers at 24 months Titterington, F.M.;Morrison, S.J.;Lively, F.O.;Wylie, A.R.G.;Gordon, A.W.;Browne, M.R.; Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
Economic impacts of nitrogen and phosphorus use efficiency on nineteenintensive grass-based dairy farms in the South of Ireland Mihailescu, E.;Ryan, W.;Murphy, P.N.C.;Casey, I.A.;Humphreys, J.; Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
Climate change impacts on phenology and yields of five broadacre cropsat four climatologically distinct locations in Australia Anwar, M.R.;Liu, D.L.;Farquharson, R.;Macadam, I.;Abadi, A.;Finlayson, J.;Wang, B.;Ramilan, T.; Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
The impacts of differentiated markets on the relationship between dairyprocessors and smallholder farmers in the Peruvian Andes Fuentes Navarro, E.;Faure, G.;Cortijo, E.;De Nys, E.;Bogue, J.;Gomez, C.;Mercado, W.;Gamboa, C.;Le Gal, P.Y.; Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
On-farm impact of the System of Rice Intensification (SRI): Evidenceand knowledge gaps Berkhout, E.;Glover, D.;Kuyvenhoven, A.; Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
Integrating irrigation management for improved grain yield of winterwheat and rhizosphere AM fungal diversity in a semi-arid cropping system Liu, R.J.;Sheng, P.P.;Hui, H.B.;Lin, Q.;Chen, Y.L.; Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
Diversity in success: Interaction between external interventions andlocal actions in three rice farming areas in Benin Totin, E.;van Mierlo, B.;Mongbo, R.;Leeuwis, C.; Agricultural Systems 2015-02-01 查看
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