篇名 | 作者 | 刊名 | 出版年 | 查看 |
Low-dose aspirin in nulliparous women: Safety of continuous epiduralblock and correlation between bleeding time and maternal-neonatal bleedingcomplications |
Sibai, B.M.;Caritis, S.N.;Thom, E.;Shaw, K.;McNellis, D.;National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Maternal-Fetal;Medicine Network; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1995-05-01 |
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Positional effects on maternal cardiac output during labor withepidural analgesia |
Danilenko-Dixon, D.R.;Tefft, L.;Cohen, R.A.;Haydon, B.;Carpenter, M.W.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1996-10-01 |
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Analysis of repeat cesarean delivery indications: Implications ofheterogeneity |
Hanley, M.L.;Smulian, J.C.;Lake, M.F.;McLean, D.A.;Vintzileos, A.M.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1996-10-01 |
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Prevention of maternal hypotension by epidural administration ofephedrine sulfate during lumbar epidural anesthesia for cesarean section |
Fong, J.;Gurewitsch, E.D.;Press, R.A.;Gomillion, M.C.;Volpe, L.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1996-10-01 |
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Does station of the fetal head at epidural placement affect theposition of the fetal vertex at delivery? |
Robinson, C.A.;Macones, G.A.;Roth, N.W.;Morgan, M.A.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1996-10-01 |
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A randomized trial of epidural anesthesia to improve external cephalicversion success |
Schorr, S.J.;Speights, S.E.;Ross, E.L.;Bofill, J.A.;Rust, O.A.;Norman, P.F.;Morrison, J.C.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1997-11-01 |
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Nulliparous active labor, epidural analgesia, and cesarean delivery fordystocia |
Bofill, J.A.;Vincent, R.D.;Ross, E.L.;Martin, R.W.;Norman, P.F.;Werhan, C.F.;Morrison, J.C.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1997-12-01 |
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The course of labor with and without epidural analgesia |
Alexander, J.M.;Lucas, M.J.;Ramin, S.M.;McIntire, D.D.;Leveno, K.J.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1998-03-01 |
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Reattempting failed external cephalic version under epidural anesthesia |
Neiger, R.;Hennessy, M.D.;Patel, M.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1998-11-01 |
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The effect of lumbar epidural anesthesia on maternal middle cerebralartery blood flow in normal pregnancy: A prospective, randomized,double-blind comparison study |
Fong, J.;Mack, P.F.;Gurewitsch, E.D.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1998-11-01 |
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The influence of epidural analgesia on cesarean delivery rates: Arandomized, prospective clinical trial |
Clark, A.;Carr, D.;Loyd, G.;Cook, V.;Spinnato, J.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1998-12-01 |
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Fetal heart rate patterns in term labor vary with sex, gestational age,epidural analgesia, and fetal weight |
Dawes, N.W.;Dawes, G.S.;Moulden ^b, M.;Redman, C.W.G.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1999-01-01 |
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Fetal heart rate patterns in term labor vary with sex, gestational age,epidural analgesia, and fetal weight |
Dawes, N.W.;Dawes, G.S.;Moulden ^b, M.;Redman, C.W.G.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1999-01-01 |
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Observations on labor epidural analgesia and operative delivery rates |
Yancey, M.K.;Pierce, B.;Schweitzer, D.;Daniels, D.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1999-02-01 |
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Epidural analgesia in association with duration of labor and mode ofdelivery: A quantitative review |
Zhang, J.;Klebanoff, M.A.;DerSimonian, R.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1999-04-01 |
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Management of splenic artery aneurysm rupture during trial of scar withepidural analgesia |
Fender, G.R.K.;Haslett, E.;Leary, T.;Bland, E.;Hackett, G.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1999-04-01 |
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Safety of labor epidural anesthesia for women with severe hypertensivedisease |
For the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development;Maternal-Fetal Medicine Units Network;Hogg, B.;Hauth, J.C.;Caritis, S.N.;Sibai, B.M.;Lindheimer, M.;Van Dorsten, J.;Klebanoff, M.;MacPherson, C.;Landon, M.;Paul, R.;Miodovnik, M.;Meis, P.J.;Thurnau, G.R.;Dombrowski, M.P.;McNellis, D.;Roberts, J.M.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1999-11-01 |
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Epidural analgesia need not increase operative delivery rates |
Impey, L.;MacQuillan, K.;Robson, M.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2000-02-01 |
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Is the management of epidural analgesia associated with an increasedrisk of cesarean delivery? |
Traynor, J.D.;Dooley, S.L.;Seyb, S.;Wong, C.A.;Shadron, A.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2000-05-01 |
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Cost-effectiveness of a delayed pushing policy for patients withepidural anesthesia |
for The PEOPLE (Pushing Early or Pushing Late with Epidural) Study Group;Petrou, S.;Coyle, D.;Fraser, W.D.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2000-05-01 |
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Multicenter, randomized, controlled trial of delayed pushing fornulliparous women in the second stage of labor with continuous epiduralanalgesia |
for The PEOPLE (Pushing Early or Pushing Late with Epidural) Study Group;Fraser, W.D.;Marcoux, S.;Krauss, I.;Douglas, J.;Goulet, C.;Boulvain, M.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2000-05-01 |
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Anesthesia for childbirth: Controversy and change |
Caton, D.;Frolich, M.A.;Euliano, T.Y.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2002-05-01 |
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Unintended effects of epidural analgesia during labor: A systematicreview |
Lieberman, E.;O'Donoghue, C.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2002-05-01 |
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The effects of epidural analgesia on labor, maternal, and neonataloutcomes: A systematic review |
Leighton, B.L.;Halpern, S.H.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2002-05-01 |
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Epidural analgesia side effects, co-interventions, and care of womenduring childbirth: A systematic review |
Mayberry, L.J.;Clemmens, D.;De, A.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2002-05-01 |
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The effect of early epidural versus early intravenous analgesia use onlabor progression: A natural experiment |
Vahratian, A.;Zhang, J.;Hasling, J.;Troendle, J.F.;Klebanoff, M.A.;Thorp, J.M.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2004-07-01 |
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The effect of early epidural versus early intravenous analgesia use onlabor progression: A natural experiment |
Vahratian, A.;Zhang, J.;Hasling, J.;Troendle, J.F.;Klebanoff, M.A.;Thorp, J.M.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2004-07-01 |
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The effect of early epidural versus early intravenous analgesia use onlabor progression: A natural experiment |
Vahratian, A.;Zhang, J.;Hasling, J.;Troendle, J.F.;Klebanoff, M.A.;Thorp, J.M.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2004-07-01 |
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Racial and ethnic disparities in the provision of epidural analgesia toGeorgia Medicaid beneficiaries during labor and delivery |
Rust, G.;Nembhard, W.N.;Nichols, M.;Omole, F.;Minor, P.;Barosso, G.;Mayberry, R.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2004-08-01 |
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Effect of epidural anaesthesia on clinician-applied force during vaginaldelivery |
Poggi, S.H.;Allen, R.H.;Patel, C.;Deering, S.H.;Pezzullo, J.C.;Shin, Y.;Spong, C.Y.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2004-09-01 |
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Spontaneous epidural hematoma of the spine in pregnancy |
Case, A.S.;Ramsey, P.S.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2005-09-01 |
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Early versus late initiation of epidural analgesia in labor: Does itincrease the risk of cesarean section? A randomized trial |
Ohel, G.;Gonen, R.;Vaida, S.;Barak, S.;Gaitini, L.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2006-03-01 |
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Epidural analgesia associated with low-dose oxytocin augmentationincreases cesarean births: A critical look at the external validity ofrandomized trials |
Kotaska, A.J.;Klein, M.C.;Liston, R.M.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2006-03-01 |
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Maternal corticosteroids to prevent intrauterine exposure tohyperthermia and inflammation: A randomized, double-blind,placebo-controlled trial |
Goetzl, L.;Zighelboim, I.;Badell, M.;Rivers, J.;Mastrangelo, M.A.;Tweardy, D.;Suresh, M.S.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2006-10-01 |
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Use of epidural anesthesia and the risk of acute postpartum urinaryretention |
Musselwhite, K.L.;Faris, P.;Moore, K.;Berci, D.;King, K.M.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2007-05-01 |
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Use of epidural anesthesia and the risk of acute postpartum urinaryretention |
Musselwhite, K.L.;Faris, P.;Moore, K.;Berci, D.;King, K.M.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2007-05-01 |
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