篇名 | 作者 | 刊名 | 出版年 | 查看 |
Fetoscopic laser ablation of placental vessels in severe previabletwin-twin transfusion syndrome |
De Lia, J.D.;Kuhlmann, R.S.;Harstad, T.W.;Cruikshank, D.P.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1995-04-01 |
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Endoscopic laser surgery versus serial amniocenteses in the treatmentof severe twin-twin transfusion syndrome |
Hecher, K.;Plath, H.;Bregenzer, T.;Hansmann, M.;Hackeloer, B.J.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
1999-03-01 |
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Bipolar coagulation of the umbilical cord in complicated monochorionictwin pregnancy |
Deprest, J.A.;Audibert, F.;Van Schoubroeck, D.;Hecher, K.;Mahieu-Caputo, D.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2000-02-01 |
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Multicystic encephalomalacia after first-trimester intrauterine fetal deathin monochorionic twins |
Weiss, J.L.;Cleary-Goldman, J.;Tanji, K.;Budorick, N.;D'Alton, M.E.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2004-02-01 |
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Radiofrequency ablation in a monochorionic twin discordant for fetalanomalies |
Shevell, T.;Malone, F.D.;Weintraub, J.;Thaker, H.M.;D'Alton, M.E.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2004-02-01 |
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Radiofrequency ablation in a monochorionic twin discordant for fetalanomalies |
Shevell, T.;Malone, F.D.;Weintraub, J.;Thaker, H.M.;D'Alton, M.E.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2004-02-01 |
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Multicystic encephalomalacia after first-trimester intrauterine fetal deathin monochorionic twins |
Weiss, J.L.;Cleary-Goldman, J.;Tanji, K.;Budorick, N.;D'Alton, M.E.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2004-02-01 |
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Prenatal cardiovascular manifestations in the twin-to-twin transfusionsyndrome recipients and the impact of therapeutic amnioreduction |
Barrea, C.;Alkazaleh, F.;Ryan, G.;McCrindle, B.W.;Roberts, A.;Bigras, J.-L.;Barrett, J.;Seaward, G.P.;Smallhorn, J.F.;Hornberger, L.K.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2005-03-01 |
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Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome at 11 weeks of gestation |
Sueters, M.;Middeldorp, J.M.;Oepkes, D.;Lopriore, E.;Vandenbussche, F.P.H.A.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2005-09-01 |
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Prospective risk of intrauterine death of monochorionic-diamniotic twins |
Simoes, T.;Amaral, N.;Lerman, R.;Ribeiro, F.;Dias, E.;Blickstein, I.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2006-07-01 |
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Unequal placental sharing and birth weight discordance in monochorionicdiamniotic twins |
Fick, A.L.;Feldstein, V.A.;Norton, M.E.;Wassel Fyr, C.;Caughey, A.B.;Machin, G.A.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2006-07-01 |
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Prospective risk of intrauterine death of monochorionic-diamniotic twins |
Simoes, T.;Amaral, N.;Lerman, R.;Ribeiro, F.;Dias, E.;Blickstein, I.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2006-07-01 |
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Unequal placental sharing and birth weight discordance in monochorionicdiamniotic twins |
Fick, A.L.;Feldstein, V.A.;Norton, M.E.;Wassel Fyr, C.;Caughey, A.B.;Machin, G.A.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2006-07-01 |
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Neonatal outcome in preterm monochorionic twins with twin-to-twintransfusion syndrome after intrauterine treatment with amnioreduction orfetoscopic laser surgery: comparison with dichorionic twins |
Lenclen, R.;Paupe, A.;Ciarlo, G.;Couderc, S.;Castela, F.;Ortqvist, L.;Ville, Y.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2007-05-01 |
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Neonatal outcome in preterm monochorionic twins with twin-to-twintransfusion syndrome after intrauterine treatment with amnioreduction orfetoscopic laser surgery: comparison with dichorionic twins |
Lenclen, R.;Paupe, A.;Ciarlo, G.;Couderc, S.;Castela, F.;Ortqvist, L.;Ville, Y.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2007-05-01 |
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Radiofrequency ablation for selective reduction in the complicatedmonochorionic gestation |
Moise, K.J.;Johnson, A.;Moise, K.Y.;Nickeleit, V.; |
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
2008-02-01 |
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