


Gut hormone levels in neonates under phototherapy Gounaris, A.;Alexiou, N.;Costalos, C.;Daniilidou, M.;Bakoleas, V.;Constantellou, E.; Early Human Development 1998-04-17 查看
The effect of low-dose erythromycin on whole gastrointestinal transit timeof preterm infants Costalos, C.;Gavrili, V.;Skouteri, V.;Gounaris, A.; Early Human Development 2001-12-01 查看
The effect of neonatal jaundice on biotinidase activity Schulpis, K.H.;Gavrili, S.;Tjamouranis, J.;Karikas, G.A.;Kapiki, A.;Costalos, C.; Early Human Development 2003-05-01 查看
The effect of antenatal corticosteroids on gut peptides of preterminfants-a matched group comparison - Corticosteroids and gut development Costalos, C.;Gounaris, A.;Sevastiadou, S.;Hatzistamatiou, Z.;Theodoraki, M.;Alexiou, E.N.;Constandellou, E.; Early Human Development 2003-11-01 查看
Enteral feeding of premature infants with Saccharomyces boulardii Costalos, C.;Skouteri, V.;Gounaris, A.;Sevastiadou, S.;Triandafilidou, A.;Ekonomidou, C.;Kontaxaki, F.;Petrochilou, V.; Early Human Development 2003-11-01 查看
The effect of a fructo-oligosaccharide supplemented formula on gutflora of preterm infants Kapiki, A.;Costalos, C.;Oikonomidou, C.;Triantafyllidou, A.;Loukatou, E.;Pertrohilou, V.; Early Human Development 2007-05-01 查看
The effect of a bifidobacter supplemented bovine milk on intestinalpermeability of preterm infants Stratiki, Z.;Costalos, C.;Sevastiadou, S.;Kastanidou, O.;Skouroliakou, M.;Giakoumatou, A.;Petrohilou, V.; Early Human Development 2007-09-01 查看
Tuberous sclerosis-early diagnosis in neonatal period. Case report Loukatou, I.;Spanoudaki@?, C.;Papadopoulos, G.;Costalos, C.;Tarla, N.;Marioli, S.; Early Human Development 2008-11-01 查看
Early manifestations of morquio syndrome in neonatal period. Case report Loukatou@?, I.;Spanoudaki, C.;Costalos, C.;Vrentzou, O.;Bakirtzi, N.; Early Human Development 2008-11-01 查看
Blood glucose levels in healthy, full term newborn infants (A.G.A) Chrisikou, C.;Hatzistamatiou@?, Z.;Karampatsou, A.K.;Polycarpou, E.;Oikonomidou, D.;Stamouli, E.K.;Marioli, S.;Theodoropoulou, E.;Costalos, C.; Early Human Development 2008-11-01 查看
The effect of a prebiotic supplemented formula on growth and stoolmicrobiology of term infants Costalos, C.;Kapiki, A.;Apostolou, M.;Papathoma, E.; Early Human Development 2008-01-01 查看
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