



Clinical measures to preserve cerebral integrity in preterm infants Felderhoff-Mueser, U.;Buhrer, C.; Early Human Development 2005-03-01 查看
Association between neonatal iron overload and early human braindevelopment in premature infants Amin, S.B.;Myers, G.;Wang, H.; Early Human Development 2012-08-01 查看
Cellular and humoral coagulation profiles and occurrence of IVH in VLBWand ELWB infants Duppre, P.;Sauer, H.;Giannopoulou, E.Z.;Gortner, L.;Nunold, H.;Wagenpfeil, S.;Geisel, J.;Stephan, B.;Meyer, S.; Early Human Development 2015-12-01 查看
Improved survival and neurodevelopmental outcomes among extremelypremature infants born near the limit of viability Younge, N.;Smith, P.B.;Gustafson, K.E.;Malcolm, W.;Ashley, P.;Cotten, C.M.;Goldberg, R.N.;Goldstein, R.F.; Early Human Development 2016-04-01 查看
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