



Essential fatty acid status of fetal plasma phospholipids: similar topostnatal values obtained at comparable gestational ages Houwelingen, A.C.v.;Foreman-v. Drongelen, M.M.H.P.;Nicolini, U.;Nicolaides, K.H.;Al, M.D.M.;Kester, A.D.M.;Hornstra, G.; Early Human Development 1996-09-20 查看
Essential fatty acid status measured in umbilical vessel walls of infantsborn after a multiple pregnancy Foreman-v. Drongelen, M.M.H.P.;Zeijdner, E.E.;v. Houwelingen, A.C.;Kester, A.D.M.;Al, M.D.M.;Hasaart, T.H.M.;Hornstra, G.; Early Human Development 1996-11-21 查看
Essential fatty acid status measured in umbilical vessel walls of infantsborn after a multiple pregnancy Foreman-v. Drongelen, M.M.H.P.;Zeijdner, E.E.;Houwelingen, A.C.v.;Kester, A.D.M.;Al, M.D.M.;Hasaart, T.H.M.;Hornstra, G.; Early Human Development 1996-11-21 查看
Essential fatty acid status measured in umbilical vessel walls of infantsborn after a multiple pregnancy Foreman-v. Drongelen, M.M.H.P.;Zeijdner, E.E.;Houwelingen, A.C.v.;Kester, A.D.M.;Al, M.D.M.;Hasaart, T.H.M.;Hornstra, G.; Early Human Development 1996-11-21 查看
Fatty acids and early human development Innis, S.M.; Early Human Development 2007-12-01 查看
Fatty acids and early human development Innis, S.M.; Early Human Development 2007-12-01 查看
Maternal adipose tissue, maternal and cord blood essential fatty acidsand their long-chain polyunsaturated derivatives composition after electivecaesarean section Pankiewicz, E.;Cretti, A.;Ronin-Walknowska, E.;Czeszynska, M.B.;Konefal, H.;Hnatyszyn, G.; Early Human Development 2007-07-01 查看
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