



Sleep state changes associated with cerebral blood volume changes inhealthy term newborn infants Munger, D.M.;Bucher, H.U.;Duc, G.; Early Human Development 1998-08-28 查看
DNA damage in healthy term neonate Zhao, J.;Liu, X.-J.;Ma, J.-W.;Zheng, R.-L.; Early Human Development 2004-04-01 查看
Comparison of salivary cortisol, heart rate, and oxygen saturationbetween early skin-to-skin contact with different initiation and durationtimes in healthy, full-term infants Takahashi, Y.;Tamakoshi, K.;Matsushima, M.;Kawabe, T.; Early Human Development 2011-03-01 查看
Normal values of left and right ventricular function measured byM@?mode, pulsed doppler and Doppler tissue imaging in healthy term neonatesduring a 1@?year period Alp, H.;Karaarslan, S.;Baysal, T.;Cimen, D.;Ors, R.;Oran, B.; Early Human Development 2012-11-01 查看
General movements in healthy full term infants during the first weekafter birth Ploegstra, W.M.;Bos, A.F.;de Vries, N.K.S.; Early Human Development 2014-01-01 查看
General movements in healthy full term infants during the first weekafter birth Ploegstra, W.M.;Bos, A.F.;de Vries, N.K.S.; Early Human Development 2014-01-01 查看
Neonatal neurological examination in well newborn term Ugandan infants Hagmann, C.F.;Chan, D.;Robertson, N.J.;Acolet, D.;Nyombi, N.;Nakakeeto, M.;Cowan, F.M.; Early Human Development 2015-12-01 查看
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