



Second to fourth finger ratio and possible precursors of developmentalpsychopathology in preschool children Williams, J.H.G.;Greenhalgh, K.D.;Manning, J.T.; Early Human Development 2003-05-01 查看
Children born small for gestational age are not at special risk forpreschool emotion and behaviour problems Cornforth, C.M.;Thompson, J.M.D.;Robinson, E.;Waldie, K.E.;Pryor, J.E.;Clark, P.;Becroft, D.M.O.;Sonuga-Barke, E.J.S.;Mitchell, E.A.; Early Human Development 2012-07-01 查看
Children born small for gestational age are not at special risk forpreschool emotion and behaviour problems Cornforth, C.M.;Thompson, J.M.D.;Robinson, E.;Waldie, K.E.;Pryor, J.E.;Clark, P.;Becroft, D.M.O.;Sonuga-Barke, E.J.S.;Mitchell, E.A.; Early Human Development 2012-07-01 查看
Motor performance, postural stability and behaviour of non-disabledextremely preterm or extremely low birth weight children at four to fiveyears of age Brown, L.;Burns, Y.R.;Watter, P.;Gibbons, K.S.;Gray, P.H.; Early Human Development 2015-05-01 查看
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