


Sweeping of membranes reduced the time to labour onset, but not the needfor formal induction of labour and Weekly sweeping ofmembranes reducedpost-term pregnancies and decreased the need for induction of labour Bebbington, M.; Evidence-based Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1999-06-01 查看
Sweeping of membranes reduced the time to labour onset, but not theneed for formal induction of labour and Weekly sweeping ofmembranes reducedpost-term pregnancies and decreased the need for induction of labour Bebbington, M.; Evidence-based Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1999-06-01 查看
Sweeping of membranes reduced the time to labour onset, but not theneed for formal induction of labour and Weekly sweeping ofmembranes reducedpost-term pregnancies and decreased the need for induction of labour Bebbington, M.; Evidence-based Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1999-06-01 查看
124 Antepartum external cephalic version under spinal anesthesia: Arandomized controlled trial Delisle, M.F.;Kamani, A.;Douglas, J.;Bebbington, M.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2001-12-01 查看
449 A randomized controlled trial comparing teo protocols fir the useof misoprostol in mid-trimester pregnancy termination Bebbington, M.;Kent, N.;Lim, K.;Gagnon, A.;Delisle, M.F.;Tessier, F.;Money, D.;Williams, K.;Galerneau, F.;Wilson, D.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2001-12-01 查看
449 A randomized controlled trial comparing teo protocols fir the useof misoprostol in mid-trimester pregnancy termination Bebbington, M.;Kent, N.;Lim, K.;Gagnon, A.;Delisle, M.F.;Tessier, F.;Money, D.;Williams, K.;Galerneau, F.;Wilson, D.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2001-12-01 查看
124 Antepartum external cephalic version under spinal anesthesia: Arandomized controlled trial Delisle, M.F.;Kamani, A.;Douglas, J.;Bebbington, M.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2001-12-01 查看
Maternal levels of troponin I in patients undergoing vaginal and cesareandelivery Koscica, K.L.;Anyaogu, C.;Bebbington, M.;Bernstein, P.S.; Obstetrics and Gynecology 2002-04-01 查看
Screening for fetal well-being in a high-risk pregnant population comparingthe nonstress test with umbilical artery doppler velocimetry: A randomizedcontrolled clinical trial Williams, K.P.;Farquharson, D.F.;Bebbington, M.;Dansereau, J.;Galerneau, F.;Wilson, R.D.;Shaw, D.;Kent, N.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2003-05-01 查看
Misoprostol versus dinoprostone for labor induction at term: a randomizedcontrolled trial Bebbington, M.;Schmuel, E.;Pevzner, L.;Bernstein, P.;Dayal, A.;Barnhard, J.;Chazotte, C.;Merkatz, I.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2003-12-01 查看
Uterine tachysystole and hyperstimulation during induction of labor Bebbington, M.;Pevzner, L.;Schmuel, E.;Bernstein, P.;Dayal, A.;Barnhard, J.;Chazotte, C.;Merkatz, I.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2003-12-01 查看
Time to clinically significant viral suppression in HIV-infected pregnantwomen Wright, R.L.;Einstein, F.;Trentacoste, S.;Eerden, P.V.;Bebbington, M.;Merkatz, I.R.;Bernstein, P.S.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2003-12-01 查看
The outcome of infants with gastroschisis: The effect of gestational age atdelivery Wagner, B.;Bernstein, P.;Dayal, A.;Chazotte, C.;Merkatz, I.R.;Cole, D.;Bebbington, M.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004-12-01 查看
Correction of cerebrospinal fluid levels and brain growth demonstrated byserial fetal magnetic resonance imaging following Danzer, E.;Johnson, M.P.;Bebbington, M.;Wilson, R.D.;Bilaniuk, L.;Simon, E.;Flake, A.;Sutton, L.;Adzick, N.S.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004-12-01 查看
Pregnancy outcomes following bipolar umbilical cord cauterization (UCC)for selective termination in complicated monochorionic (MC) multiplegestations Ilagan (F), J.G.;Wilson, R.D.;Johnson, M.P.;Hedrick, H.L.;Flake, A.W.;Bebbington, M.;Adzick, N.S.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005-12-01 查看
Postnatal rib deformities in patients prenatally treated withthoracoamniotic shunt for type I congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation Merchant, A.;Peranteau, W.;Wilson, D.;Johnson, M.;Bebbington, M.;Flake, A.;Adzick, N.S.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005-12-01 查看
Pregnancy outcomes following bipolar umbilical cord cauterization (UCC)for selective termination in complicated monochorionic (MC) multiplegestations Ilagan (F), J.G.;Wilson, R.D.;Johnson, M.P.;Hedrick, H.L.;Flake, A.W.;Bebbington, M.;Adzick, N.S.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005-12-01 查看
Postnatal rib deformities in patients prenatally treated withthoracoamniotic shunt for type I congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation Merchant, A.;Peranteau, W.;Wilson, D.;Johnson, M.;Bebbington, M.;Flake, A.;Adzick, N.S.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005-12-01 查看
Pregnancy outcomes following bipolar umbilical cord cauterization (UCC)for selective termination in complicated monochorionic (MC) multiplegestations Ilagan (F), J.G.;Wilson, R.D.;Johnson, M.P.;Hedrick, H.L.;Flake, A.W.;Bebbington, M.;Adzick, N.S.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005-12-01 查看
Postnatal rib deformities in patients prenatally treated withthoracoamniotic shunt for type I congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation Merchant, A.;Peranteau, W.;Wilson, D.;Johnson, M.;Bebbington, M.;Flake, A.;Adzick, N.S.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005-12-01 查看
Pregnancy outcomes following bipolar umbilical cord cauterization (UCC)for selective termination in complicated monochorionic (MC) multiplegestations Ilagan (F), J.G.;Wilson, R.D.;Johnson, M.P.;Hedrick, H.L.;Flake, A.W.;Bebbington, M.;Adzick, N.S.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005-12-01 查看
Postnatal rib deformities in patients prenatally treated withthoracoamniotic shunt for type I congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation Merchant, A.;Peranteau, W.;Wilson, D.;Johnson, M.;Bebbington, M.;Flake, A.;Adzick, N.S.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005-12-01 查看
Pregnancy outcomes following bipolar umbilical cord cauterization (UCC)for selective termination in complicated monochorionic (MC) multiplegestations Ilagan (F), J.G.;Wilson, R.D.;Johnson, M.P.;Hedrick, H.L.;Flake, A.W.;Bebbington, M.;Adzick, N.S.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005-12-01 查看
Postnatal rib deformities in patients prenatally treated withthoracoamniotic shunt for type I congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation Merchant, A.;Peranteau, W.;Wilson, D.;Johnson, M.;Bebbington, M.;Flake, A.;Adzick, N.S.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005-12-01 查看
Cardiovascular findings in the fetus with lower urinary tractobstruction (LUTO) Mccann, M.;Rychik, J.;Tian, Z.;Donaghue, D.;Bebbington, M.;Wilson, R.D.;Johnson, M.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2006-12-01 查看
A novel approach to grading severity of twin-twin transfusion syndrome(TTTS): The chop cardiovascular score Rychik, J.;Bebbington, M.;Tian, Z.;Mccann, M.;Mann, S.;Wilson, R.D.;Johnson, M.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2006-12-01 查看
Liver position is best prenatal predictor of need for ECMO and survivalin left congenital diaphragmatic hernia Hedrick, H.;Danzer, E.;Zhao, H.;Merchant, A.;Flake, A.;Liechty, K.;Howell, L.;Johnson, M.;Wilson, D.;Bebbington, M.;Adzick, S.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2006-12-01 查看
Current outcomes for the fetus with hypoplastic left heart syndrome(HLHS) Rychik, J.;Donaghue, D.;Cohen, M.;Ewing, S.;Parry, S.;Johnson, M.;Wilson, R.D.;Bebbington, M.;Gruber, P.;Gaynor, J.W.;Spray, T.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2006-12-01 查看
RFA vs cord coagulation in complex monochorionic pregnancies Bebbington, M.;Danzer, E.;Johnson, M.;Wilson, R.D.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2006-12-01 查看
Lower extremity neuromotor function following in utero myelomeningocelerepair Danzer, E.;Adzick, S.;Gerdes, M.;Bebbington, M.;Sutton, L.;Melchionni, J.;Johnson, M.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2006-12-01 查看
The twin-twin transfusion syndrome: spectrum of cardiovascularabnormality and development of a cardiovascular score to assess severity ofdisease Rychik, J.;Tian, Z.;Bebbington, M.;Xu, F.;McCann, M.;Mann, S.;Wilson, R.D.;Johnson, M.P.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2007-10-01 查看
The twin-twin transfusion syndrome: spectrum of cardiovascularabnormality and development of a cardiovascular score to assess severity ofdisease Rychik, J.;Tian, Z.;Bebbington, M.;Xu, F.;McCann, M.;Mann, S.;Wilson, R.D.;Johnson, M.P.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2007-10-01 查看
179: Ultrafast fetal magnetic resonance imaging (UF-MRI) as anadjunctive tool following prenatal ultrasound findings of top normal ormild ventriculomegaly (VM) Ilagan, J.;Wilson, R.D.;Bebbington, M.;Coleman, B.;Horii, S.;Bilaniuk, L.;Simon-Schwartz, E.;Johnson, M.;Adzick, N.S.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2007-12-01 查看
180: The CHOP cardiovascular score: Parameter analysis to differentiatebetween early twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) and intrauterinegrowth restriction (IUGR) Bebbington, M.;Huesler-Charles, M.;Rychick, J.;Wilson, R.D.;Mann, S.;Danzer, E.;Johnson, M.P.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2007-12-01 查看
179: Ultrafast fetal magnetic resonance imaging (UF-MRI) as anadjunctive tool following prenatal ultrasound findings of top normal ormild ventriculomegaly (VM) Ilagan, J.;Wilson, R.D.;Bebbington, M.;Coleman, B.;Horii, S.;Bilaniuk, L.;Simon-Schwartz, E.;Johnson, M.;Adzick, N.S.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2007-12-01 查看
180: The CHOP cardiovascular score: Parameter analysis to differentiatebetween early twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) and intrauterinegrowth restriction (IUGR) Bebbington, M.;Huesler-Charles, M.;Rychick, J.;Wilson, R.D.;Mann, S.;Danzer, E.;Johnson, M.P.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2007-12-01 查看
503: Prognostic indicators in twin reversed arterial perfusionsequence: Does size matter? Mann, S.;Johnson, M.P.;Rosner, M.;Wilson, R.D.;Bebbington, M.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2007-12-01 查看
553: Reversal of hindbrain herniation after maternal-fetal surgery formyelomeningocele subsequently improves brain stem function Danzer, E.;Finkel, R.S.;Rintoul, N.;Bebbington, M.;Schwartz, E.S.;Zarnow, D.M.;Adzick, S.;Johnson, M.P.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2007-12-01 查看
503: Prognostic indicators in twin reversed arterial perfusionsequence: Does size matter? Mann, S.;Johnson, M.P.;Rosner, M.;Wilson, R.D.;Bebbington, M.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2007-12-01 查看
553: Reversal of hindbrain herniation after maternal-fetal surgery formyelomeningocele subsequently improves brain stem function Danzer, E.;Finkel, R.S.;Rintoul, N.;Bebbington, M.;Schwartz, E.S.;Zarnow, D.M.;Adzick, S.;Johnson, M.P.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2007-12-01 查看
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