


Edema of pregnancy: a comparison of water aerobics and static immersion - Acomparative study Kent, T.;Gregor, J.;Deardorff, L.;Katz, V.; Obstetrics and Gynecology 1999-11-01 查看
Posterior fossa haemorrhage in a preterm infant following vacuum assisteddelivery Kent, A.;Lemyre, B.;Loosley-Millman, M.;Paes, B.; British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2000-09-01 查看
Posterior fossa haemorrhage in a preterm infant following vacuum assisteddelivery Kent, A.;Lemyre, B.;Loosley-Millman, M.;Paes, B.; British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2001-09-01 查看
449 A randomized controlled trial comparing teo protocols fir the useof misoprostol in mid-trimester pregnancy termination Bebbington, M.;Kent, N.;Lim, K.;Gagnon, A.;Delisle, M.F.;Tessier, F.;Money, D.;Williams, K.;Galerneau, F.;Wilson, D.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2001-12-01 查看
449 A randomized controlled trial comparing teo protocols fir the useof misoprostol in mid-trimester pregnancy termination Bebbington, M.;Kent, N.;Lim, K.;Gagnon, A.;Delisle, M.F.;Tessier, F.;Money, D.;Williams, K.;Galerneau, F.;Wilson, D.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2001-12-01 查看
A randomized controlled trial comparing two protocols for the use ofmisoprostol in midtrimester pregnancy termination Bebbington, M.W.;Kent, N.;Lim, K.;Gagnon, A.;Delisle, M.F.;Tessier, F.;Wilson, R.D.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2002-10-01 查看
Antiphospholipid syndrome in pregnancy: a randomized, controlled trial oftreatment von Dadelszen, P.;Kent, N.; Obstetrics and Gynecology 2003-03-01 查看
Antiphospholipid syndrome in pregnancy: a randomized, controlled trial oftreatment von Dadelszen, P.;Kent, N.; Obstetrics and Gynecology 2003-03-01 查看
Antiphospholipid syndrome in pregnancy: a randomized, controlled trial oftreatment von Dadelszen, P.;Kent, N.; Obstetrics and Gynecology 2003-03-01 查看
Presumed antepartum amniotic fluid embolism Kent, K.J.;Cooper, B.C.;Thomas, K.W.;Zlatnik, F.J.; Obstetrics and Gynecology 2003-09-01 查看
Presumed antepartum amniotic fluid embolism Kent, K.J.;Cooper, B.C.;Thomas, K.W.;Zlatnik, F.J.; Obstetrics and Gynecology 2003-09-01 查看
Presumed antepartum amniotic fluid embolism Kent, K.J.;Cooper, B.C.;Thomas, K.W.;Zlatnik, F.J.; Obstetrics and Gynecology 2003-09-01 查看
Screening for fetal well-being in a high-risk pregnant population comparingthe nonstress test with umbilical artery doppler velocimetry: A randomizedcontrolled clinical trial Williams, K.P.;Farquharson, D.F.;Bebbington, M.;Dansereau, J.;Galerneau, F.;Wilson, R.D.;Shaw, D.;Kent, N.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2003-05-01 查看
Persistent vaginal discharge after uterine artery embolization for fibroidtumors: cause of the condition, magnetic resonance imaging appearance, andsurgical treatment Walker, W.J.;Carpenter, T.T.;Kent, A.S.H.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004-05-01 查看
Persistent vaginal discharge after uterine artery embolization for fibroidtumors: cause of the condition, magnetic resonance imaging appearance, andsurgical treatment Walker, W.J.;Carpenter, T.T.;Kent, A.S.H.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004-05-01 查看
Persistent vaginal discharge after uterine artery embolization forfibroid tumors: cause of the condition, magnetic resonance imagingappearance, and surgical treatment Walker, W.J.;Carpenter, T.T.;Kent, A.S.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004-05-01 查看
Asymptomatic incarcerated retroverted uterus with anterior sacculationat term Barton-Smith, P.;Kent, A.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2007-02-01 查看
Asymptomatic incarcerated retroverted uterus with anterior sacculationat term Barton-Smith, P.;Kent, A.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2007-02-01 查看
Asymptomatic incarcerated retroverted uterus with anterior sacculationat term Barton-Smith, P.;Kent, A.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2007-02-01 查看
Postpartum hemorrhage due to a pseudo-aneurysm formation followingcesarean delivery Jan, H.;Mehra, G.;Kent, A.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2007-09-01 查看
Psychiatric disorders in pregnancy Kent, A.; Obstetrics, Gynaecology & Reproductive Medicine 2011-11-01 查看
National variations in operative vaginal deliveries in Ireland Daly, N.;Bonham, S.;O'Dwyer, V.;O'Connor, C.;Kent, E.;Turner, M.J.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2014-06-01 查看
National variations in operative vaginal deliveries in Ireland Daly, N.;Bonham, S.;O'Dwyer, V.;O'Connor, C.;Kent, E.;Turner, M.J.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2014-06-01 查看
Outcome following selective fetoscopic laser ablation for twin to twintransfusion syndrome: an 8 year national collaborative experience Mullers, S.M.;McAuliffe, F.M.;Kent, E.;Carroll, S.;Mone, F.;Breslin, N.;Dalrymple, J.;Mulcahy, C.;O'Donoghue, K.;Martin, A.;Malone, F.D.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2015-08-01 查看
Outcome following selective fetoscopic laser ablation for twin to twintransfusion syndrome: an 8 year national collaborative experience Mullers, S.M.;McAuliffe, F.M.;Kent, E.;Carroll, S.;Mone, F.;Breslin, N.;Dalrymple, J.;Mulcahy, C.;O'Donoghue, K.;Martin, A.;Malone, F.D.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2015-08-01 查看
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