


Laparoscopy-assisted radical vaginal hysterectomy modified according toSchauta-Stoeckel Schneider, A.;Possover, M.;Kamprath, S.;Endisch, U.;Krause, N.;Noschel, H.; Obstetrics and Gynecology 1996-12-01 查看
Laparoscopy-assisted radical vaginal hysterectomy modified according toSchauta-Stoeckel Schneider, A.;Possover, M.;Kamprath, S.;Endisch, U.;Krause, N.;Noschel, H.; International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 1997-03-01 查看
Value of laparoscopic evaluation of paraaortic and pelvic lymph nodesfor treatment of cervical cancer Possover, M.;Krause, N.;Kuhne-Heid, R.;Schneider, A.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1998-04-01 查看
Left-sided laparoscopic para-aortic lymphadenectomy: Anatomy of theventral tributaries of the infrarenal vena cava Possover, M.;Plaul, K.;Krause, N.;Schneider, A.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1998-11-01 查看
Laparoscopic adnexal preservation in a patient with complete torsion - Acase report Kamprath, S.;Possover, M.;Merker, A.;Bechler, J.;Krause, N.;Schneider, A.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 1998-05-01 查看
Laparoscopic adnexal preservation in a patient with complete torsion -A case report Kamprath, S.;Possover, M.;Merker, A.;Bechler, J.;Krause, N.;Schneider, A.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 1998-05-01 查看
Identification of the ureter and dissection of the bladder pillar inlaparoscopic-assisted radical vaginal hysterectomy Possover, M.;Krause, N.;Schneider, A.; Obstetrics and Gynecology 1998-01-01 查看
Identification of the ureter and dissection of the bladder pillar inlaparoscopic-assisted radical vaginal hysterectomy Possover, M.;Krause, N.;Schneider, A.; Obstetrics and Gynecology 1998-01-01 查看
Establishing a new technique of laparoscopic pelvic and para-aorticlymphadenectomy Altgassen, C.;Possover, M.;Krause, N.;Plaul, K.;Michels, W.;Schneider, A.; Obstetrics and Gynecology 2000-03-01 查看
Repair of prolapse with vaginal sacrocolporectopexy: Technique andresults Kavallaris, A.;Kohler, C.;Diebolder, H.;Vercellino, F.;Krause, N.;Schneider, A.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2005-10-01 查看
Repair of prolapse with vaginal sacrocolporectopexy: Technique andresults Kavallaris, A.;Kohler, C.;Diebolder, H.;Vercellino, F.;Krause, N.;Schneider, A.; European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2005-10-01 查看
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