



An international randomized controlled trial of amnioinfusion for thicklymeconium stained amniotic fluid Fraser, W.;Hofmeyr, J.;Lede, R.;Faron, G.;Alexander, S.;Goffinet, F.;Ohlsson, A.;Goulet, C.;Turcot-Lemay, L.;Roy, C.;Petrou, S.;Xu, H.-R.;Wei, B.;Marcoux, S.;The Amnioinfusion Trial Group; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004-12-01 查看
Intentional delivery versus expectant management of women with pretermpremature rupture of the membranes: A meta-analysis of randomized,controlled trials Pasquier, J.C.;Bujold, E.;Roy, C.;Dumont, A.;Audibert, F.;Fraser, W.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005-12-01 查看
Intentional delivery versus expectant management of women with pretermpremature rupture of the membranes: A meta-analysis of randomized,controlled trials Pasquier, J.C.;Bujold, E.;Roy, C.;Dumont, A.;Audibert, F.;Fraser, W.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005-12-01 查看
Intentional delivery versus expectant management of women with pretermpremature rupture of the membranes: A meta-analysis of randomized,controlled trials Pasquier, J.C.;Bujold, E.;Roy, C.;Dumont, A.;Audibert, F.;Fraser, W.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005-12-01 查看
Intentional delivery versus expectant management of women with pretermpremature rupture of the membranes: A meta-analysis of randomized,controlled trials Pasquier, J.C.;Bujold, E.;Roy, C.;Dumont, A.;Audibert, F.;Fraser, W.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005-12-01 查看
Intentional delivery versus expectant management of women with pretermpremature rupture of the membranes: A meta-analysis of randomized,controlled trials Pasquier, J.C.;Bujold, E.;Roy, C.;Dumont, A.;Audibert, F.;Fraser, W.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005-12-01 查看
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