



First-trimester maternal serum PAPP-A and free-beta subunit human chorionicgonadotropin concentrations and nuchal translucency are associated withobstetric complications: A population-based screening study (The FASTERTrial) Dugoff, L.;Hobbins, J.C.;Malone, F.D.;Porter, T.F.;Luthy, D.;Comstock, C.H.;Hankins, G.;Berkowitz, R.L.;Merkatz, I.;Craigo, S.D.;Timor-Tritsch, I.E.;Carr, S.R.;Wolfe, H.M.;Vidaver, J.;D'Alton, M.E.;for the FASTER Trial Research Consortium; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004-10-01 查看
First-trimester maternal serum PAPP-A and free-beta subunit human chorionicgonadotropin concentrations and nuchal translucency are associated withobstetric complications: A population-based screening study (The FASTERTrial) Dugoff, L.;Hobbins, J.C.;Malone, F.D.;Porter, T.F.;Luthy, D.;Comstock, C.H.;Hankins, G.;Berkowitz, R.L.;Merkatz, I.;Craigo, S.D.;Timor-Tritsch, I.E.;Carr, S.R.;Wolfe, H.M.;Vidaver, J.;D'Alton, M.E.;for the FASTER Trial Research Consortium; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004-10-01 查看
First-trimester screening for trisomy-21 using a simplified method toassess the presence or absence of the fetal nasal bone Orlandi, F.;Rossi, C.;Orlandi, E.;Jakil, M.C.;Hallahan, T.W.;Macri, V.J.;Krantz, D.A.; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005-04-01 查看
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