



Neurodevelopmental outcome after COX inhibitor treatment for patentductus arteriosus Rheinlaender, C.;Helfenstein, D.;Pees, C.;Walch, E.;Czernik, C.;Obladen, M.;Koehne, P.; Early Human Development 2010-02-01 查看
Effect of ibuprofen on bilirubin-albumin binding in vitro atconcentrations observed during treatment of patent ductus arteriosus C., D.;Y., K.;L., D.; Early Human Development 2010-05-01 查看
Echocardiography predicts closure of patent ductus arteriosus inresponse to ibuprofen in infants less than 28week gestational age Pees, C.;Walch, E.;Obladen, M.;Koehne, P.; Early Human Development 2010-08-01 查看
The effects of ibuprofen on sepsis parameters in preterm neonates Demirel, G.;Celik, I.H.;Canpolat, F.E.;Erdeve, O.;Oguz, S.S.;Dilmen, U.; Early Human Development 2012-04-01 查看
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