


The daily feeding rate of tsetse (Diptera: Glossinidae) on cattle at GalanaRanch, Kenya and comparison with trypanosomiasis incidence Baylis, M.; Acta Tropica 1997-05-15 查看
The daily feeding rate of tsetse (Diptera: Glossinidae) on cattle at GalanaRanch, Kenya and comparison with trypanosomiasis incidence Baylis, M.; Acta Tropica 1997-05-15 查看
Evaluation of a simple PCR technique for the diagnosis of Trypanosoma vivaxinfection in the serum of cattle in comparison to parasitologicaltechniques and antigen-enzyme-linked immuno sorbent assay Desquesnes, M.; Acta Tropica 1997-05-30 查看
Evaluation of a simple PCR technique for the diagnosis of Trypanosoma vivaxinfection in the serum of cattle in comparison to parasitologicaltechniques and antigen-enzyme-linked immuno sorbent assay Desquesnes, M.; Acta Tropica 1997-05-30 查看
Diagnostic evaluation of PCR in goats experimentally infected withTrypanosoma vivax de Almeida, P.J.L.P.;Ndao, M.;Van Meirvenne, N.;Geerts, S.; Acta Tropica 1997-06-24 查看
Diagnostic evaluation of PCR in goats experimentally infected withTrypanosoma vivax de Almeida, P.J.L.P.;Ndao, M.;Van Meirvenne, N.;Geerts, S.; Acta Tropica 1997-06-24 查看
Detrimental effect of nitric oxide on Trypanosoma cruzi and Leishmaniamajor like cells Bourguignon, S.C.;Alves, C.R.;Giovanni-De-Simone, S.; Acta Tropica 1997-08-01 查看
Detrimental effect of nitric oxide on Trypanosoma cruzi and Leishmaniamajor like cells Bourguignon, S.C.;Alves, C.R.;Giovanni-De-Simone, S.; Acta Tropica 1997-08-01 查看
Identification of trypanosomes isolated by KIVI from wild mammals in Coted'Ivoire: diagnostic, taxonomic and epidemiological considerations Truc, P.;Formenty, P.;Duvallet, G.;Komoin-Oka, C.;Diallo, P.B.;Lauginie, F.; Acta Tropica 1997-09-30 查看
Identification of trypanosomes isolated by KIVI from wild mammals in Coted'Ivoire: diagnostic, taxonomic and epidemiological considerations Truc, P.;Formenty, P.;Duvallet, G.;Komoin-Oka, C.;Diallo, P.B.;Lauginie, F.; Acta Tropica 1997-09-30 查看
Trypanosoma cruzi genome project: biological characteristics and moleculartyping of clone CL Brener Zingales, B.;Pereira, M.E.S.;Oliveira, R.P.;Almeida, K.A.;Umezawa, E.S.;Souto, R.P.;Vargas, N.;Cano, M.I.;da Silveira, J.F.;Nehme, N.S.;Morel, C.M.;Brener, Z.;Macedo, A.; Acta Tropica 1997-11-01 查看
Inhibitory effects of human @a2-macroglobulin on Trypanosoma cruziepimastigote proteinases Ramos, A.;Remedi, M.S.;Sanchez, C.;Bonacci, G.;Vides, M.A.;Chiabrando, G.; Acta Tropica 1997-12-01 查看
Differential expression of systemic cytokine profiles in Chagas' disease isassociated with endemicity of Trypanosoma cruzi infections Samudio, M.;Montenegro-James, S.;de Cabral, M.;Martinez, J.;Rojas de Arias, A.;Woroniecky, O.;James, M.A.; Acta Tropica 1998-05-01 查看
Genetic relationships between Trypanosoma cruzi strains isolated fromchronic chagasic patients in southern Brazil as revealed by RAPD andSSR-PCR analysis Gomes, M.L.;Macedo, A.M.;Pena, S.D.J.;Chiari, E.; Acta Tropica 1998-05-01 查看
A semi-quantitative ELISA for detection of Trypanosoma brucei gambiensespecific antibodies in serum and cerebrospinal fluid of sleeping sicknesspatients Lejon, V.;Buscher, P.;Magnus, E.;Moons, A.;Wouters, I.;Van Meirvenne, N.; Acta Tropica 1998-05-01 查看
Activity of N,N-dimethy-1-2-propen-1-amine derivatives in miceexperimentally infected with Trypanosoma cruzi Pereira, D.G.;de Castro, S.L.;Duran, N.; Acta Tropica 1998-06-01 查看
Biological characterization and genetic diversity of Mexican isolates ofTrypanosoma cruzi Lopez-Olmos, V.;Perez-Nasser, N.;Pinero, D.;Ortega, E.;Hernandez, R.;Espinoza, B.; Acta Tropica 1998-06-01 查看
Response of a T. b. rhodesiense stock with reduced drug susceptibility invitro to treatment in mice and cattle Enyaru, J.C.K.;Matovu, E.;Lubega, G.W.;Kaminsky, R.; Acta Tropica 1998-06-01 查看
Genotype and virulence correlation within Mexican stocks of Trypanosomacruzi isolated from patients Espinoza, B.;Vera-Cruz, J.M.;Gonzalez, H.;Ortega, E.;Hernandez, R.; Acta Tropica 1998-06-15 查看
Trypanosoma rangeli sialidase: kinetics of release and antigeniccharacterization Saldana, A.;Sousa, O.E.;Orn, A.;Harris, R.A.; Acta Tropica 1998-06-15 查看
Factors influencing the prevalence of trypanosome infection of Glossinapallidipes on the Ruvu flood plain of Eastern Tanzania Msangi, A.R.;Whitaker, C.J.;Lehane, M.J.; Acta Tropica 1998-06-30 查看
Modes of association of Trypanosoma cruzi with the intestinal tract of thevector Triatoma infestans Kollien, A.H.;Schmidt, J.;Schaub, G.A.; Acta Tropica 1998-06-30 查看
Increased sensitivity of the card agglutination test CATT/Trypanosomabrucei gambiense by inhibition of complement Pansaerts, R.;Van Meirvenne, N.;Magnus, E.;Verhelst, L.; Acta Tropica 1998-07-30 查看
Diagnostic evaluation of PCR on dried blood samples from goatsexperimentally infected with Trypanosoma brucei brucei de Almeida, P.P.;Ndao, M.;Van Meirvenne, N.;Geerts, S.; Acta Tropica 1998-07-30 查看
Diagnostic evaluation of PCR on dried blood samples from goatsexperimentally infected with Trypanosoma brucei brucei de Almeida, P.P.;Ndao, M.;Van Meirvenne, N.;Geerts, S.; Acta Tropica 1998-07-30 查看
Increased sensitivity of the card agglutination test CATT/Trypanosomabrucei gambiense by inhibition of complement Pansaerts, R.;Van Meirvenne, N.;Magnus, E.;Verhelst, L.; Acta Tropica 1998-07-30 查看
Trypanosoma cruzi: compromise of reproductive system in acute murineinfection Lenzi, H.L.;Castelo-Branco, M.T.L.;Pelajo-Machado, M.;Oliveira, D.N.;Gattass, C.R.; Acta Tropica 1998-09-15 查看
The mini-exon gene of Trypanosoma (Nannomonas) simiae: sequence variationbetween isolates and a distinguishing molecular marker Sturm, N.R.;Murthy, V.K.;Garside, L.;Campbell, D.A.; Acta Tropica 1998-09-15 查看
Trypanosoma cruzi genotypes associated with domestic Triatoma sordida inBolivia Breniere, S.F.;Morochi, W.;Bosseno, M.-F.;Ordonez, J.;Gutierrez, T.;Vargas, F.;Yaksic, N.;Noireau, F.; Acta Tropica 1998-11-30 查看
Saliva ELISA: a method for the diagnosis of chronic Chagas disease inendemic areas Pinho, R.T.;Pedrosa, R.C.;Costa-Martins, P.;Castello-Branco, L.R.R.; Acta Tropica 1999-01-15 查看
A drug incubation glossina infectivity test (DIGIT) to assess thesusceptibility of Trypanosoma congolense bloodstream forms to trypanocidaldrugs (Xenodiagnosis) Clausen, P.-H.;Leendertz, F.H.;Blankenburg, A.;Tietjen, U.;Mehlitz, D.;Sidibe, I.;Bauer, B.; Acta Tropica 1999-01-15 查看
Isolation of Trypanosoma brucei from the monitor lizard (Varanus niloticus)in an endemic focus of rhodesian sleeping sickness in Kenya Njagu, Z.;Mihok, S.;Kokwaro, E.;Verloo, D.; Acta Tropica 1999-03-15 查看
Improved latex agglutination test for detection of antibodies in serum andcerebrospinal fluid of Trypanosoma brucei gambiense infected patients Buscher, P.;Lejon, V.;Magnus, E.;Van Meirvenne, N.; Acta Tropica 1999-05-25 查看
GM1 ganglioside induced myocardial restoration and survival of mice withexperimental Chagas' disease Cossy Isasi, S.;Fernandez, A.R.;Paglini, P.;Bronia, D.H.; Acta Tropica 1999-10-15 查看
An automated biological assay to determine levels of the trypanocidal drugmelarsoprol in biological fluids Onyango, J.D.;Burri, C.;Brun, R.; Acta Tropica 2000-01-05 查看
Paleoparasitology of Chagas disease revaled by infected tissues fromChilean mummies Ferreira, L.F.;Britto, C.;Cardoso, M.A.;Fernandes, O.;Reinhard, K.;Araujo, A.; Acta Tropica 2000-02-25 查看
Plasticity of the histone H2A genes in a Brazilian and six Colombianstrains of Trypanosoma cruzi Thomas, M.C.;Olivares, M.;Escalante, M.;Maranon, C.;Montilla, M.;Nicholls, S.;Lopez, M.C.;Puerta, C.; Acta Tropica 2000-03-25 查看
Changes of anti-Trypanosoma cruzi antibodies after @c-irradiation of micein the chronic phase of the infection Umekita, L.F.;Leite, R.A.;Barbaro, K.C.;Mota, I.; Acta Tropica 2000-03-25 查看
Effect of the alkyl-lysophospholipids on the proliferation anddifferentiation of Trypanosoma cruzi Santa-Rita, R.M.;Santos Barbosa, H.;Meirelles, M.d.N.S.L.;de Castro, S.L.; Acta Tropica 2000-03-25 查看
Some biochemical changes following Trypanosoma congolense infection inDjallonke ewe lambs and breeding ewes fed on two levels of nutrition Osaer, S.;Akinbamijo, O.O.;Goossens, B.; Acta Tropica 2000-03-25 查看
Development of an immunoenzymatic assay for the detection of humanantibodies against Trypanosoma cruzi calreticulin, an immunodominantantigen Marcelain, K.;Colombo, A.;Molina, M.C.;Ferreira, L.;Lorca, M.;Aguillon, J.C.;Ferreira, A.; Acta Tropica 2000-05-31 查看
Comparative sensitivity of dot-ELISA, PCR and dissection method for thedetection of trypanosome infections in tsetse flies (Diptera: Glossinidae) Ouma, J.O.;Masake, R.A.;Masiga, D.K.;Moloo, S.K.;Njuguna, J.T.;Ndung'u, J.M.; Acta Tropica 2000-05-31 查看
Stage specific kinetoplast DNA-binding proteins in Trypanosoma cruzi Zavala-Castro, J.E.;Acosta-Viana, K.;Guzman-Marn, E.;Rosado-Barrera, M.E.;Rosales-Encina, J.L.; Acta Tropica 2000-09-18 查看
Stage specific kinetoplast DNA-binding proteins in Trypanosoma cruzi Zavala-Castro, J.E.;Acosta-Viana, K.;Guzman-Mari@?n, E.;Rosado-Barrera, M.E.;Rosales-Encina, J.L.; Acta Tropica 2000-09-18 查看
Multiple-drug resistant Trypanosoma congolense populations in villagecattle of Metekel district, north-west Ethiopia Afewerk, Y.;Clausen, P.-H.;Abebe, G.;Tilahun, G.;Mehlitz, D.; Acta Tropica 2000-10-02 查看
The decline of anti-trypanosomal antibody levels in cattle after treatmentwith trypanocidal drugs and in the absence of tsetse challenge Van den Bossche, P.;Chigoma, D.;Shumba, W.; Acta Tropica 2000-12-01 查看
The decline of anti-trypanosomal antibody levels in cattle aftertreatment with trypanocidal drugs and in the absence of tsetse challenge Van den Bossche, P.;Chigoma, D.;Shumba, W.; Acta Tropica 2000-12-01 查看
Trypanosoma cruzi: presence of the two major phylogenetic lineages and ofseveral lesser discrete typing units (DTUs) in Chile and Paraguay Barnabe, C.;Neubauer, K.;Solari, A.;Tibayrenc, M.; Acta Tropica 2001-02-23 查看
New molecular marker for Trypanosoma (Duttonella) vivax identification Morlais, I.;Ravel, S.;Grebaut, P.;Dumas, V.;Cuny, G.; Acta Tropica 2001-12-21 查看
Uptake of pentamidine in Trypanosoma brucei brucei is mediated by the P2adenosine transporter and at least one novel, unrelated transporter de Koning, H.P.;Jarvis, S.M.; Acta Tropica 2001-12-21 查看
Evaluation of an EDTA version of CATT/Trypanosoma brucei gambiense forserological screening of human blood samples Magnus, E.;Lejon, V.;Bayon, D.;Buyse, D.;Simarro, P.;Verloo, D.;Vervoort, T.;Pansaerts, R.;Buscher, P.;Van Meirvenne, N.; Acta Tropica 2002-01-01 查看
Follow-up of experimental chronic Chagas' disease in dogs: use ofpolymerase chain reaction (PCR) compared with parasitological andserological methods Araujo, F.M.G.;Bahia, M.T.;Magalhaes, N.M.;Martins-Filho, O.A.;Veloso, V.M.;Carneiro, C.M.;Tafuri, W.L.;Lana, M.; Acta Tropica 2002-01-01 查看
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