



Dynamic MRI Enhanced with Albumin-(Gd-DTPA)"3"0 or UltrasmallSuperparamagnetic Iron Oxide Particles (NC100150 Injection) for theMeasurement of Microvessel Permeability in Experimental Breast Tumors Turetschek, K.;Huber, S.;Helbich, T.;Floyd, E.;Tarlo, K.S.;Roberts, T.P.L.;Shames, D.M.;Wendland, M.F.;Brasch, R.C.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
Dynamic MRI Enhanced with Albumin-(Gd-DTPA)"3"0 or UltrasmallSuperparamagnetic Iron Oxide Particles (NC100150 Injection) for theMeasurement of Microvessel Permeability in Experimental Breast Tumors Turetschek, K.;Huber, S.;Helbich, T.;Floyd, E.;Tarlo, K.S.;Roberts, T.P.L.;Shames, D.M.;Wendland, M.F.;Brasch, R.C.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
Phase-Sensitive Inversion Recovery Single-Shot Balanced Steady-StateFree Precession for Detection of Myocardial Infarction During a SingleBreathhold Huber, A.;Hayes, C.;Spannagl, B.;Rieber, J.;Klauss, V.;Schoenberg, S.O.;Reiser, M.;Wintersperger, B.J.; Academic Radiology 2007-12-01 查看
Phase-Sensitive Inversion Recovery Single-Shot Balanced Steady-StateFree Precession for Detection of Myocardial Infarction During a SingleBreathhold Huber, A.;Hayes, C.;Spannagl, B.;Rieber, J.;Klauss, V.;Schoenberg, S.O.;Reiser, M.;Wintersperger, B.J.; Academic Radiology 2007-12-01 查看
Phase-Sensitive Inversion Recovery Single-Shot Balanced Steady-StateFree Precession for Detection of Myocardial Infarction During a SingleBreathhold Huber, A.;Hayes, C.;Spannagl, B.;Rieber, J.;Klauss, V.;Schoenberg, S.O.;Reiser, M.;Wintersperger, B.J.; Academic Radiology 2007-12-01 查看
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