


An improved computer-assisted diagnostic scheme using wavelet transformfor detecting clustered microcalcifications in digital mammograms Yoshida, H.;Doi, K.;Nishikawa, R.M.;Giger, M.L.;Schmidt, R.A.; Academic Radiology 1996-08-01 查看
An improved computer-assisted diagnostic scheme using wavelet transformfor detecting clustered microcalcifications in digital mammograms Yoshida, H.;Doi, K.;Nishikawa, R.M.;Giger, M.L.;Schmidt, R.A.; Academic Radiology 1996-08-01 查看
Prescreening entire mammograms for masses with artificial neuralnetworks: Preliminary results Kalman, B.L.;Reinus, W.R.;Kwasny, S.C.;Laine, A.;Kotner, L.; Academic Radiology 1997-06-01 查看
Surveillance mammography and stereotactic core breast biopsy forprobably benign lesions: A cost comparison analysis James Brenner, R.;Sickles, E.A.; Academic Radiology 1997-06-01 查看
Prescreening entire mammograms for masses with artificial neuralnetworks: Preliminary results Kalman, B.L.;Reinus, W.R.;Kwasny, S.C.;Laine, A.;Kotner, L.; Academic Radiology 1997-06-01 查看
Surveillance mammography and stereotactic core breast biopsy forprobably benign lesions: A cost comparison analysis James Brenner, R.;Sickles, E.A.; Academic Radiology 1997-06-01 查看
Prescreening entire mammograms for masses with artificial neuralnetworks: Preliminary results Kalman, B.L.;Reinus, W.R.;Kwasny, S.C.;Laine, A.;Kotner, L.; Academic Radiology 1997-06-01 查看
Surveillance mammography and stereotactic core breast biopsy forprobably benign lesions: A cost comparison analysis James Brenner, R.;Sickles, E.A.; Academic Radiology 1997-06-01 查看
Efficacy and feasibility of breast shielding during abdominalfluoroscopic examinations Fordham, L.A.;Brown, E.D.;Washburn, D.;Clark, R.L.; Academic Radiology 1997-09-01 查看
Efficacy and feasibility of breast shielding during abdominalfluoroscopic examinations Fordham, L.A.;Brown, E.D.;Washburn, D.;Clark, R.L.; Academic Radiology 1997-09-01 查看
Efficacy and feasibility of breast shielding during abdominalfluoroscopic examinations Fordham, L.A.;Brown, E.D.;Washburn, D.;Clark, R.L.; Academic Radiology 1997-09-01 查看
Mammographic appearance of breast cancer in African-American women:Report of 100 consecutive cases Patterson, S.K.;Helvie, M.A.;Joynt, L.K.;Roubidoux, M.A.;Strawderman, M.; Academic Radiology 1998-01-01 查看
Negative mammograms in symptomatic patients with breast cancer Patel, M.R.;Whitman, G.J.; Academic Radiology 1998-01-01 查看
Mammographic appearance of breast cancer in African-American women:Report of 100 consecutive cases Patterson, S.K.;Helvie, M.A.;Joynt, L.K.;Roubidoux, M.A.;Strawderman, M.; Academic Radiology 1998-01-01 查看
Negative mammograms in symptomatic patients with breast cancer Patel, M.R.;Whitman, G.J.; Academic Radiology 1998-01-01 查看
Mammographic appearance of breast cancer in African-American women:Report of 100 consecutive cases Patterson, S.K.;Helvie, M.A.;Joynt, L.K.;Roubidoux, M.A.;Strawderman, M.; Academic Radiology 1998-01-01 查看
Negative mammograms in symptomatic patients with breast cancer Patel, M.R.;Whitman, G.J.; Academic Radiology 1998-01-01 查看
Analysis of clustered microcalcifications by using a single numericclassifier extracted from mammographic digital images Buchbinder, S.S.;Leichter, I.S.;Bamberger, P.N.;Novak, B.;Lederman, R.;Fields, S.;Behar, D.J.; Academic Radiology 1998-11-01 查看
Analysis of clustered microcalcifications by using a single numericclassifier extracted from mammographic digital images Buchbinder, S.S.;Leichter, I.S.;Bamberger, P.N.;Novak, B.;Lederman, R.;Fields, S.;Behar, D.J.; Academic Radiology 1998-11-01 查看
Automated computerized classification of malignant and benign masses ondigitized mammograms Huo, Z.;Giger, M.L.;Vyborny, C.J.;Wolverton, D.E.;Schmidt, R.A.;Doi, K.; Academic Radiology 1998-03-01 查看
Incorporation of a set enumeration trees-based classifier into a hybridcomputer-assisted diagnosis scheme for mass detection Rymon, R.;Zheng, B.;Chang, Y.H.;Gur, D.; Academic Radiology 1998-03-01 查看
Automated computerized classification of malignant and benign masses ondigitized mammograms Huo, Z.;Giger, M.L.;Vyborny, C.J.;Wolverton, D.E.;Schmidt, R.A.;Doi, K.; Academic Radiology 1998-03-01 查看
Incorporation of a set enumeration trees-based classifier into a hybridcomputer-assisted diagnosis scheme for mass detection Rymon, R.;Zheng, B.;Chang, Y.H.;Gur, D.; Academic Radiology 1998-03-01 查看
Fast spectroscopic imaging of water and fat resonances to improve thequality of MR images Kovar, D.A.;Al-Hallaq, H.A.;Zamora, M.A.;River, J.N.;Karczmar, G.S.; Academic Radiology 1998-04-01 查看
Fast spectroscopic imaging of water and fat resonances to improve thequality of MR images Kovar, D.A.;Al-Hallaq, H.A.;Zamora, M.A.;River, J.N.;Karczmar, G.S.; Academic Radiology 1998-04-01 查看
CT attenuation of fluid in breast cysts Stafford-Johnson, D.B.;Helvie, M.A.;Hilborn, M.D.;Wilson, T.E.;Goodsitt, M.M.;Bude, R.O.; Academic Radiology 1998-06-01 查看
CT attenuation of fluid in breast cysts Stafford-Johnson, D.B.;Helvie, M.A.;Hilborn, M.D.;Wilson, T.E.;Goodsitt, M.M.;Bude, R.O.; Academic Radiology 1998-06-01 查看
CT attenuation of fluid in breast cysts Stafford-Johnson, D.B.;Helvie, M.A.;Hilborn, M.D.;Wilson, T.E.;Goodsitt, M.M.;Bude, R.O.; Academic Radiology 1998-06-01 查看
Effect of patient histoy data on the prediction of breast cancer frommammographic findings with artificial neural networks Lo, J.Y.;Baker, J.A.;Kornguth, P.J.;Floyd, C.E.; Academic Radiology 1999-01-01 查看
Improving breast cancer diagnosis with computer-aided diagnosis Jiang, Y.;Nishikawa, R.M.;Schmidt, R.A.;Metz, C.E.;Giger, M.L.;Doi, K.; Academic Radiology 1999-01-01 查看
Effect of patient histoy data on the prediction of breast cancer frommammographic findings with artificial neural networks Lo, J.Y.;Baker, J.A.;Kornguth, P.J.;Floyd, C.E.; Academic Radiology 1999-01-01 查看
Improving breast cancer diagnosis with computer-aided diagnosis Jiang, Y.;Nishikawa, R.M.;Schmidt, R.A.;Metz, C.E.;Giger, M.L.;Doi, K.; Academic Radiology 1999-01-01 查看
Discrimination of MR images of breast masses with fractal-interpolationfunction models Penn, A.I.;Bolinger, L.;Schnall, M.D.;Loew, M.H.; Academic Radiology 1999-03-01 查看
Discrimination of MR images of breast masses with fractal-interpolationfunction models Penn, A.I.;Bolinger, L.;Schnall, M.D.;Loew, M.H.; Academic Radiology 1999-03-01 查看
Touch-preparation cytologic examination of breast core biopsyspecimens: Accuracy in predicting benign or malignant core histologicresults March, D.E.;Walker, M.T.;Bur, M.;Coughlin, B.F.;Dziura, B.;Lorenzana, R.R.;Makari-Judson, G.; Academic Radiology 1999-06-01 查看
Touch-preparation cytologic examination of breast core biopsyspecimens: Accuracy in predicting benign or malignant core histologicresults March, D.E.;Walker, M.T.;Bur, M.;Coughlin, B.F.;Dziura, B.;Lorenzana, R.R.;Makari-Judson, G.; Academic Radiology 1999-06-01 查看
Accuracy of MR imaging in the work-up of suspicious breast lesions: Adiagnostic meta-analysis Hrung, J.M.;Sonnad, S.S.;Sanford Schwartz, J.;Langlotz, C.P.; Academic Radiology 1999-07-01 查看
Accuracy of MR imaging in the work-up of suspicious breast lesions: Adiagnostic meta-analysis Hrung, J.M.;Sonnad, S.S.;Sanford Schwartz, J.;Langlotz, C.P.; Academic Radiology 1999-07-01 查看
Comparison of gadomer-17 and gadopentetate dimeglumine fordifferentiation of benign from malignant breast tumors with MR imaging Daldrup-Link, H.E.;Shames, D.M.;Wendland, M.;Muhler, A.;Gossmann, A.;Rosenau, W.;Brasch, R.C.; Academic Radiology 2000-11-01 查看
Comparison of gadomer-17 and gadopentetate dimeglumine fordifferentiation of benign from malignant breast tumors with MR imaging Daldrup-Link, H.E.;Shames, D.M.;Wendland, M.;Muhler, A.;Gossmann, A.;Rosenau, W.;Brasch, R.C.; Academic Radiology 2000-11-01 查看
Comparison of gadomer-17 and gadopentetate dimeglumine fordifferentiation of benign from malignant breast tumors with MR imaging Daldrup-Link, H.E.;Shames, D.M.;Wendland, M.;Muhler, A.;Gossmann, A.;Rosenau, W.;Brasch, R.C.; Academic Radiology 2000-11-01 查看
Comparison of tomosynthesis methods used with digital mammography Suryanarayanan, S.;Karellas, A.;Vedantham, S.;Glick, S.J.;D'Orsi, C.J.;Baker, S.P.;Webber, R.L.; Academic Radiology 2000-12-01 查看
Comparison of tomosynthesis methods used with digital mammography Suryanarayanan, S.;Karellas, A.;Vedantham, S.;Glick, S.J.;D'Orsi, C.J.;Baker, S.P.;Webber, R.L.; Academic Radiology 2000-12-01 查看
Follow-up of benign results of stereotactic core breast biopsy Adler, D.D.;Light, R.J.;Granstrom, P.;Hunter, T.B.;Hunt, K.R.; Academic Radiology 2000-04-01 查看
Follow-up of benign results of stereotactic core breast biopsy Adler, D.D.;Light, R.J.;Granstrom, P.;Hunter, T.B.;Hunt, K.R.; Academic Radiology 2000-04-01 查看
Applying computer-assisted detection schemes to digitized mammogramsafter JPEG data compression: An assessment Zheng, B.;Sumkin, J.H.;Good, W.F.;Maitz, G.S.;Chang, Y.H.;Gur, D.; Academic Radiology 2000-08-01 查看
Applying computer-assisted detection schemes to digitized mammogramsafter JPEG data compression: An assessment Zheng, B.;Sumkin, J.H.;Good, W.F.;Maitz, G.S.;Chang, Y.H.;Gur, D.; Academic Radiology 2000-08-01 查看
A Deformable Finite Element Model of the Breast for Predicting MechanicalDeformations under External Perturbations Azar, F.S.;Metaxas, D.N.;Schnall, M.D.; Academic Radiology 2001-10-01 查看
A Deformable Finite Element Model of the Breast for Predicting MechanicalDeformations under External Perturbations Azar, F.S.;Metaxas, D.N.;Schnall, M.D.; Academic Radiology 2001-10-01 查看
Digital Mammography - Wavelet Transform and Kalman-Filtering Neural Networkin Mass Segmentation and Detection Qian, W.;Sun, X.;Song, D.;Clark, R.A.; Academic Radiology 2001-11-01 查看
Digital Mammography - Wavelet Transform and Kalman-Filtering Neural Networkin Mass Segmentation and Detection Qian, W.;Sun, X.;Song, D.;Clark, R.A.; Academic Radiology 2001-11-01 查看
Interreader Variability and Predictive Value of US Descriptions of SolidBreast Masses - Pilot Study Arger, P.H.;Sehgal, C.M.;Conant, E.F.;Zuckerman, J.;Rowling, S.E.;Patton, J.A.; Academic Radiology 2001-04-01 查看
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