


Mapping the densities of malaria vectors within a single village Smith, T.;Charlwood, J.D.;Takken, W.;Tanner, M.;Spiegelhalter, D.J.; Acta Tropica 1995-03-01 查看
Malaria transmission in relation to rice cultivation in the irrigated Sahelof Mali Dolo, G.;Briet, O.J.T.;Dao, A.;Traore, S.F.;Bouare, M.;Sogoba, N.;Niare, O.;Bagayogo, M.;Sangare, D.;Teuscher, T.;Toure, Y.T.; Acta Tropica 2004-01-01 查看
Microsatellite DNA polymorphism and heterozygosity in the malaria vectormosquito Anopheles funestus (Diptera: Culicidae) in east and southernAfrica Temu, E.A.;Hunt, R.H.;Coetzee, M.; Acta Tropica 2004-03-01 查看
Population structure of the malaria vector Anopheles funestus (Diptera:Culicidae) in Madagascar and Comoros Ayala, D.;Goff, G.L.;Robert, V.;de Jong, P.;Takken, W.; Acta Tropica 2006-03-01 查看
Malaria transmission dynamics in Niono, Mali: The effect of theirrigation systems Sogoba, N.;Doumbia, S.;Vounatsou, P.;Bagayoko, M.M.;Dolo, G.;Traore, S.F.;Maiga, H.M.;Toure, Y.T.;Smith, T.; Acta Tropica 2007-03-01 查看
Identification of four members of the Anopheles funestus (Diptera:Culicidae) group and their role in Plasmodium falciparum transmission inBagamoyo coastal Tanzania Temu, E.A.;Minjas, J.N.;Tuno, N.;Kawada, H.;Takagi, M.; Acta Tropica 2007-05-01 查看
Bionomics of malaria vectors and relationship with malaria transmissionand epidemiology in three physiographic zones in the Senegal River Basin Dia, I.;Konate, L.;Samb, B.;Sarr, J.B.;Diop, A.;Rogerie, F.;Faye, M.;Riveau, G.;Remoue, F.;Diallo, M.;Fontenille, D.; Acta Tropica 2008-02-01 查看
Population structure of newly established Anopheles funestuspopulations in the Senegal River basin using paracentric chromosomalinversions Dia, I.;Samb, B.;Konate, L.;Fontenille, D.; Acta Tropica 2010-07-01 查看
Anthropophilic mosquitoes and malaria transmission in the easternfoothills of the central highlands of Madagascar Andrianaivolambo, L.;Domarle, O.;Randrianarivelojosia, M.;Ratovonjato, J.;Le Goff, G.;Talman, A.;Ariey, F.;Robert, V.; Acta Tropica 2010-12-01 查看
A first report of Anopheles funestus sibling species in western Kenyahighlands Kweka, E.J.;Kamau, L.;Munga, S.;Lee, M.C.;Githeko, A.K.;Yan, G.; Acta Tropica 2013-10-01 查看
A first report of Anopheles funestus sibling species in western Kenyahighlands Kweka, E.J.;Kamau, L.;Munga, S.;Lee, M.C.;Githeko, A.K.;Yan, G.; Acta Tropica 2013-10-01 查看
A first report of Anopheles funestus sibling species in western Kenyahighlands Kweka, E.J.;Kamau, L.;Munga, S.;Lee, M.C.;Githeko, A.K.;Yan, G.; Acta Tropica 2013-10-01 查看
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