


Further refining the stress-coping model of alcohol involvement Hussong, A.M.; Addictive Behaviors 2003-10-01 查看
Predictors of drinking immediacy following daily sadness: Anapplication of survival analysis to experience sampling data Hussong, A.M.; Addictive Behaviors 2007-05-01 查看
Parental involvement protects against self-medication behaviors duringthe high school transition Gottfredson, N.C.;Hussong, A.M.; Addictive Behaviors 2011-12-01 查看
Parental social support as a moderator of self-medication in adolescents Reimuller, A.;Shadur, J.;Hussong, A.M.; Addictive Behaviors 2011-03-01 查看
Parental social support as a moderator of self-medication in adolescents Reimuller, A.;Shadur, J.;Hussong, A.M.; Addictive Behaviors 2011-03-01 查看
Parental social support as a moderator of self-medication in adolescents Reimuller, A.;Shadur, J.;Hussong, A.M.; Addictive Behaviors 2011-03-01 查看
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