篇名 | 作者 | 刊名 | 出版年 | 查看 |
Gender and smoking behavior in a worksite smoking cessation program |
Stockton, M.C.;Mcmahon, S.D.;Jason, L.A.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2000-05-01 |
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The impact of minor stressful life events and social support on cravings -A study of inpatients receiving treatment for substance dependence |
Ames, S.C.;Roitzsch, J.C.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2000-07-01 |
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Self-assessment of inebriation from external indices |
Sastre, M.T.M.;Mullet, E.;Sorum, P.C.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2000-09-01 |
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To thine own self be true - Self-concept and motivation for abstinenceamong substance abusers |
Downey, L.;Rosengren, D.B.;Donovan, D.M.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2000-09-01 |
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A multilevel approach to family-centered prevention in schools - Processand outcome |
Dishion, T.J.;Kavanagh, K.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2000-11-01 |
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Merging universal and indicated prevention programs - The fast track model |
Addictive Behaviors |
2000-11-01 |
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Sources of motivation for abstinence - A replication analysis of theReasons for Quitting Questionnaire |
Downey, L.;Rosengren, D.B.;Donovan, D.M.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2001-01-01 |
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Comparison of drug treatment histories of single and multiple drug abusersin detox |
Greberman, S.B.;Jasinski, D.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2001-03-01 |
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Comparison of drug treatment histories of single and multiple drug abusersin detox |
Greberman, S.B.;Jasinski, D.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2001-03-01 |
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Persistent effects of a message counter-marketing light cigarettes -Results of a randomized controlled trial |
Kozlowski, L.T.;Palmer^1, R.;Stine, M.M.;Strasser, A.A.;Yost, B.A.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2001-05-01 |
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Rational decision perspectives on alcohol consumption by youth - Revisingthe theory of planned behavior |
Kuther, T.L.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2002-01-01 |
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Exploring the association between perceived risks of smoking and benefitsto quitting - Who does not see the link? |
Lyna, P.;McBride, C.;Samsa, G.;Pollak, K.I.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2002-03-01 |
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The effects of diazepam (valium) and aggressive disposition on humanaggression - An experimental investigation |
Ben-Porath, D.D.;Taylor, S.P.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2002-03-01 |
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Adolescent antisocial behavior and substance use - Longitudinal analyses |
Adalbjarnardottir, S.;Rafnsson, F.D.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2002-03-01 |
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Conflict resolution style as an indicator of adolescents' substance use andother problem behaviors |
Colsman, M.;Wulfert, E.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2002-07-01 |
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Dialectical Behavior Therapy of borderline patients with and withoutsubstance use problems - Implementation and long-term effects |
van den Bosch, L.M.C.;Verheul, R.;Schippers, G.M.;van den Brink, W.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2002-11-01 |
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Preventing underage drinking - A ''roll of the dice'' |
Glanz, K.;Maddock, J.E.;Shigaki, D.;Sorensen, C.A.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2003-01-01 |
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Smoking differences among African American, Hispanic, and White middleschool students in an urban setting |
Kelder, S.H.;Prokhorov, A.;Barroso, C.S.;Murray, N.;Orpinas, P.;McCormick, L.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2003-04-01 |
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Alcohol expectancies, alcohol consumption, and problem drinking - Themoderating role of family history |
Conway, K.P.;Swendsen, J.D.;Merikangas, K.R.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2003-07-01 |
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Substance use behaviors among college students with same-sex andopposite-sex experience - results from a national study |
Eisenberg, M.;Wechsler, H.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2003-07-01 |
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Drugs of abuse and the elicitation of human aggressive behavior |
Hoaken, P.N.S.;Stewart, S.H.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2003-12-01 |
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Drinking, personality, and bar environmental characteristics as predictorsof involvement in barroom aggression |
Leonard, K.E.;Quigley, B.M.;Collins, R.L.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2003-12-01 |
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Drinking, personality, and bar environmental characteristics as predictorsof involvement in barroom aggression |
Leonard, K.E.;Quigley, B.M.;Collins, R.L.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2003-12-01 |
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Drugs of abuse and the elicitation of human aggressive behavior |
Hoaken, P.N.S.;Stewart, S.H.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2003-12-01 |
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Sexual abuse and smoking among college student women |
De Von Figueroa-Moseley, C.;Landrine, H.;Klonoff, E.A.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2004-02-01 |
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A psychometric analysis of the self-regulation questionnaire |
Carey, K.B.;Neal, D.J.;Collins, S.E.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2004-02-01 |
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Effects of changes in perceived self-efficacy on HIV risk behaviors overtime |
Kang, S.-Y.;Deren, S.;Andia, J.;Colon, H.M.;Robles, R.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2004-05-01 |
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The context of sexual risk behavior among heterosexual methamphetamineusers |
Semple, S.J.;Patterson, T.L.;Grant, I.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2004-06-01 |
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Cognitive coping skills and depression vulnerability among cigarettesmokers |
Haaga, D.A.F.;Thorndike, F.P.;Friedman-Wheeler, D.G.;Pearlman, M.Y.;Wernicke, R.A.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2004-08-01 |
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Excessive drinking in college: Behavioral outcome, not binge, as a basisfor prevention |
Alexander, E.N.;Bowen, A.M.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2004-08-01 |
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Cognitive coping skills and depression vulnerability among cigarettesmokers |
Haaga, D.A.F.;Thorndike, F.P.;Friedman-Wheeler, D.G.;Pearlman, M.Y.;Wernicke, R.A.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2004-08-01 |
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Excessive drinking in college: Behavioral outcome, not binge, as a basisfor prevention |
Alexander, E.N.;Bowen, A.M.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2004-08-01 |
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Risk-taking propensity and risky sexual behavior of individuals inresidential substance use treatment |
Lejuez, C.W.;Simmons, B.L.;Aklin, W.M.;Daughters, S.B.;Dvir, S.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2004-11-01 |
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Treating addictive behaviors in the employee assistance program:Implications for brief interventions |
Chan, K.K.;Neighbors, C.;Marlatt, G.A.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2004-12-01 |
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Korean adolescents' smoking behavior and its correlation with psychologicalvariables |
Kim, Y.-H.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2005-02-01 |
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A brief readiness to change drinking algorithm: Concurrent validity infemale VA primary care patients |
Epler, A.J.;Kivlahan, D.R.;Bush, K.R.;Dobie, D.J.;Bradley, K.A.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2005-02-01 |
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Tobacco use, secondhand smoke exposure and their related knowledge,attitudes and behaviors among Asian Americans |
Ma, G.X.;Shive, S.E.;Tan, Y.;Toubbeh, J.I.;Fang, C.Y.;Edwards, R.L.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2005-05-01 |
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Sensation seeking and negative affectivity as predictors of riskybehaviors: A distinction between occasional versus frequent risk-taking |
Desrichard, O.;Denarie, V.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2005-08-01 |
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Alcohol use disorder symptoms and risk-taking behavior as predictors ofalcohol-related medical events among young adults treated in emergencydepartments |
Kelly, T.M.;Donovan, J.E.;Cornelius, J.R.;Bukstein, O.G.;Delbridge, T.R.;Kinnane, J.M.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2005-10-01 |
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Challenges and opportunities of group therapy for adolescent substanceabuse: A critical review |
Kaminer, Y.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2005-10-01 |
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Incapacitated rape and alcohol use: A prospective analysis |
Kaysen, D.;Neighbors, C.;Martell, J.;Fossos, N.;Larimer, M.E.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2006-10-01 |
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Changes in HIV risk behaviors among patients receiving combinedpharmacological and behavioral interventions for heroin and cocainedependence |
Schroeder, J.R.;Epstein, D.H.;Umbricht, A.;Preston, K.L.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2006-05-01 |
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Smoking cessation: An application of theory of planned behavior tounderstanding progress through stages of change |
Bledsoe, L.K.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2006-07-01 |
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Childhood behavior problems and peer selection and socialization: Riskfor adolescent alcohol use |
Fite, P.J.;Colder, C.R.;O'Connor, R.M.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2006-08-01 |
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Effect of cognitive behavior therapy on smokers' compensatory copingskills |
Thorndike, F.P.;Friedman-Wheeler, D.G.;Haaga, D.A.F.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2006-09-01 |
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Secondhand smoke and nicotine exposure: A brief review |
Okoli, C.T.C.;Kelly, T.;Hahn, E.J.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2007-10-01 |
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The impacts of a school-wide no smoking strategy and classroom-basedsmoking prevention curriculum on the smoking behavior of junior high schoolstudents |
Lee, P.H.;Wu, D.M.;Lai, H.R.;Chu, N.F.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2007-10-01 |
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Nonverbal behavior of human addicts: Multimetric analysis |
Verbitskaya, E.V.;Krupitsky, E.M.;Burakov, A.;Tsoy-Podosenina, M.V.;Egorova, V.Yu.;Bushara, N.;Vekovischeva, O.Yu.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2007-10-01 |
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Alcohol expectancies and risky drinking among men and women athigh-risk for HIV infection in Cape Town South Africa |
Kalichman, S.C.;Simbayi, L.C.;Cain, D.;Jooste, S.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2007-10-01 |
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Alcohol use, partner type, and risky sexual behavior among collegestudents: Findings from an event-level study |
Brown, J.L.;Vanable, P.A.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2007-12-01 |
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Profiles of current disruptive behavior: Association with recent drugconsumption among adolescents |
Storr, C.L.;Accornero, V.H.;Crum, R.M.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2007-02-01 |
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Short-term effects of Project EX-4: A classroom-based smokingprevention and cessation intervention program |
Sun, P.;Miyano, J.;Rohrbach, L.A.;Dent, C.W.;Sussman, S.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2007-02-01 |
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