


Why is prostate cancer screening so common when the evidence is souncertain? a system without negative feedback Ransohoff, D.F.;McNaughton Collins, M.;Fowler, F.J.; The American Journal of Medicine 2002-12-01 查看
The impact of risk status, preexisting morbidity, and polypharmacy ontreatment decisions concerning menopausal symptoms Col, N.F.; The American Journal of Medicine 2005-12-19 查看
What do patients consider when making decisions about treatment forhepatitis C? Fraenkel, L.;McGraw, S.;Wongcharatrawee, S.;Garcia-Tsao, G.; The American Journal of Medicine 2005-12-01 查看
The impact of risk status, preexisting morbidity, and polypharmacy ontreatment decisions concerning menopausal symptoms Col, N.F.; The American Journal of Medicine 2005-12-19 查看
What do patients consider when making decisions about treatment forhepatitis C? Fraenkel, L.;McGraw, S.;Wongcharatrawee, S.;Garcia-Tsao, G.; The American Journal of Medicine 2005-12-01 查看
What do patients consider when making decisions about treatment forhepatitis C? Fraenkel, L.;McGraw, S.;Wongcharatrawee, S.;Garcia-Tsao, G.; The American Journal of Medicine 2005-12-01 查看
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