


Observation of movements during sleep in ALTE (apparent life threateningevent) and apnoeic infants -- a pilot study Einspieler, C.;Prechtl, H.F.R.;van Eykern, L.;de Roos, B.; Early Human Development 1994-12-16 查看
Temporal disparity between reduction of cot death and reduction of pronesleeping prevalence Einspieler, C.;Kerbl, R.;Kenner, T.; Early Human Development 1997-09-19 查看
Temporal disparity between reduction of cot death and reduction of pronesleeping prevalence Einspieler, C.;Kerbl, R.;Kenner, T.; Early Human Development 1997-09-19 查看
The qualitative assessment of general movements in preterm, term and younginfants - review of the methodology Einspieler, C.;Prechtl, H.F.R.;Ferrari, F.;Cioni, G.;Bos, A.F.; Early Human Development 1997-11-24 查看
Which better predicts later outcome in fullterm infants: quality of generalmovements or neurological examination? Cioni, G.;Prechtl, H.F.R.;Ferrari, F.;Paolicelli, P.B.;Einspieler, C.;Roversi, M.F.; Early Human Development 1997-11-24 查看
Posture, spontaneous movements, and behavioural state organisation ininfants affected by brain malformations Ferrari, F.;Prechtl, H.F.R.;Cioni, G.;Roversi, M.F.;Einspieler, C.;Gallo, C.;Paolicelli, P.B.;Cavazzuti, G.B.; Early Human Development 1997-11-24 查看
Assessment of the quality of general movements in fetuses and infants ofwomen with type-I diabetes mellitus Kainer, F.;Prechtl, H.F.R.;Engele, H.;Einspieler, C.; Early Human Development 1997-11-24 查看
International Child Care Practices Study: infant sleeping environment Nelson, E.A.S.;Taylor, B.J.;ICCPS Study Group;Jenik, A.;Vance, J.;Walmsley, K.;Pollard, K.;Freemantle, M.;Ewing, D.;Einspieler, C.;Engele, H.;Ritter, P.;Hildes-Ripstein, G.E.;Arancibia, M.;Ji, X.;Li, H.;Nelson, E.A.S.;Bedard, C.;Helweg-Larsen, K.;Sidenius, K.;Karlqvist, S.;Poets, C.;Barko, E.;Kiberd, B.;McDonnell, M.;Donzelli, G.;Piumelli, R.;Landini, L.;Giustardi, A.;Nishida, H.;Fukui, S.;Sawaguchi, T.;Ino, M.;Horiuchi, T.;Oguchi, K.;Taylor, B.J.;Williams, S.;Perk, Y.;Tappin, D.;Milerad, J.;Wennborg, M.;Aryayev, N.;Nepomyashchaya, V.; Early Human Development 2001-05-01 查看
Can spontaneous movements be modulated by visual and acoustic stimulationin 3-month-old infants? Dibiasi, J.;Einspieler, C.; Early Human Development 2002-06-01 查看
Preterm to early postterm changes in the development of hand-mouth contactand other motor patterns Takaya, R.;Yukuo, K.;Bos, A.F.;Einspieler, C.; Early Human Development 2003-12-01 查看
Preterm to early postterm changes in the development of hand-mouth contactand other motor patterns Takaya, R.;Yukuo, K.;Bos, A.F.;Einspieler, C.; Early Human Development 2003-12-01 查看
Development of manipulative hand movements during the second year of life Geerts, W.K.;Einspieler, C.;Dibiasi, J.;Garzarolli, B.;Bos, A.F.; Early Human Development 2003-12-01 查看
Development of manipulative hand movements during the second year of life Geerts, W.K.;Einspieler, C.;Dibiasi, J.;Garzarolli, B.;Bos, A.F.; Early Human Development 2003-12-01 查看
Load perturbation does not influence spontaneous movements in 3-month-oldinfants Dibiasi, J.;Einspieler, C.; Early Human Development 2004-04-01 查看
The effectiveness of training in Prechtl's method on the qualitativeassessment of general movements Valentin, T.;Uhl, K.;Einspieler, C.; Early Human Development 2005-07-01 查看
Does a detailed assessment of poor repertoire general movements help toidentify those infants who will develop normally? Nakajima, Y.;Einspieler, C.;Marschik, P.B.;Bos, A.F.;Prechtl, H.F.R.; Early Human Development 2006-01-01 查看
Events at early development: Are they associated with early wordproduction and neurodevelopmental abilities at the preschool age? Marschik, P.B.;Einspieler, C.;Garzarolli, B.;Prechtl, H.F.R.; Early Human Development 2007-02-01 查看
Events at early development: Are they associated with early wordproduction and neurodevelopmental abilities at the preschool age? Marschik, P.B.;Einspieler, C.;Garzarolli, B.;Prechtl, H.F.R.; Early Human Development 2007-02-01 查看
Are abnormal fidgety movements an early marker for complex minorneurological dysfunction at puberty? Einspieler, C.;Marschik, P.B.;Milioti, S.;Nakajima, Y.;Bos, A.F.;Prechtl, H.F.R.; Early Human Development 2007-08-01 查看
Movements and postures of infants aged 3 to 5months: To what extent istheir optimality related to perinatal events and to the neurologicaloutcome? Yuge, M.;Marschik, P.B.;Nakajima, Y.;Yamori, Y.;Kanda, T.;Hirota, H.;Yoshida, N.;Einspieler, C.; Early Human Development 2011-03-01 查看
Is it possible to predict the infant's neurodevelopmental outcome at14months of age by means of a single preterm assessment of GeneralMovements? Manacero, S.A.;Marschik, P.B.;Nunes, M.L.;Einspieler, C.; Early Human Development 2012-01-01 查看
Cerebral palsy in children: movements and postures during earlyinfancy, dependent on preterm vs. full term birth Yang, H.;Einspieler, C.;Shi, W.;Marschik, P.B.;Wang, Y.;Cao, Y.;Li, H.;Liao, Y.G.;Shao, X.M.; Early Human Development 2012-10-01 查看
Cerebral palsy in children: Movements and postures during earlyinfancy, dependent on preterm vs. full term birth Yang, H.;Einspieler, C.;Shi, W.;Marschik, P.B.;Wang, Y.;Cao, Y.;Li, H.;Liao, Y.G.;Shao, X.M.; Early Human Development 2012-10-01 查看
What do home videos tell us about early motor and socio-communicativebehaviours in children with autistic features during the second year oflife - An exploratory study Zappella, M.;Einspieler, C.;Bartl-Pokorny, K.D.;Krieber, M.;Coleman, M.;Bolte, S.;Marschik, P.B.; Early Human Development 2015-10-01 查看
Relationship between white matter pathology and performance on theGeneral Movement Assessment and the Test of Infant Motor Performance invery preterm infants Peyton, C.;Yang, E.;Kocherginsky, M.;Adde, L.;Fjortoft, T.;Stoen, R.;Bos, A.F.;Einspieler, C.;Schreiber, M.D.;Msall, M.E.; Early Human Development 2016-04-01 查看
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