


Clinical evaluation of wavelet-compressed digitized screen-filmmammography Powell, K.A.;Mallasch, P.G.;Obuchowski, N.A.;Kerczewski, R.J.;Ganobcik, S.N.;Cardenosa, G.;Chilcote, W.; Academic Radiology 2000-05-01 查看
Components-of-variance models and multiple-bootstrap experiments: Analternative method for random-effects, receiver operating characteristicanalysis Beiden, S.V.;Wagner, R.F.;Campbell, G.; Academic Radiology 2000-05-01 查看
Bootstrap estimation of diagnostic accuracy with patient-clustered data Rutter, C.M.; Academic Radiology 2000-06-01 查看
A contaminated binormal model for ROC data Dorfman, D.D.;Berbaum, K.S.;Brandser, E.A.; Academic Radiology 2000-06-01 查看
A contaminated binormal model for ROC data Dorfman, D.D.;Berbaum, K.S.; Academic Radiology 2000-06-01 查看
A contaminated binormal model for ROC data Dorfman, D.D.;Berbaum, K.S.; Academic Radiology 2000-06-01 查看
Bootstrap estimation of diagnostic accuracy with patient-clustered data Rutter, C.M.; Academic Radiology 2000-06-01 查看
A contaminated binormal model for ROC data Dorfman, D.D.;Berbaum, K.S.;Brandser, E.A.; Academic Radiology 2000-06-01 查看
A contaminated binormal model for ROC data Dorfman, D.D.;Berbaum, K.S.; Academic Radiology 2000-06-01 查看
A contaminated binormal model for ROC data Dorfman, D.D.;Berbaum, K.S.; Academic Radiology 2000-06-01 查看
Data analysis for detection and localization of multiple abnormalitieswith application to mammography Obuchowski, N.A.;Lieber, M.L.;Powell, K.A.; Academic Radiology 2000-07-01 查看
Data analysis for detection and localization of multiple abnormalitieswith application to mammography Obuchowski, N.A.;Lieber, M.L.;Powell, K.A.; Academic Radiology 2000-07-01 查看
Statistical Test to Assess Rank-Order Imaging Studies Rockette, H.E.;Li, W.;Brown, M.L.;Britton, C.A.;Towers, J.T.;Gur, D.; Academic Radiology 2001-01-01 查看
Statistical Test to Assess Rank-Order Imaging Studies Rockette, H.E.;Li, W.;Brown, M.L.;Britton, C.A.;Towers, J.T.;Gur, D.; Academic Radiology 2001-01-01 查看
The ''Differential Diagnosis'' for Multiple Diseases - Comparison with theBinary-Truth State Experiment in Two Empirical Studies Obuchowski, N.A.;Applegate, K.E.;Goske, M.J.;Arheart, K.L.;Myers, M.T.;Morrison, S.; Academic Radiology 2001-10-01 查看
The ''Differential Diagnosis'' for Multiple Diseases - Comparison with theBinary-Truth State Experiment in Two Empirical Studies Obuchowski, N.A.;Applegate, K.E.;Goske, M.J.;Arheart, K.L.;Myers, M.T.;Morrison, S.; Academic Radiology 2001-10-01 查看
Comparison of Correlated Receiver Operating Characteristic Curves Derivedfrom Repeated Diagnostic Test Data Zou, K.H.; Academic Radiology 2001-03-01 查看
Comparison of Correlated Receiver Operating Characteristic Curves Derivedfrom Repeated Diagnostic Test Data Zou, K.H.; Academic Radiology 2001-03-01 查看
Continuous versus Categorical Data for ROC Analysis - Some QuantitativeConsiderations Wagner, R.F.;Beiden, S.V.;Metz, C.E.; Academic Radiology 2001-04-01 查看
Continuous versus Categorical Data for ROC Analysis - Some QuantitativeConsiderations Wagner, R.F.;Beiden, S.V.;Metz, C.E.; Academic Radiology 2001-04-01 查看
Digital Mammography - Observer Performance Study of the Effects of PixelSize on the Characterization of Malignant and Benign Microcalcifications Chan, H.-P.;Helvie, M.A.;Petrick, N.;Sahiner, B.;Adler, D.D.;Paramagul, C.;Roubidoux, M.A.;Blane, C.E.;Joynt, L.K.;Wilson, T.E.;Hadjiiski, L.M.;Goodsitt, M.M.; Academic Radiology 2001-06-01 查看
Digital Mammography - Observer Performance Study of the Effects of PixelSize on the Characterization of Malignant and Benign Microcalcifications Chan, H.-P.;Helvie, M.A.;Petrick, N.;Sahiner, B.;Adler, D.D.;Paramagul, C.;Roubidoux, M.A.;Blane, C.E.;Joynt, L.K.;Wilson, T.E.;Hadjiiski, L.M.;Goodsitt, M.M.; Academic Radiology 2001-06-01 查看
Components-of-Variance Models for Random-Effects ROC Analysis - The Case ofUnequal Variance Structures Across Modalities Beiden, S.V.;Wagner, R.F.;Campbell, G.;Metz, C.E.;Jiang, Y.; Academic Radiology 2001-07-01 查看
Analysis of Uncertainties in Estimates of Components of Variance inMultivariate ROC Analysis Beiden, S.V.;Wagner, R.F.;Campbell, G.;Chan, H.-P.; Academic Radiology 2001-07-01 查看
Components-of-Variance Models for Random-Effects ROC Analysis - The Case ofUnequal Variance Structures Across Modalities Beiden, S.V.;Wagner, R.F.;Campbell, G.;Metz, C.E.;Jiang, Y.; Academic Radiology 2001-07-01 查看
Analysis of Uncertainties in Estimates of Components of Variance inMultivariate ROC Analysis Beiden, S.V.;Wagner, R.F.;Campbell, G.;Chan, H.-P.; Academic Radiology 2001-07-01 查看
Bayesian Regression Methodology for Estimating a Receiver OperatingCharacteristic Curve with Two Radiologic Applications - Prostate Biopsy andSpiral CT of Ureteral Stones O'Malley, A.J.;Zou, K.H.;Fielding, J.R.;Tempany, C.M.C.; Academic Radiology 2001-08-01 查看
Bayesian Regression Methodology for Estimating a Receiver OperatingCharacteristic Curve with Two Radiologic Applications - Prostate Biopsy andSpiral CT of Ureteral Stones O'Malley, A.J.;Zou, K.H.;Fielding, J.R.;Tempany, C.M.C.; Academic Radiology 2001-08-01 查看
ROC Analysis of Detection of Metastatic Pulmonary Nodules on Digital ChestRadiographs with Temporal Subtraction Uozumi, T.;Nakamura, K.;Watanabe, H.;Nakata, H.;Katsuragawa, S.;Doi, K.; Academic Radiology 2001-09-01 查看
ROC Analysis of Detection of Metastatic Pulmonary Nodules on Digital ChestRadiographs with Temporal Subtraction Uozumi, T.;Nakamura, K.;Watanabe, H.;Nakata, H.;Katsuragawa, S.;Doi, K.; Academic Radiology 2001-09-01 查看
Can the Size of Microcalcifications Predict Malignancy of Clusters atMammography? Buchbinder, S.S.;Leichter, I.S.;Lederman, R.B.;Novak, B.;Bamberger, P.N.;Coopersmith, H.;Fields, S.I.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
Can the Size of Microcalcifications Predict Malignancy of Clusters atMammography? Buchbinder, S.S.;Leichter, I.S.;Lederman, R.B.;Novak, B.;Bamberger, P.N.;Coopersmith, H.;Fields, S.I.; Academic Radiology 2002-01-01 查看
Assessment of Medical Imaging and Computer-Assist Systems - Lessons fromRecent Experience Wagner, R.F.;Beiden, S.V.;Campbell, G.;Metz, C.E.;Sacks, W.M.; Academic Radiology 2002-11-01 查看
Comparison of Three Methods for Estimating the Standard Error of the Areaunder the Curve in ROC Analysis of Quantitative Data Hajian-Tilaki, K.O.;Hanley, J.A.; Academic Radiology 2002-11-01 查看
Assessment of Medical Imaging and Computer-Assist Systems - Lessons fromRecent Experience Wagner, R.F.;Beiden, S.V.;Campbell, G.;Metz, C.E.;Sacks, W.M.; Academic Radiology 2002-11-01 查看
Comparison of Three Methods for Estimating the Standard Error of the Areaunder the Curve in ROC Analysis of Quantitative Data Hajian-Tilaki, K.O.;Hanley, J.A.; Academic Radiology 2002-11-01 查看
Comparison of Full-Field Digital Mammography to Screen-Film Mammographywith Respect to Diagnostic Accuracy of Lesion Characterization in BreastTissue Biopsy Specimens Kuzmiak, C.M.;Millnamow, G.A.;Qaqish, B.;Pisano, E.D.;Cole, E.B.;Brown, M.E.; Academic Radiology 2002-12-01 查看
Comparison of Full-Field Digital Mammography to Screen-Film Mammographywith Respect to Diagnostic Accuracy of Lesion Characterization in BreastTissue Biopsy Specimens Kuzmiak, C.M.;Millnamow, G.A.;Qaqish, B.;Pisano, E.D.;Cole, E.B.;Brown, M.E.; Academic Radiology 2002-12-01 查看
Statistical Power in Observer-Performance Studies - Comparison of theReceiver Operating Characteristic and Free-Response Methods in TasksInvolving Localization Chakraborty, D.; Academic Radiology 2002-02-01 查看
Confidence Bounds When the Estimated ROC Area is 1.0 Obuchowski, N.A.;Lieber, M.L.; Academic Radiology 2002-05-01 查看
Confidence Bounds When the Estimated ROC Area is 1.0 Obuchowski, N.A.;Lieber, M.L.; Academic Radiology 2002-05-01 查看
An Empirical Comparison of Discrete Ratings and Subjective ProbabilityRatings Berbaum, K.S.;Dorfman, D.D.;Franken, E.A.;Caldwell, R.T.; Academic Radiology 2002-07-01 查看
An Empirical Comparison of Discrete Ratings and Subjective ProbabilityRatings Berbaum, K.S.;Dorfman, D.D.;Franken, E.A.;Caldwell, R.T.; Academic Radiology 2002-07-01 查看
Independent versus Sequential Reading in ROC Studies of Computer-AssistModalities - Analysis of Components of Variance Beiden, S.V.;Wagner, R.F.;Doi, K.;Nishikawa, R.M.;Freedman, M.;Lo, S.-C.B.;Xu, X.-W.; Academic Radiology 2002-09-01 查看
Independent versus Sequential Reading in ROC Studies of Computer-AssistModalities - Analysis of Components of Variance Beiden, S.V.;Wagner, R.F.;Doi, K.;Nishikawa, R.M.;Freedman, M.;Lo, S.-C.B.;Xu, X.-W.; Academic Radiology 2002-09-01 查看
Validation of the Summary ROC for Diagnostic Test Meta-Analysis - A MonteCarlo Simulation Mitchell, M.D.; Academic Radiology 2003-01-01 查看
Validation of the Summary ROC for Diagnostic Test Meta-Analysis - A MonteCarlo Simulation Mitchell, M.D.; Academic Radiology 2003-01-01 查看
Effect of high sensitivity in a computerized scheme for detecting extremelysubtle solitary pulmonary nodules in chest radiographs - observerperformance study^1 Shiraishi, J.;Abe, H.;Engelmann, R.;Doi, K.; Academic Radiology 2003-11-01 查看
Statistical validation based on parametric receiver operatingcharacteristic analysis of continuous classification data^1 Zou, K.H.;Warfield, S.K.;Fielding, J.R.;Tempany, C.M.C.;Wells, W.M.;Kaus, M.R.;Jolesz, F.A.;Kikinis, R.; Academic Radiology 2003-12-01 查看
Statistical validation based on parametric receiver operatingcharacteristic analysis of continuous classification data^1 Zou, K.H.;Warfield, S.K.;Fielding, J.R.;Tempany, C.M.C.;Wells, W.M.;Kaus, M.R.;Jolesz, F.A.;Kikinis, R.; Academic Radiology 2003-12-01 查看
Qualitative diagnosis of calvarial metastasis by neural network andlogistic regression^1 Arana, E.;Marti-Bonmati, L.;Bautista, D.;Paredes, R.; Academic Radiology 2004-01-01 查看
Qualitative diagnosis of calvarial metastasis by neural network andlogistic regression^1 Arana, E.;Marti-Bonmati, L.;Bautista, D.;Paredes, R.; Academic Radiology 2004-01-01 查看
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