


Degeneracy and discrete receiver operating characteristic rating data Dorfman, D.D.;Berbaum, K.S.; Academic Radiology 1995-10-01 查看
Degeneracy and discrete receiver operating characteristic rating data Dorfman, D.D.;Berbaum, K.S.; Academic Radiology 1995-10-01 查看
Gaze dwell times on plain film abnormalities in abdominal contraststudies Berbaum, K.S.;Franken, E.A.;Dorfman, D.D.;Lu, C.H.;Kreinbring, K.; Academic Radiology 1995-12-01 查看
Multi-reader multi-case ROC methodology: A bootstrap analysis Dorfman, D.D.;Berbaum, K.S.;Lenth, R.V.; Academic Radiology 1995-12-01 查看
Gaze dwell times on plain film abnormalities in abdominal contraststudies Berbaum, K.S.;Franken, E.A.;Dorfman, D.D.;Lu, C.H.;Kreinbring, K.; Academic Radiology 1995-12-01 查看
Multi-reader multi-case ROC methodology: A bootstrap analysis Dorfman, D.D.;Berbaum, K.S.;Lenth, R.V.; Academic Radiology 1995-12-01 查看
Multireader, multicase receiver operating characteristic methodology: Abootstrap analysis Dorfman, D.D.;Berbaum, K.S.;Lenth, R.V.; Academic Radiology 1995-07-01 查看
Multireader, multicase receiver operating characteristic methodology: Abootstrap analysis Dorfman, D.D.;Berbaum, K.S.;Lenth, R.V.; Academic Radiology 1995-07-01 查看
Cause of satisfaction of search effects in contrast studies of theabdomen Berbaum, K.S.;Franken, E.A.;Dorfman, D.D.;Miller, E.M.;Krupinski, E.A.;Kreinbring, K.;Caldwell, R.T.;Lu, C.H.; Academic Radiology 1996-10-01 查看
Cause of satisfaction of search effects in contrast studies of theabdomen Berbaum, K.S.;Franken, E.A.;Dorfman, D.D.;Miller, E.M.;Krupinski, E.A.;Kreinbring, K.;Caldwell, R.T.;Lu, C.H.; Academic Radiology 1996-10-01 查看
Gaze dwell times on multiple acute trauma injuries Kuehn, D.M.;Berbaum, K.S.;El Khoury, G.Y.;Franken, E.A.;Dorfman, D.D.;Miller, E.M.;Caldwell, R.T.; Academic Radiology 1996-12-01 查看
Gaze dwell times on multiple acute trauma injuries Kuehn, D.M.;Berbaum, K.S.;El Khoury, G.Y.;Franken, E.A.;Dorfman, D.D.;Miller, E.M.;Caldwell, R.T.; Academic Radiology 1996-12-01 查看
Proper receiver operating characteristic analysis: The bigamma model Dorfman, D.D.;Berbaum, K.S.;Metz, C.E.;Lenth, R.V.;Hanley, J.A.;Dagga, H.A.; Academic Radiology 1997-02-01 查看
Proper receiver operating characteristic analysis: The bigamma model Dorfman, D.D.;Berbaum, K.S.;Metz, C.E.;Lenth, R.V.;Hanley, J.A.;Dagga, H.A.; Academic Radiology 1997-02-01 查看
Role of faulty visual search in the satisfaction of search effect inchest radiography Berbaum, K.S.;Franken, E.A.;Dorfman, D.D.;Miller, E.M.;Caldwell, R.T.;Kuehn, D.M.;Berbaum, M.L.; Academic Radiology 1998-01-01 查看
Role of faulty visual search in the satisfaction of search effect inchest radiography Berbaum, K.S.;Franken, E.A.;Dorfman, D.D.;Miller, E.M.;Caldwell, R.T.;Kuehn, D.M.;Berbaum, M.L.; Academic Radiology 1998-01-01 查看
Role of faulty visual search in the satisfaction of search effect inchest radiography Berbaum, K.S.;Franken, E.A.;Dorfman, D.D.;Miller, E.M.;Caldwell, R.T.;Kuehn, D.M.;Berbaum, M.L.; Academic Radiology 1998-01-01 查看
Monte Carlo validation of a multireader method for receiver operatingcharacteristic discrete rating data: Factorial experimental design Dorfman, D.D.;Berbaum, K.S.;Lenth, R.V.;Chen, Y.F.;Donaghy, B.A.; Academic Radiology 1998-09-01 查看
Monte Carlo validation of a multireader method for receiver operatingcharacteristic discrete rating data: Factorial experimental design Dorfman, D.D.;Berbaum, K.S.;Lenth, R.V.;Chen, Y.F.;Donaghy, B.A.; Academic Radiology 1998-09-01 查看
Proper ROC analysis and joint ROC analysis of the satisfaction ofsearch effect in chest radiology Berbaum, K.S.;Dorfman, D.D.;Franken, E.A.;Caldwell, R.T.; Academic Radiology 2000-11-01 查看
Proper ROC analysis and joint ROC analysis of the satisfaction ofsearch effect in chest radiology Berbaum, K.S.;Dorfman, D.D.;Franken, E.A.;Caldwell, R.T.; Academic Radiology 2000-11-01 查看
Proper ROC analysis and joint ROC analysis of the satisfaction ofsearch effect in chest radiology Berbaum, K.S.;Dorfman, D.D.;Franken, E.A.;Caldwell, R.T.; Academic Radiology 2000-11-01 查看
Role of faulty decision making in the satisfaction of search effect inchest radiography Berbaum, K.S.;Franken, E.A.;Dorfman, D.D.;Caldwell, R.T.;Krupinski, E.A.; Academic Radiology 2000-12-01 查看
Role of faulty decision making in the satisfaction of search effect inchest radiography Berbaum, K.S.;Franken, E.A.;Dorfman, D.D.;Caldwell, R.T.;Krupinski, E.A.; Academic Radiology 2000-12-01 查看
A contaminated binormal model for ROC data Dorfman, D.D.;Berbaum, K.S.;Brandser, E.A.; Academic Radiology 2000-06-01 查看
A contaminated binormal model for ROC data Dorfman, D.D.;Berbaum, K.S.; Academic Radiology 2000-06-01 查看
A contaminated binormal model for ROC data Dorfman, D.D.;Berbaum, K.S.; Academic Radiology 2000-06-01 查看
A contaminated binormal model for ROC data Dorfman, D.D.;Berbaum, K.S.;Brandser, E.A.; Academic Radiology 2000-06-01 查看
A contaminated binormal model for ROC data Dorfman, D.D.;Berbaum, K.S.; Academic Radiology 2000-06-01 查看
A contaminated binormal model for ROC data Dorfman, D.D.;Berbaum, K.S.; Academic Radiology 2000-06-01 查看
Gaze Dwell Times on Acute Trauma Injuries Missed Because of Satisfaction ofSearch Berbaum, K.S.;Brandser, E.A.;Franken, E.A.;Dorfman, D.D.;Caldwell, R.T.;Krupinski, E.A.; Academic Radiology 2001-04-01 查看
Gaze Dwell Times on Acute Trauma Injuries Missed Because of Satisfaction ofSearch Berbaum, K.S.;Brandser, E.A.;Franken, E.A.;Dorfman, D.D.;Caldwell, R.T.;Krupinski, E.A.; Academic Radiology 2001-04-01 查看
An Empirical Comparison of Discrete Ratings and Subjective ProbabilityRatings Berbaum, K.S.;Dorfman, D.D.;Franken, E.A.;Caldwell, R.T.; Academic Radiology 2002-07-01 查看
An Empirical Comparison of Discrete Ratings and Subjective ProbabilityRatings Berbaum, K.S.;Dorfman, D.D.;Franken, E.A.;Caldwell, R.T.; Academic Radiology 2002-07-01 查看
Can order of report prevent satisfaction of search in abdominal contraststudies?^1 Berbaum, K.S.;Franken, E.A.;Dorfman, D.D.;Caldwell, R.T.;Lu, C.H.; Academic Radiology 2005-01-01 查看
Can order of report prevent satisfaction of search in abdominal contraststudies?^1 Berbaum, K.S.;Franken, E.A.;Dorfman, D.D.;Caldwell, R.T.;Lu, C.H.; Academic Radiology 2005-01-01 查看
Can order of report prevent satisfaction of search in abdominal contraststudies?^1 Berbaum, K.S.;Franken, E.A.;Dorfman, D.D.;Caldwell, R.T.;Lu, C.H.; Academic Radiology 2005-01-01 查看
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