


Biodistribution and excretion of ^1^5^3Gd-labeled gadoliniumethoxybenzyl diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid following repeatedintravenous administration to rats Muhler, A.;Weinmann, H.J.; Academic Radiology 1995-04-01 查看
Biodistribution and excretion of ^1^5^3Gd-labeled gadoliniumethoxybenzyl diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid following repeatedintravenous administration to rats Muhler, A.;Weinmann, H.J.; Academic Radiology 1995-04-01 查看
In vitro model to evaluate the relative efficacy of catheter-directedthrombolytic strategies Khilnani, N.;Lee, M.;Winchester, P.;Zanzonico, P.;McCaffrey, T.;Trost, D.;Jagust, M.;Binkert, B.;Sos, T.; Academic Radiology 1996-02-01 查看
In vitro model to evaluate the relative efficacy of catheter-directedthrombolytic strategies Khilnani, N.;Lee, M.;Winchester, P.;Zanzonico, P.;McCaffrey, T.;Trost, D.;Jagust, M.;Binkert, B.;Sos, T.; Academic Radiology 1996-02-01 查看
Detection of reperfused ischemia of the rat intestine: value ofmagnetic resonance imaging with small-molecular-weight dysprosium andgadolinium chelates Van Beers, B.E.;Goudemant, J.F.;Oksendal, A.;Jamart, J.;Delos, M.;Thiran, J.P.;Demeure, R.;Pringot, J.;Maldague, B.; Academic Radiology 1997-01-01 查看
Detection of reperfused ischemia of the rat intestine: value ofmagnetic resonance imaging with small-molecular-weight dysprosium andgadolinium chelates Van Beers, B.E.;Goudemant, J.F.;Oksendal, A.;Jamart, J.;Delos, M.;Thiran, J.P.;Demeure, R.;Pringot, J.;Maldague, B.; Academic Radiology 1997-01-01 查看
Pattern of dispersion from a pulse-spray catheter for delivery ofthrombolytic agents: Design, theory, and results Cho, K.J.;Recinella, D.K.; Academic Radiology 1997-03-01 查看
Pattern of dispersion from a pulse-spray catheter for delivery ofthrombolytic agents: Design, theory, and results Cho, K.J.;Recinella, D.K.; Academic Radiology 1997-03-01 查看
Pattern of dispersion from a pulse-spray catheter for delivery ofthrombolytic agents: Design, theory, and results Cho, K.J.;Recinella, D.K.; Academic Radiology 1997-03-01 查看
Endoscopic transvaginal approach to the rabbit uterine cervix:Improvement in the technique of selective tubal catheterization Maubon, A.J.;Thurmond, A.S.;Nikolchev, J.;Khera, A.;Machan, L.S.;Rouanet, J.P.; Academic Radiology 1997-04-01 查看
Endoscopic transvaginal approach to the rabbit uterine cervix:Improvement in the technique of selective tubal catheterization Maubon, A.J.;Thurmond, A.S.;Nikolchev, J.;Khera, A.;Machan, L.S.;Rouanet, J.P.; Academic Radiology 1997-04-01 查看
Technique for performing direct lymphangiography in pigs Hovsepian, D.M.;Wu, J.S.;Herzog, T.J.; Academic Radiology 1997-05-01 查看
Technique for performing direct lymphangiography in pigs Hovsepian, D.M.;Wu, J.S.;Herzog, T.J.; Academic Radiology 1997-05-01 查看
Adjustable temporary venous spring filter: In vitro assessment Hosaka, J.;Roy, S.;Kvernebo, K.;Enge, I.;L@?rum, F.; Academic Radiology 1997-07-01 查看
Adjustable temporary venous spring filter: In vitro assessment Hosaka, J.;Roy, S.;Kvernebo, K.;Enge, I.;L@?rum, F.; Academic Radiology 1997-07-01 查看
Experimentally induced pulmonary arterial occlusion with detachableballoon in pigs: Thin-section CT findings Kim, T.K.;Im, J.G.;Kim, S.H.;Won, H.J.;Seo, J.B.;Yeon, K.M.;Han, M.C.; Academic Radiology 1998-12-01 查看
Experimentally induced pulmonary arterial occlusion with detachableballoon in pigs: Thin-section CT findings Kim, T.K.;Im, J.G.;Kim, S.H.;Won, H.J.;Seo, J.B.;Yeon, K.M.;Han, M.C.; Academic Radiology 1998-12-01 查看
In vitro function of an adjustable temporary venous spring filter:Comparison with the temporary RF02 filter and the permanent greenfield venacava filter Hosaka, J.;Roy, S.;Kvernebo, K.;Enge, I.;Loerum, F.; Academic Radiology 1998-09-01 查看
In vitro function of an adjustable temporary venous spring filter:Comparison with the temporary RF02 filter and the permanent greenfield venacava filter Hosaka, J.;Roy, S.;Kvernebo, K.;Enge, I.;Loerum, F.; Academic Radiology 1998-09-01 查看
CT imaging of intrathoracic lymph nodes in dogs with bronchoscopicallyadministered iodinated nanoparticles Ketai, L.H.;Muggenberg, B.A.;McIntire, G.L.;Bacon, E.R.;Rosenberg, R.;Losco, P.E.;Toner, J.L.;Nikula, K.J.;Haley, P.; Academic Radiology 1999-01-01 查看
CT visualization of blood pool in rats by using long-circulating,iodine-containing micelles Torchilin, V.P.;Frank-Kamenetsky, M.D.;Wolf, G.L.; Academic Radiology 1999-01-01 查看
CT imaging of intrathoracic lymph nodes in dogs with bronchoscopicallyadministered iodinated nanoparticles Ketai, L.H.;Muggenberg, B.A.;McIntire, G.L.;Bacon, E.R.;Rosenberg, R.;Losco, P.E.;Toner, J.L.;Nikula, K.J.;Haley, P.; Academic Radiology 1999-01-01 查看
CT visualization of blood pool in rats by using long-circulating,iodine-containing micelles Torchilin, V.P.;Frank-Kamenetsky, M.D.;Wolf, G.L.; Academic Radiology 1999-01-01 查看
MR imaging of the temporomandibular joint: A validation experiment invitro Cavalcanti, M.G.P.;Lew, D.;Ishimaru, T.;Ruprecht, A.; Academic Radiology 1999-11-01 查看
MR imaging of the temporomandibular joint: A validation experiment invitro Cavalcanti, M.G.P.;Lew, D.;Ishimaru, T.;Ruprecht, A.; Academic Radiology 1999-11-01 查看
Evaluation of an experimental low-attenuation gastrointestinal contrastagent for CT imaging of intestinal ischemia in an animal model Spilde, J.M.;Lee, F.T.;Chosy, S.G.;Krupinski, E.A.;Kuhlman, J.E.;Yandow, D.R.; Academic Radiology 1999-02-01 查看
Lymph node uptake of interstitially delivered particulate contrastmedia before and after irradiation in dogs Wisner, E.R.;Theon, A.P.;Katzberg, R.W.;Griffey, S.M.;McIntire, G.L.; Academic Radiology 1999-02-01 查看
Evaluation of an experimental low-attenuation gastrointestinal contrastagent for CT imaging of intestinal ischemia in an animal model Spilde, J.M.;Lee, F.T.;Chosy, S.G.;Krupinski, E.A.;Kuhlman, J.E.;Yandow, D.R.; Academic Radiology 1999-02-01 查看
Lymph node uptake of interstitially delivered particulate contrastmedia before and after irradiation in dogs Wisner, E.R.;Theon, A.P.;Katzberg, R.W.;Griffey, S.M.;McIntire, G.L.; Academic Radiology 1999-02-01 查看
Discrimination of MR images of breast masses with fractal-interpolationfunction models Penn, A.I.;Bolinger, L.;Schnall, M.D.;Loew, M.H.; Academic Radiology 1999-03-01 查看
CT blood pool enhancement in primates with lopromide-carrying liposomescontaining soy phosphatidyl glycerol Schmiedl, U.P.;Krause, W.;Leike, J.;Sachse, A.; Academic Radiology 1999-03-01 查看
Blood pool and liver enhancement in CT with liposomal lodixanol:Comparison with lohexol Desser, T.S.;Rubin, D.L.;Muller, H.;McIntire, G.L.;Bacon, E.R.;Toner, J.L.; Academic Radiology 1999-03-01 查看
Discrimination of MR images of breast masses with fractal-interpolationfunction models Penn, A.I.;Bolinger, L.;Schnall, M.D.;Loew, M.H.; Academic Radiology 1999-03-01 查看
CT blood pool enhancement in primates with lopromide-carrying liposomescontaining soy phosphatidyl glycerol Schmiedl, U.P.;Krause, W.;Leike, J.;Sachse, A.; Academic Radiology 1999-03-01 查看
Blood pool and liver enhancement in CT with liposomal lodixanol:Comparison with lohexol Desser, T.S.;Rubin, D.L.;Muller, H.;McIntire, G.L.;Bacon, E.R.;Toner, J.L.; Academic Radiology 1999-03-01 查看
Abdominal vessel enhancement with an ultrasmall, superparamagnetic ironoxide blood pool agent: Evaluation of dose and echo time dependence atdifferent field strengths Johan Wikstrom, L.;Johansson, L.O.M.;Ericsson, B.A.M.;Borseth, A.;Akeson, P.A.G.;Hakan Ahlstrom, K.; Academic Radiology 1999-05-01 查看
Abdominal vessel enhancement with an ultrasmall, superparamagnetic ironoxide blood pool agent: Evaluation of dose and echo time dependence atdifferent field strengths Johan Wikstrom, L.;Johansson, L.O.M.;Ericsson, B.A.M.;Borseth, A.;Akeson, P.A.G.;Hakan Ahlstrom, K.; Academic Radiology 1999-05-01 查看
In vivo evaluation of the adjustable temporary venous spring filter andthe RF02 temporary filter: Comparative study Hosaka, J.;Roy, S.;Kvernebo, K.;Enge, I.;L@?rum, F.; Academic Radiology 1999-06-01 查看
In vivo evaluation of the adjustable temporary venous spring filter andthe RF02 temporary filter: Comparative study Hosaka, J.;Roy, S.;Kvernebo, K.;Enge, I.;L@?rum, F.; Academic Radiology 1999-06-01 查看
Comparison of gadomer-17 and gadopentetate dimeglumine fordifferentiation of benign from malignant breast tumors with MR imaging Daldrup-Link, H.E.;Shames, D.M.;Wendland, M.;Muhler, A.;Gossmann, A.;Rosenau, W.;Brasch, R.C.; Academic Radiology 2000-11-01 查看
Comparison of gadomer-17 and gadopentetate dimeglumine fordifferentiation of benign from malignant breast tumors with MR imaging Daldrup-Link, H.E.;Shames, D.M.;Wendland, M.;Muhler, A.;Gossmann, A.;Rosenau, W.;Brasch, R.C.; Academic Radiology 2000-11-01 查看
Comparison of gadomer-17 and gadopentetate dimeglumine fordifferentiation of benign from malignant breast tumors with MR imaging Daldrup-Link, H.E.;Shames, D.M.;Wendland, M.;Muhler, A.;Gossmann, A.;Rosenau, W.;Brasch, R.C.; Academic Radiology 2000-11-01 查看
Through-transmission US applied to breast imaging Lehman, C.D.;Andre, M.P.;Fecht, B.A.;Johansen, J.M.;Shelby, R.L.;Shelby, J.O.; Academic Radiology 2000-02-01 查看
Through-transmission US applied to breast imaging Lehman, C.D.;Andre, M.P.;Fecht, B.A.;Johansen, J.M.;Shelby, R.L.;Shelby, J.O.; Academic Radiology 2000-02-01 查看
Evaluation of effective renal plasma flow with I-127ortho-iodohippurate and I-123 ortho-iodohippurate in rabbits Mariani, G.;Augeri, C.;Pretolesi, F.;Mereto, E.;Curti, G.;Martinoli, C.;Martelli, A.;Derchi, L.E.; Academic Radiology 2000-09-01 查看
Evaluation of effective renal plasma flow with I-127ortho-iodohippurate and I-123 ortho-iodohippurate in rabbits Mariani, G.;Augeri, C.;Pretolesi, F.;Mereto, E.;Curti, G.;Martinoli, C.;Martelli, A.;Derchi, L.E.; Academic Radiology 2000-09-01 查看
In Vivo Imaging of Gene Expression - MR and Optical Technologies Bremer, C.;Weissleder, R.; Academic Radiology 2001-01-01 查看
T1"@r Imaging of Murine Brain Tumors at 4 T Poptani, H.;Duvvuri, U.;Miller, C.G.;Mancuso, A.;Charagundla, S.;Fraser, N.W.;Glickson, J.D.;Leigh, J.S.;Reddy, R.; Academic Radiology 2001-01-01 查看
In Vivo Imaging of Gene Expression - MR and Optical Technologies Bremer, C.;Weissleder, R.; Academic Radiology 2001-01-01 查看
T1"@r Imaging of Murine Brain Tumors at 4 T Poptani, H.;Duvvuri, U.;Miller, C.G.;Mancuso, A.;Charagundla, S.;Fraser, N.W.;Glickson, J.D.;Leigh, J.S.;Reddy, R.; Academic Radiology 2001-01-01 查看
Sonography of Acute Osteomyelitis in Rabbits with Pathologic Correlation Cheon, J.-E.;Chung, H.W.;Hong, S.H.;Lee, W.;Lee, K.H.;Kim, C.J.;Yeon, K.M.;Kang, H.S.; Academic Radiology 2001-03-01 查看
Sonography of Acute Osteomyelitis in Rabbits with Pathologic Correlation Cheon, J.-E.;Chung, H.W.;Hong, S.H.;Lee, W.;Lee, K.H.;Kim, C.J.;Yeon, K.M.;Kang, H.S.; Academic Radiology 2001-03-01 查看
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