


Methods used in studies of drink-drive control efforts: a meta-analysis ofthe literature from 1960 to 1991 Wagenaar, A.C.;Zobeck, T.S.;Williams, G.D.;Hingson, R.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 1995-06-01 查看
The safety value of guardrails and crash cushions: a meta-analysis ofevidence from evaluation studies Elvik, R.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 1995-08-01 查看
Does prior knowledge of safety effect help to predict how effective ameasure will be? Elvik, R.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 1996-05-01 查看
Does prior knowledge of safety effect help to predict how effective ameasure will be? Elvik, R.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 1996-05-01 查看
A meta-analysis of studies concerning the safety effects of daytime runninglights on cars Elvik, R.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 1996-11-01 查看
Evaluations of road accident blackspot treatment: a case of the iron law ofevaluation studies? Elvik, R.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 1997-03-01 查看
Evaluations of road accident blackspot treatment: a case of the iron law ofevaluation studies? Elvik, R.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 1997-03-01 查看
Effects of incentive programs to stimulate safety belt use: a meta-analysis Hagenzieker, M.P.;Bijleveld, F.D.;Davidse, R.J.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 1997-11-01 查看
Effects of incentive programs to stimulate safety belt use: a meta-analysis Hagenzieker, M.P.;Bijleveld, F.D.;Davidse, R.J.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 1997-11-01 查看
Evaluating the statistical conclusion validity of weighted mean results inmeta-analysis by analysing funnel graph diagrams Elvik, R.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 1998-03-01 查看
The effects on accidents of studded tires and laws banning their use: ameta-analysis of evaluation studies Elvik, R.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 1998-01-01 查看
Smoking as a risk factor for accident death: a meta-analysis of cohortstudies Leistikow, B.N.;Martin, D.C.;Jacobs, J.;Rocke, D.M.;Noderer, K.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2000-05-01 查看
Area-wide urban traffic calming schemes: a meta-analysis of safety effects Elvik, R.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2001-05-01 查看
Bicycle helmet efficacy: a meta-analysis Attewell, R.G.;Glase, K.;McFadden, M.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2001-05-01 查看
The value of statistical life in road safety: a meta-analysis de Blaeij, A.;Florax, R.J.G.M.;Rietveld, P.;Verhoef, E.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2003-11-01 查看
The effects of an edgeline on speed and lateral position: a meta-analysis van Driel, C.J.G.;Davidse, R.J.;van Maarseveen, M.F.A.M.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2004-07-01 查看
A meta-analysis of .08 BAC laws in 19 jurisdictions in the United States Tippetts, A.S.;Voas, R.B.;Fell, J.C.;Nichols, J.L.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2005-01-01 查看
A meta-analysis of .08 BAC laws in 19 jurisdictions in the United States Tippetts, A.S.;Voas, R.B.;Fell, J.C.;Nichols, J.L.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2005-01-01 查看
Post-licence driver education for the prevention of road trafficcrashes: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials Ker, K.;Roberts, I.;Collier, T.;Beyer, F.;Bunn, F.;Frost, C.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2005-03-01 查看
Post-licence driver education for the prevention of road traffic crashes: asystematic review of randomised controlled trials Ker, K.;Roberts, I.;Collier, T.;Beyer, F.;Bunn, F.;Frost, C.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2005-03-01 查看
Road safety effects of porous asphalt: a systematic review ofevaluation studies Elvik, R.;Greibe, P.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2005-05-01 查看
Economic deregulation and transport safety: A synthesis of evidencefrom evaluation studies Elvik, R.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2006-07-01 查看
Accident proneness, does it exist? A review and meta-analysis Visser, E.;Pijl, Y.J.;Stolk, R.P.;Neeleman, J.;Rosmalen, J.G.M.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2007-05-01 查看
Effects of electronic stability control (ESC) on accidents: A review ofempirical evidence Erke, A.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2008-01-01 查看
Caution: A comment on Alena Erke's red light for red-light cameras? Ameta-analysis of the effects of red-light cameras on crashes Lund, A.K.;Kyrychenko, S.Y.;Retting, R.A.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2009-07-01 查看
Red light for red-light cameras? Erke, A.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2009-09-01 查看
The effects of drink-driving checkpoints on crashes-A meta-analysis Erke, A.;Goldenbeld, C.;Vaa, T.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2009-09-01 查看
An evaluation of graduated driver licensing programs in North Americausing a meta-analytic approach Vanlaar, W.;Mayhew, D.;Marcoux, K.;Wets, G.;Brijs, T.;Shope, J.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2009-09-01 查看
Are airbags a dangerous safety measure? A meta-analysis of the effectsof frontal airbags on driver fatalities Hoye, A.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2010-11-01 查看
Still red light for red light cameras? An update Hoye, A.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2013-06-01 查看
Still red light for red light cameras? An update Hoye, A.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2013-06-01 查看
Corrigendum to: ''Publication bias and time-trend bias in meta-analysisof bicycle helmet efficacy: A re-analysis of Attewell, Glase and McFadden,2001'' [Accid. Anal. Prev. 43 (2011) 1245-1251] Elvik, R.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2013-11-01 查看
Risk of road accident associated with the use of drugs: A systematicreview and meta-analysis of evidence from epidemiological studies Elvik, R.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2013-11-01 查看
Corrigendum to: ''Publication bias and time-trend bias in meta-analysisof bicycle helmet efficacy: A re-analysis of Attewell, Glase and McFadden,2001'' [Accid. Anal. Prev. 43 (2011) 1245-1251] Elvik, R.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2013-11-01 查看
Risk of road accident associated with the use of drugs: A systematicreview and meta-analysis of evidence from epidemiological studies Elvik, R.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2013-11-01 查看
ADHD and relative risk of accidents in road traffic: A meta-analysis Vaa, T.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2014-01-01 查看
ADHD and relative risk of accidents in road traffic: A meta-analysis Vaa, T.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2014-01-01 查看
ADHD and relative risk of accidents in road traffic: A meta-analysis Vaa, T.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2014-01-01 查看
ADHD and relative risk of accidents in road traffic: A meta-analysis Vaa, T.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2014-01-01 查看
ADHD and relative risk of accidents in road traffic: A meta-analysis Vaa, T.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2014-01-01 查看
Speed cameras, section control, and kangaroo jumps-a meta-analysis Hoye, A.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2014-12-01 查看
Impact of real-time traffic characteristics on freeway crashoccurrence: Systematic review and meta-analysis Roshandel, S.;Zheng, Z.;Washington, S.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2015-06-01 查看
Effectiveness of low speed autonomous emergency braking in real-worldrear-end crashes Fildes, B.;Keall, M.;Bos, N.;Lie, A.;Page, Y.;Pastor, C.;Pennisi, L.;Rizzi, M.;Thomas, P.;Tingvall, C.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2015-08-01 查看
Calibration of crash risk models on freeways with limited real-timetraffic data using Bayesian meta-analysis and Bayesian inference approach Xu, C.;Wang, W.;Liu, P.;Li, Z.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2015-12-01 查看
Safety-critical event risk associated with cell phone tasks as measuredin naturalistic driving studies: A systematic review and meta-analysis Simmons, S.M.;Hicks, A.;Caird, J.K.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2016-02-01 查看
The association between driving anger and driving outcomes: Ameta-analysis of evidence from the past twenty years Zhang, T.;Chan, A.H.S.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2016-05-01 查看
Association between increase in fixed penalties and road safetyoutcomes: A meta-analysis Elvik, R.; Accident Analysis & Prevention 2016-07-01 查看
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