


Factors affecting American Indian adolescent tobacco use Yu, M.;Stiffman, A.R.;Freedenthal, S.; Addictive Behaviors 2005-06-01 查看
Culture and environment as predictors of alcohol abuse/dependencesymptoms in American Indian youths Yu, M.;Stiffman, A.R.; Addictive Behaviors 2007-10-01 查看
Positive family relationships and religious affiliation as mediatorsbetween negative environment and illicit drug symptoms in American Indianadolescents Yu, M.;Stiffman, A.R.; Addictive Behaviors 2010-07-01 查看
Understanding tobacco use among urban African American adolescentsliving in public housing communities: A test of problem behavior theory Yu, M.;Nebbitt, V.E.;Lombe, M.;Pitner, R.O.;Salas-Wright, C.P.; Addictive Behaviors 2012-08-01 查看
A prospective, longitudinal study of cigarette smoking status amongNorth American Indigenous adolescents Yu, M.;Whitbeck, L.B.; Addictive Behaviors 2016-07-01 查看
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