


A Note on Regressing Real-world Data on Model Output Thornton, P.K.;Hansen, J.W.; Agricultural Systems 1996-01-01 查看
A Conceptual Approach to Dynamic Agricultural Land-Use Modelling Thornton, P.K.;Jones, P.G.; Agricultural Systems 1998-08-01 查看
Integrated crop-livestock simulation models for scenario analysis andimpact assessment Thornton, P.K.;Herrero, M.; Agricultural Systems 2001-11-01 查看
Assessing research impact on poverty: the importance of farmers'perspectives Kristjanson, P.;Place, F.;Franzel, S.;Thornton, P.K.; Agricultural Systems 2002-04-01 查看
Mapping livestock-oriented agricultural production systems for thedeveloping world Kruska, R.L.;Reid, R.S.;Thornton, P.K.;Henninger, N.;Kristjanson, P.M.; Agricultural Systems 2002-07-01 查看
An agro-pastoral household model for the rangelands of East Africa Thornton, P.K.;Galvin, K.A.;Boone, R.B.; Agricultural Systems 2003-05-01 查看
Mapping livestock-oriented agricultural production systems for thedeveloping world Kruska, R.L.;Reid, R.S.;Thornton, P.K.;Henninger, N.;Kristjanson, P.M.; Agricultural Systems 2003-07-01 查看
Modelling the impacts of group ranch subdivision on agro-pastoralhouseholds in Kajiado, Kenya Thornton, P.K.;BurnSilver, S.B.;Boone, R.B.;Galvin, K.A.; Agricultural Systems 2006-03-01 查看
Bio-economic evaluation of farmers' perceptions of viable farms inwestern Kenya Waithaka, M.M.;Thornton, P.K.;Herrero, M.;Shepherd, K.D.; Agricultural Systems 2006-10-01 查看
IMPACT: Generic household-level databases and diagnostics tools forintegrated crop-livestock systems analysis Herrero, M.;Gonzalez-Estrada, E.;Thornton, P.K.;Quiros, C.;Waithaka, M.M.;Ruiz, R.;Hoogenboom, G.; Agricultural Systems 2007-01-01 查看
The impacts of climate change on livestock and livestock systems indeveloping countries: A review of what we know and what we need to know Thornton, P.K.;van de Steeg, J.;Notenbaert, A.;Herrero, M.; Agricultural Systems 2009-07-01 查看
Adapting to climate change: Agricultural system and household impactsin East Africa Thornton, P.K.;Jones, P.G.;Alagarswamy, G.;Andresen, J.;Herrero, M.; Agricultural Systems 2010-02-01 查看
A method for evaluating climate change adaptation strategies forsmall-scale farmers using survey, experimental and modeled data Claessens, L.;Antle, J.M.;Stoorvogel, J.J.;Valdivia, R.O.;Thornton, P.K.;Herrero, M.; Agricultural Systems 2012-09-01 查看
Generating downscaled weather data from a suite of climate models foragricultural modelling applications Jones, P.G.;Thornton, P.K.; Agricultural Systems 2013-01-01 查看
Representative soil profiles for the Harmonized World Soil Database atdifferent spatial resolutions for agricultural modelling applications Jones, P.G.;Thornton, P.K.; Agricultural Systems 2015-10-01 查看
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