


Determination of Input and Output Coefficients of Cropping Systems in theEuropean Community de Koning, G.H.J.;van Keulen, H.;Rabbinge, R.;Janssen, H.; Agricultural Systems 1995-01-01 查看
Analytical Framework for Disentangling the Concept of Sustainable Land Use Kruseman, G.;Ruben, R.;Kuyvenhoven, A.;Hengsdijk, H.;van Keulen, H.; Agricultural Systems 1996-01-01 查看
The @?School of de Wit@? Crop Growth Simulation Models: A pedigree andHistorical Overview Bouman, B.A.M.;van Keulen, H.;van Laar, H.H.;Rabbinge, R.; Agricultural Systems 1996-10-11 查看
Variations in Yield Response to Fertilizer Application in the Tropics: II.Risks and Opportunities for Smallholders Cultivating Maize on Kenya'sArable Land Rotter, R.;van Keulen, H.; Agricultural Systems 1997-01-01 查看
Variations in Yield Response to Fertilizer Application in the Tropics: I.Quantifying Risks and Opportunities for Smallholders Based on Crop GrowthSimulation Rotter, R.;van Keulen, H.;Jansen, M.J.W.; Agricultural Systems 1997-01-01 查看
Variations in Yield Response to Fertilizer Application in the Tropics: I.Quantifying Risks and Opportunities for Smallholders Based on Crop GrowthSimulation Rotter, R.;van Keulen, H.;Jansen, M.J.W.; Agricultural Systems 1997-01-01 查看
Variations in Yield Response to Fertilizer Application in the Tropics: II.Risks and Opportunities for Smallholders Cultivating Maize on Kenya'sArable Land Rotter, R.;van Keulen, H.; Agricultural Systems 1997-01-01 查看
Variations in yield response to fertilizer application in the tropics:I. Quantifying risks and opportunities for smallholders based on cropgrowth simulation Rotter, R.;van Keulen, H.;Jansen, M.J.W.; Agricultural Systems 1997-01-01 查看
Variations in yield response to fertilizer application in the tropics:II. Risks and opportunities for smallholders cultivating maize on Kenya'sarable land Rotter, R.;van Keulen, H.; Agricultural Systems 1997-01-01 查看
Sustainable land use and food security in developing countries: DLV'sapproach to policy support van Keulen, H.;Kuyvenhoven, A.;Ruben, R.; Agricultural Systems 1998-11-01 查看
Concepts in production ecology for analysis and design of animal andplant-animal production systems van de Ven, G.W.J.;de Ridder, N.;van Keulen, H.;van Ittersum, M.K.; Agricultural Systems 2003-05-01 查看
Revisiting a 'cure against land hunger': soil fertility management andfarming systems dynamics in the West African Sahel de Ridder, N.;Breman, H.;van Keulen, H.;Stomph, T.J.; Agricultural Systems 2004-05-01 查看
Co-evolutionary scenarios of intensification and privatization of resourceuse in rural communities of south-western Niger La Rovere, R.;Hiernaux, P.;Van Keulen, H.;Schiere, J.B.;Szonyi, J.A.; Agricultural Systems 2005-03-01 查看
The nucleus and pilot farm research approach: experiences from TheNetherlands Langeveld, J.W.A.;van Keulen, H.;de Haan, J.J.;Kroonen-Backbier, B.M.A.;Oenema, J.; Agricultural Systems 2005-05-01 查看
Finding niches for whole-farm design models - contradictio in terminis? Sterk, B.;van Ittersum, M.K.;Leeuwis, C.;Rossing, W.A.H.;van Keulen, H.;van de Ven, G.W.J.; Agricultural Systems 2006-02-01 查看
Heterogeneity and diversity in less-favoured areas van Keulen, H.; Agricultural Systems 2006-04-01 查看
Resource use dynamics and interactions in the tropics: Scaling up inspace and time Giller, K.E.;Rowe, E.C.;de Ridder, N.;van Keulen, H.; Agricultural Systems 2006-04-01 查看
Feed resources, livestock production and soil carbon dynamics inTeghane, Northern Highlands of Ethiopia Abegaz, A.;van Keulen, H.;Oosting, S.J.; Agricultural Systems 2007-05-01 查看
A mathematical approach to comparing environmental and economic goalsin dairy farming: Identifying strategic development options van de Ven, G.W.J.;van Keulen, H.; Agricultural Systems 2007-05-01 查看
Sustainable resource management and policy options for rice ecosystems Roetter, R.;van Keulen, H.;Hengsdijk, H.;van den Berg, M.;van Laar, G.; Agricultural Systems 2007-06-01 查看
Quantitative analyses of natural resource management options atdifferent scales van Keulen, H.; Agricultural Systems 2007-06-01 查看
Poverty and biodiversity trade-offs in rural development: A case studyfor Pujiang county, China Hengsdijk, H.;Guanghuo, W.;Van den Berg, M.M.;Jiangdi, W.;Wolf, J.;Changhe, L.;Roetter, R.P.;Van Keulen, H.; Agricultural Systems 2007-06-01 查看
Can computer models stimulate learning about sustainable land use?Experience with LUPAS in the humid (sub-)tropics of Asia Van Paassen, A.;Roetter, R.P.;Van Keulen, H.;Hoanh, C.T.; Agricultural Systems 2007-06-01 查看
Yield gap of rainfed rice in farmers' fields in Central Java, Indonesia Boling, A.A.;Tuong, T.P.;van Keulen, H.;Bouman, B.A.M.;Suganda, H.;Spiertz, J.H.J.; Agricultural Systems 2010-06-01 查看
Heterogeneity in farmers' production decisions and its impact on soilnutrient use: Results and implications from northern Nigeria Berkhout, E.D.;Schipper, R.A.;Van Keulen, H.;Coulibaly, O.; Agricultural Systems 2011-01-01 查看
Building crop models within different crop modelling frameworks Adam, M.;Corbeels, M.;Leffelaar, P.A.;Van Keulen, H.;Wery, J.;Ewert, F.; Agricultural Systems 2012-11-01 查看
Stochastic uncertainty and sensitivities of nitrogen flows on dairyfarms in The Netherlands Oenema, J.;Burgers, S.;van Keulen, H.;van Ittersum, M.; Agricultural Systems 2015-07-01 查看
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