


Adoption of nutrient management techniques to reduce hypoxia in the Gulf ofMexico^* Robinson, J.R.;Napier, T.L.; Agricultural Systems 2002-06-01 查看
Facilitated learning in soil fertility management: assessing potentials oflow-external-input technologies in east African farming systems de Jager, A.;Onduru, D.;Walaga, C.; Agricultural Systems 2004-02-01 查看
Facilitated learning in soil fertility management: assessing potentialsof low-external-input technologies in east African farming systems de Jager, A.;Onduru, D.;Walaga, C.; Agricultural Systems 2004-02-01 查看
The efficacy of controlling phosphorus loading: the case ofmanagement-intensive grazing Winsten, J.R.;Stokes, J.R.; Agricultural Systems 2004-03-01 查看
The nucleus and pilot farm research approach: experiences from TheNetherlands Langeveld, J.W.A.;van Keulen, H.;de Haan, J.J.;Kroonen-Backbier, B.M.A.;Oenema, J.; Agricultural Systems 2005-05-01 查看
On farm testing of integrated nutrient management strategies in easternUganda Esilaba, A.O.;Byalebeka, J.B.;Delve, R.J.;Okalebo, J.R.;Ssenyange, D.;Mbalule, M.;Ssali, H.; Agricultural Systems 2005-11-01 查看
Factors affecting soil quality changes in the North China Plain: A casestudy of Quzhou County Chen, J.;Yu, Z.;Ouyang, J.;van Mensvoort, M.E.F.; Agricultural Systems 2006-12-01 查看
Environmental impact and economic benefits of site-specific nutrientmanagement (SSNM) in irrigated rice systems Pampolino, M.F.;Manguiat, I.J.;Ramanathan, S.;Gines, H.C.;Tan, P.S.;Chi, T.T.N.;Rajendran, R.;Buresh, R.J.; Agricultural Systems 2007-03-01 查看
Mitigating environmental externalities in livestock production throughfeed biotechnologies Kaufman, J.;Kalaitzandonakes, N.G.; Agricultural Systems 2011-11-01 查看
Farmer perception of suitable conditions for slurry applicationcompared with decision support system recommendations Kerebel, A.;Cassidy, R.;Jordan, P.;Holden, N.M.; Agricultural Systems 2013-09-01 查看
Livestock farmer perceptions of successful collaborative arrangementsfor manure exchange: A study in Denmark Asai, M.;Langer, V.;Frederiksen, P.;Jacobsen, B.H.; Agricultural Systems 2014-06-01 查看
Stochastic uncertainty and sensitivities of nitrogen flows on dairyfarms in The Netherlands Oenema, J.;Burgers, S.;van Keulen, H.;van Ittersum, M.; Agricultural Systems 2015-07-01 查看
Economics of nutrient management systems for compliance with phosphorusregulations: Method and case study Mann, J.;Grant, C.; Agricultural Systems 2015-09-01 查看
Economics of nutrient management systems for compliance with phosphorusregulations: Method and case study Mann, J.;Grant, C.; Agricultural Systems 2015-09-01 查看
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