


Quantitative assessment of improved rice variety adoption: the farmer'sperspective^* Sall, S.;Norman, D.;Featherstone, A.M.; Agricultural Systems 2000-11-01 查看
Continued innovation in a Cambodian rice-based farming system: farmertesting and recombination of new elements Mak, S.; Agricultural Systems 2001-07-01 查看
Simulation of water harvesting potential in rainfed ricelands using waterbalance model Panigrahi, B.;Panda, S.N.;Mull, R.; Agricultural Systems 2001-09-01 查看
A review of agricultural research issues raised by the system of riceintensification (SRI) from Madagascar: opportunities for improving farmingsystems for resource-poor farmers Stoop, W.A.;Uphoff, N.;Kassam, A.; Agricultural Systems 2002-03-01 查看
Predicting regional rice production in South Korea using spatial data andcrop-growth modeling Yun, J.I.; Agricultural Systems 2002-07-01 查看
Logit models for identifying the factors that influence the uptake of new'no-tillage' technologies by farmers in the rice-wheat and the cotton-wheatfarming systems of Pakistan's Punjab Sheikh, A.D.;Rehman, T.;Yates, C.M.; Agricultural Systems 2003-01-01 查看
A framework to improve fertilizer recommendations for irrigated rice inWest Africa Haefele, S.M.;Wopereis, M.C.S.;Ndiaye, M.K.;Kropff, M.J.; Agricultural Systems 2003-04-01 查看
A framework to improve fertilizer recommendations for irrigated rice inWest Africa Haefele, S.;Wopereis, M.;Ndiaye, M.;Kropff, M.; Agricultural Systems 2003-04-01 查看
Predicting regional rice production in South Korea using spatial data andcrop-growth modeling Yun, J.I.; Agricultural Systems 2003-07-01 查看
A critical assessment of the system of rice intensification (SRI) Dobermann, A.; Agricultural Systems 2004-03-01 查看
Technology adoption by resource-poor farmers: considering theimplications of peak-season labor costs White, D.S.;Labarta, R.A.;Leguia, E.J.; Agricultural Systems 2005-08-01 查看
Rice-soybean rotations: opportunities for enhancing whole farm profitsor water savings Popp, M.;Manning, P.;Counce, P.;Keisling, T.; Agricultural Systems 2005-11-01 查看
TechnoGIN, a tool for exploring and evaluating resource use efficiencyof cropping systems in East and Southeast Asia Ponsioen, T.C.;Hengsdijk, H.;Wolf, J.;van Ittersum, M.K.;Rotter, R.P.;Son, T.T.;Laborte, A.G.; Agricultural Systems 2006-01-01 查看
Description and evaluation of the rice growth model ORYZA2000 undernitrogen-limited conditions Bouman, B.A.M.;van Laar, H.H.; Agricultural Systems 2006-03-01 查看
What future for integrated rice-vegetable production systems in WestAfrican lowlands? Erenstein, O.;Sumberg, J.;Oswald, A.;Levasseur, V.;Kore, H.; Agricultural Systems 2006-06-01 查看
The influence of aerosols on crop production: A study using the CEREScrop model Greenwald, R.;Bergin, M.H.;Xu, J.;Cohan, D.;Hoogenboom, G.;Chameides, W.L.; Agricultural Systems 2006-09-01 查看
Improved collective decision-making in action for irrigated ricefarmers in the Senegal River Valley Poussin, J.C.;Diallo, Y.;Legoupil, J.C.; Agricultural Systems 2006-09-01 查看
Improved collective decision-making in action for irrigated ricefarmers in the Senegal River Valley Poussin, J.C.;Diallo, Y.;Legoupil, J.C.; Agricultural Systems 2006-09-01 查看
The influence of aerosols on crop production: A study using the CEREScrop model Greenwald, R.;Bergin, M.H.;Xu, J.;Cohan, D.;Hoogenboom, G.;Chameides, W.L.; Agricultural Systems 2006-09-01 查看
Performance of CERES-Rice and CERES-Wheat models in rice-wheat systems:A review Timsina, J.;Humphreys, E.; Agricultural Systems 2006-10-01 查看
Economics of the impact of alternative rice cropping systems onsubsistence farming: Whole-farm analysis in northern Ghana Yiridoe, E.K.;Langyintuo, A.S.;Dogbe, W.; Agricultural Systems 2006-11-01 查看
Productivity and soil fertility relationships in rice productionsystems, Bangladesh Rahman, S.;Parkinson, R.J.; Agricultural Systems 2007-01-01 查看
Environmental impact and economic benefits of site-specific nutrientmanagement (SSNM) in irrigated rice systems Pampolino, M.F.;Manguiat, I.J.;Ramanathan, S.;Gines, H.C.;Tan, P.S.;Chi, T.T.N.;Rajendran, R.;Buresh, R.J.; Agricultural Systems 2007-03-01 查看
Farmer participatory testing of standard and modified site-specificnitrogen management for irrigated rice in China Hu, R.;Cao, J.;Huang, J.;Peng, S.;Huang, J.;Zhong, X.;Zou, Y.;Yang, J.;Buresh, R.J.; Agricultural Systems 2007-05-01 查看
Opportunities for yield increases and environmental benefits throughsite-specific nutrient management in rice systems of Zhejiang province,China Wang, G.;Zhang, Q.C.;Witt, C.;Buresh, R.J.; Agricultural Systems 2007-06-01 查看
Introducing greenhouse gas mitigation as a development objective inrice-based agriculture: I. Generation of technical coefficients Pathak, H.;Wassmann, R.; Agricultural Systems 2007-06-01 查看
Introducing greenhouse gas mitigation as a development objective inrice-based agriculture: II. Cost-benefit assessment for differenttechnologies, regions and scales Wassmann, R.;Pathak, H.; Agricultural Systems 2007-06-01 查看
Can computer models stimulate learning about sustainable land use?Experience with LUPAS in the humid (sub-)tropics of Asia Van Paassen, A.;Roetter, R.P.;Van Keulen, H.;Hoanh, C.T.; Agricultural Systems 2007-06-01 查看
A fresh look at shifting cultivation: Fallow length an uncertainindicator of productivity Mertz, O.;Wadley, R.L.;Nielsen, U.;Bruun, T.B.;Colfer, C.J.P.;de Neergaard, A.;Jepsen, M.R.;Martinussen, T.;Zhao, Q.;Noweg, G.T.;Magid, J.; Agricultural Systems 2008-03-01 查看
Livelihoods and agro-ecological gradients: A meso-level analysis in theIndo-Gangetic Plains, India Erenstein, O.;Thorpe, W.; Agricultural Systems 2011-01-01 查看
Cropping systems and crop residue management in the Trans-GangeticPlains: Issues and challenges for conservation agriculture from villagesurveys Erenstein, O.; Agricultural Systems 2011-01-01 查看
Policies to support economic and environmental goals at farm andregional scales: Outcomes for rice farmers in Southern India depend ontheir resource endowment Senthilkumar, K.;Lubbers, M.T.M.H.;de Ridder, N.;Bindraban, P.S.;Thiyagarajan, T.M.;Giller, K.E.; Agricultural Systems 2011-01-01 查看
Submergence risks and farmers' preferences: Implications for breedingSub1 rice in Southeast Asia Manzanilla, D.O.;Paris, T.R.;Vergara, G.V.;Ismail, A.M.;Pandey, S.;Labios, R.V.;Tatlonghari, G.T.;Acda, R.D.;Chi, T.T.N.;Duoangsila, K.;Siliphouthone, I.;Manikmas, M.O.A.;Mackill, D.J.; Agricultural Systems 2011-04-01 查看
Submergence risks and farmers' preferences: Implications for breedingSub1 rice in Southeast Asia Manzanilla, D.O.;Paris, T.R.;Vergara, G.V.;Ismail, A.M.;Pandey, S.;Labios, R.V.;Tatlonghari, G.T.;Acda, R.D.;Chi, T.T.N.;Duoangsila, K.;Siliphouthone, I.;Manikmas, M.O.A.;Mackill, D.J.; Agricultural Systems 2011-04-01 查看
Understanding the adoption of system technologies in smallholderagriculture: The system of rice intensification (SRI) in Timor Leste Noltze, M.;Schwarze, S.;Qaim, M.; Agricultural Systems 2012-04-01 查看
Improving irrigated rice production in the Senegal River Valley throughexperiential learning and innovation Krupnik, T.J.;Shennan, C.;Settle, W.H.;Demont, M.;Ndiaye, A.B.;Rodenburg, J.; Agricultural Systems 2012-06-01 查看
Factors influencing farmers' adoption of modern rice technologies andgood management practices in the Philippines Mariano, M.J.;Villano, R.;Fleming, E.; Agricultural Systems 2012-07-01 查看
Factors influencing farmers' adoption of modern rice technologies andgood management practices in the Philippines Mariano, M.J.;Villano, R.;Fleming, E.; Agricultural Systems 2012-07-01 查看
A bioeconomic model for analysis of integrated weed managementstrategies for annual barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli complex) inPhilippine rice farming systems Beltran, J.C.;Pannell, D.J.;Doole, G.J.;White, B.; Agricultural Systems 2012-10-01 查看
Exploring the relationship between climate change and rice yield inBangladesh: An analysis of time series data Sarker, Md.A.R.;Alam, K.;Gow, J.; Agricultural Systems 2012-10-01 查看
Exploring the relationship between climate change and rice yield inBangladesh: An analysis of time series data Sarker, Md.A.R.;Alam, K.;Gow, J.; Agricultural Systems 2012-10-01 查看
A bioeconomic model for analysis of integrated weed managementstrategies for annual barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli complex) inPhilippine rice farming systems Beltran, J.C.;Pannell, D.J.;Doole, G.J.;White, B.; Agricultural Systems 2012-10-01 查看
The System of Rice Intensification: Adapted practices, reportedoutcomes and their relevance in Cambodia Ly, P.;Jensen, L.S.;Bruun, T.B.;Rutz, D.;de Neergaard, A.; Agricultural Systems 2012-11-01 查看
Energy consumption and CO"2 emissions in rainfed agriculturalproduction systems of Northeast Thailand Soni, P.;Taewichit, C.;Salokhe, V.M.; Agricultural Systems 2013-03-01 查看
Interactions between land use change, regional development, and climatechange in the Poyang Lake district from 1985 to 2035 Yan, D.;Schneider, U.A.;Schmid, E.;Huang, H.Q.;Pan, L.;Dilly, O.; Agricultural Systems 2013-07-01 查看
Site-specific, real-time temperatures improve the accuracy of weedemergence predictions in direct-seeded rice systems Lundy, M.E.;Hill, J.E.;van Kessel, C.;Owen, D.A.;Pedroso, R.M.;Boddy, L.G.;Fischer, A.J.;Linquist, B.A.; Agricultural Systems 2014-01-01 查看
Modelling interactions between farm-level structural adjustment and aregional economy: A case of the Australian rice industry Mushtaq, S.;Cockfield, G.;White, N.;Jakeman, G.; Agricultural Systems 2014-01-01 查看
Location specific climate change scenario and its impact on rice andwheat in Central Indian Punjab Jalota, S.K.;Vashisht, B.B.;Kaur, H.;Kaur, S.;Kaur, P.; Agricultural Systems 2014-11-01 查看
On-farm impact of the System of Rice Intensification (SRI): Evidenceand knowledge gaps Berkhout, E.;Glover, D.;Kuyvenhoven, A.; Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
On-farm impact of the System of Rice Intensification (SRI): Evidenceand knowledge gaps Berkhout, E.;Glover, D.;Kuyvenhoven, A.; Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
On-farm impact of the System of Rice Intensification (SRI): Evidenceand knowledge gaps Berkhout, E.;Glover, D.;Kuyvenhoven, A.; Agricultural Systems 2015-01-01 查看
Diversity in success: Interaction between external interventions andlocal actions in three rice farming areas in Benin Totin, E.;van Mierlo, B.;Mongbo, R.;Leeuwis, C.; Agricultural Systems 2015-02-01 查看
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