



Exploring options for sustainable beef cattle ranching in the humidtropics: a case study for the Atlantic Zone of Costa Rica Bouman, B.A.M.;Nieuwenhuyse, A.; Agricultural Systems 1999-02-01 查看
InfoCrop: A dynamic simulation model for the assessment of crop yields,losses due to pests, and environmental impact of agro-ecosystems intropical environments. I. Model description Aggarwal, P.K.;Kalra, N.;Chander, S.;Pathak, H.; Agricultural Systems 2006-07-01 查看
Simulating landscape catena effects in no-till dryland agroecosystemsusing GPFARM Ascough, J.C.;Andales, A.A.;Sherrod, L.A.;McMaster, G.S.;Hansen, N.C.;DeJonge, K.C.;Fathelrahman, E.M.;Ahuja, L.R.;Peterson, G.A.;Hoag, D.L.; Agricultural Systems 2010-10-01 查看
Simulating landscape catena effects in no-till dryland agroecosystemsusing GPFARM Ascough, J.C.;Andales, A.A.;Sherrod, L.A.;McMaster, G.S.;Hansen, N.C.;DeJonge, K.C.;Fathelrahman, E.M.;Ahuja, L.R.;Peterson, G.A.;Hoag, D.L.; Agricultural Systems 2010-10-01 查看
SyNE: An improved indicator to assess nitrogen efficiency of farmingsystems Godinot, O.;Carof, M.;Vertes, F.;Leterme, P.; Agricultural Systems 2014-05-01 查看
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