


Management options to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from intensivelygrazed pastures: A review Luo, J.;de Klein, C.A.M.;Ledgard, S.F.;Saggar, S.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-03-15 查看
Management options to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from intensivelygrazed pastures: A review Luo, J.;de Klein, C.A.M.;Ledgard, S.F.;Saggar, S.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-03-15 查看
Effect of amending cattle urine with dicyandiamide on soil nitrogendynamics and leaching of urinary-nitrogen Welten, B.G.;Ledgard, S.F.;Schipper, L.A.;Judge, A.A.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2013-03-01 查看
Effects of prolonged oral administration of dicyandiamide to dairyheifers on excretion in urine and efficacy in soil Welten, B.G.;Ledgard, S.F.;Schipper, L.A.;Waller, J.E.;Kear, M.J.;Dexter, M.M.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2013-07-01 查看
Effect of temperature on dicyandiamide (DCD) longevity in pastoralsoils under field conditions Kelliher, F.M.;van Koten, C.;Kear, M.J.;Sprosen, M.S.;Ledgard, S.F.;de Klein, C.A.M.;Letica, S.A.;Luo, J.;Rys, G.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2014-03-15 查看
Effect of temperature on dicyandiamide (DCD) longevity in pastoralsoils under field conditions Kelliher, F.M.;van Koten, C.;Kear, M.J.;Sprosen, M.S.;Ledgard, S.F.;de Klein, C.A.M.;Letica, S.A.;Luo, J.;Rys, G.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2014-03-15 查看
Effect of temperature on dicyandiamide (DCD) longevity in pastoralsoils under field conditions Kelliher, F.M.;van Koten, C.;Kear, M.J.;Sprosen, M.S.;Ledgard, S.F.;de Klein, C.A.M.;Letica, S.A.;Luo, J.;Rys, G.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2014-03-15 查看
Effects of oral administration of dicyandiamide to lactating dairy cowson residues in milk and the efficacy of delivery via a supplementary feedsource Welten, B.G.;Ledgard, S.F.;Balvert, S.F.;Kear, M.J.;Dexter, M.M.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2016-02-01 查看
Effects of oral administration of dicyandiamide to lactating dairy cowson residues in milk and the efficacy of delivery via a supplementary feedsource Welten, B.G.;Ledgard, S.F.;Balvert, S.F.;Kear, M.J.;Dexter, M.M.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2016-02-01 查看
Effects of oral administration of dicyandiamide to lactating dairy cowson residues in milk and the efficacy of delivery via a supplementary feedsource Welten, B.G.;Ledgard, S.F.;Balvert, S.F.;Kear, M.J.;Dexter, M.M.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2016-02-01 查看
Erratum to ''Effects of oral administration of dicyandiamide tolactating dairy cows on residues in milk and the efficacy of delivery via asupplementary feed source'' [Agric. Ecosyst. Environ. 217 (2016) 111-118] Welten, B.G.;Ledgard, S.F.;Balvert, S.F.;Kear, M.J.;Dexter, M.M.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2016-04-01 查看
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