



Evaluating Housing Revitalization Projects: Critical Lessons for allEvaluators RENGER, R.;PASSONS, O.;CIMETTA, A.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2003-21-01 查看
Youth Participation in Community Evaluation Research CHECKOWAY, B.;RICHARDS-SCHUSTER, K.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2003-21-01 查看
Ethical challanges The American Journal of Evaluation 2003-21-01 查看
commentary: Engaging the community in evaluation: bumpy, time consuming andimportant The American Journal of Evaluation 2003-21-01 查看
Commentary: The evaluator as scholar/practitioner/change agent The American Journal of Evaluation 2003-21-01 查看
You want to ask them what?!?!?!?! The American Journal of Evaluation 2003-21-01 查看
Margaret Mead's Evaluation of the First Salzburg Seminar RUSSON, C.;RYBACK, T.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2003-21-01 查看
Distant Echo of a Strong Voice: Reflections on Margaret Mead's Evaluationof the Salzburg Seminar PATTON, M.Q.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2003-21-01 查看
Reconstructing Program Theories: Methods Available and Problems to beSolved LEEUW, F.L.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2003-21-01 查看
Commentary: Margaret Mead, the Salzburg Seminar, and A HistoricalEvaluation Report GREENE, J.C.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2003-21-01 查看
A Comparison of Three Retrospective Self-reporting Methods of MeasuringChange in Instructional Practice LAM, T.C.M.;BENGO, P.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2003-21-01 查看
Reflections on the Use of Narrative in Evaluation COSTANTINO, T.E.;GREENE, J.C.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2003-21-01 查看
Editorial board The American Journal of Evaluation 2003-21-01 查看
Contents The American Journal of Evaluation 2003-21-01 查看
Contents continued The American Journal of Evaluation 2003-21-01 查看
From the Editor The American Journal of Evaluation 2003-21-01 查看
AJE contribution categories The American Journal of Evaluation 2003-21-01 查看
Lessons and Memories From the Northwestern Training Program in Methodologyand Evaluation Research REICHARDT, C.S.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2003-22-01 查看
Scholarship, Policy, and Personal Development at Northwestern LEVITON, L.C.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2003-22-01 查看
The Northwestern ''Experience'' B. STRAW, R.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2003-22-01 查看
Evaluation Training at Northwestern (And Beyond?): Sages, Golden Ages, andStages MARK, M.M.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2003-22-01 查看
Learning About Evaluation Through Dialogue: Lessons From an InformalDiscussion Group CHRISTIE, C.A.;ROSE, M.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2003-22-01 查看
A Mentoring Approach to the One-Year Evaluation Course LEVIN-ROZALIS, M.;ROSENSTEIN, B.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2003-22-01 查看
The Oral History of Evaluation Part I. Reflections on the Chance to Workwith Great People: An Interview with William Shadish THE ORAL HISTORY PROJECT TEAM; The American Journal of Evaluation 2003-22-01 查看
fm ii: Editorial board The American Journal of Evaluation 2003-22-01 查看
fm vi: Contents The American Journal of Evaluation 2003-22-01 查看
fm vii: Contents continued The American Journal of Evaluation 2003-22-01 查看
From the Editor Mark, M.M.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2003-22-01 查看
A Dialogical, Story-Based Evaluation Tool: The Most Significant ChangeTechnique DART, J.;DAVIES, R.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2003-22-01 查看
Subgroup Analysis in Social Experiments: Measuring Program Impacts Based onPost-Treatment Choice PECK, L.R.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2003-22-01 查看
Accountability and Performance in Charter Schools in Florida: ATheory-Based Evaluation CREW, R.E.;ANDERSON, M.R.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2003-22-01 查看
Program Staff Perceptions of Barriers to Evaluation Implementation TAUT, S.M.;ALKIN, M.C.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2003-22-01 查看
International Trends and Development Evaluation: The Need for Ideas PICCIOTTO, R.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2003-22-01 查看
Editorial board The American Journal of Evaluation 2003-23-01 查看
Contents The American Journal of Evaluation 2003-23-01 查看
Contents continued The American Journal of Evaluation 2003-23-01 查看
From the Editor Mark, M.M.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2003-23-01 查看
Beyond Use: Understanding Evaluation's Influence on Attitudes and Actions HENRY, G.T.;MARK, M.M.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2003-23-01 查看
Fidelity Criteria: Development, Measurement, and Validation MOWBRAY, C.T.;HOLTER, M.C.;TEAGUE, G.B.;BYBEE, D.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2003-23-01 查看
Evaluative Site Visits: A Methodological Review LAWRENZ, F.;KEISER, N.;LAVOIE, B.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2003-23-01 查看
Researching Evaluation in National (State) Politics and Administration: ACritical Approach SEGERHOLM, C.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2003-23-01 查看
The User-Oriented Evaluator's Role in Formulating a Program Theory: Using aTheory-Driven Approach CHRISTIE, C.A.;ALKIN, M.C.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2003-23-01 查看
Adapting the Empowerment Evaluation Model: A Mental Health Drop-in CenterCase Example SULLINS, C.D.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2003-23-01 查看
Rapid Assessment with Qualitative Telephone Interviews: Lessons from anEvaluation of California's Healthy Families Program & Medi-Cal for Children SOBO, E.J.;SIMMES, D.R.;LANDSVERK, J.A.;KURTIN, P.S.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2003-23-01 查看
Ethical Challenges Morris, M.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2003-23-01 查看
No, No, Not Yet! MORRIS, M.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2003-23-01 查看
Commentary: Roles, Rewards, Research, and Realistic Expectations LEVIN, G.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2003-23-01 查看
Commentary: Practical Realities and Ethical Choices EMSHOFF, J.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2003-23-01 查看
From the Editor Mark, M.M.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2003-24-01 查看
An Exploratory Study of Process Use: Findings and Implications for FutureResearch PRESKILL, H.;ZUCKERMAN, B.;MATTHEWS, B.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2003-24-01 查看
Privileging the Participant: The Importance of Sub-Group Analysis in SocialWelfare Evaluations GIBSON, C.M.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2003-24-01 查看
How Can Multi-Site Evaluations be Participatory? LAWRENZ, F.;HUFFMAN, D.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2003-24-01 查看
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