


Numerical scaling techniques for evaluating generative models oforthographies Jameson, K.A.; Acta Psychologica 1996-07-01 查看
Negative priming in a gender decision task and in a semantic categorizationtask Versace, R.;Allain, G.; Acta Psychologica 2001-06-01 查看
Object concepts and action: Extracting affordances from objects parts Borghi, A.M.; Acta Psychologica 2004-01-01 查看
A further analysis of time bisection behavior in children with andwithout reference memory: The similarity and the partition task Droit-Volet, S.;Rattat, A.C.; Acta Psychologica 2007-06-01 查看
Situational information contributes to object categorization andinference Chaigneau, S.E.;Barsalou, L.W.;Zamani, M.; Acta Psychologica 2009-01-01 查看
Categorization and action: What about object consistence? Anelli, F.;Nicoletti, R.;Borghi, A.M.; Acta Psychologica 2010-02-01 查看
A crossed random effects diffusion model for speeded semanticcategorization decisions Vandekerckhove, J.;Verheyen, S.;Tuerlinckx, F.; Acta Psychologica 2010-03-01 查看
Finding the features that represent stimuli Zeigenfuse, M.D.;Lee, M.D.; Acta Psychologica 2010-03-01 查看
A probabilistic threshold model: Analyzing semantic categorization datawith the Rasch model Verheyen, S.;Hampton, J.A.;Storms, G.; Acta Psychologica 2010-10-01 查看
A probabilistic threshold model: Analyzing semantic categorization datawith the Rasch model Verheyen, S.;Hampton, J.A.;Storms, G.; Acta Psychologica 2010-10-01 查看
Representation at different levels in a conceptual hierarchy Voorspoels, W.;Storms, G.;Vanpaemel, W.; Acta Psychologica 2011-09-01 查看
Similarity and categorization: From vision to touch Gaiszert, N.;Bulthoff, H.H.;Wallraven, C.; Acta Psychologica 2011-09-01 查看
The activation of alternative response candidates: When do doubts kickin? Hartendorp, M.O.;Van der Stigchel, S.;Wagemans, J.;Klugkist, I.;Postma, A.; Acta Psychologica 2012-01-01 查看
Lipread-induced phonetic recalibration in dyslexia Baart, M.;de Boer-Schellekens, L.;Vroomen, J.; Acta Psychologica 2012-05-01 查看
Representing the egocentric auditory space: Relationships ofsurrounding region concepts Campos, M.C.;Hermann, T.;Schack, T.;Blasing, B.; Acta Psychologica 2013-03-01 查看
Differential impact of relevant and irrelevant dimension primes onrule-based and information-integration category learning Grimm, L.R.;Maddox, W.T.; Acta Psychologica 2013-11-01 查看
Differential impact of relevant and irrelevant dimension primes onrule-based and information-integration category learning Grimm, L.R.;Maddox, W.T.; Acta Psychologica 2013-11-01 查看
Conceptual priming with pictures and environmental sounds Kim, Y.;Porter, A.M.;Goolkasian, P.; Acta Psychologica 2014-02-01 查看
How to tell a wife from a hat: Affective feedback in perceptualcategorization Chetverikov, A.;Filippova, M.; Acta Psychologica 2014-09-01 查看
Face in profile view reduces perceived facial expression intensity: Aneye-tracking study Guo, K.;Shaw, H.; Acta Psychologica 2015-02-01 查看
Face in profile view reduces perceived facial expression intensity: Aneye-tracking study Guo, K.;Shaw, H.; Acta Psychologica 2015-02-01 查看
You may look unhappy unless you smile: The distinctiveness of a smilingface against faces without an explicit smile Park, H.B.;Han, J.E.;Hyun, J.S.; Acta Psychologica 2015-05-01 查看
You may look unhappy unless you smile: The distinctiveness of a smilingface against faces without an explicit smile Park, H.B.;Han, J.E.;Hyun, J.S.; Acta Psychologica 2015-05-01 查看
Becoming a beer expert: Is simple exposure with feedback sufficient tolearn beer categories? Lelievre-Desmas, M.;Chollet, S.;Abdi, H.;Valentin, D.; Acta Psychologica 2015-10-01 查看
''The face of ostracism'': The impact of the social categorization onthe thermal facial responses of the target and the observer Paolini, D.;Alparone, F.R.;Cardone, D.;van Beest, I.;Merla, A.; Acta Psychologica 2016-01-01 查看
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