


Unaided smoking cessation among smokers in treatment for alcoholdependence Karam-Hage, M.;Pomerleau, C.S.;Pomerleau, O.F.;Brower, K.J.; Addictive Behaviors 查看
Religiosity, social support, and smoking cessation among urban AfricanAmerican smokers Nollen, N.L.;Catley, D.;Davies, G.;Hall, M.;Ahluwalia, J.S.; Addictive Behaviors 查看
Testing 40 predictions from the transtheoretical model - An integrativemodel Velicer, W.F.;Norman, G.J.;Fava, J.L.;Prochaska, J.O.; Addictive Behaviors 1999-07-08 查看
History of depression and subsyndromal depression in women smokers - Theserotonin connection Borrelli, B.;Marcus, B.H.;Clark, M.M.;Bock, B.C.;King, T.K.;Roberts, M.; Addictive Behaviors 1999-11-01 查看
Twelve-month follow-up of a smoking relapse prevention intervention forpostpartum women - Impact on maternal smoking and relapse Ratner, P.A.;Johnson, J.L.;Bottorff, J.L.;Dahinten, S.;Hall, W.; Addictive Behaviors 2000-01-01 查看
Gender and smoking behavior in a worksite smoking cessation program Stockton, M.C.;Mcmahon, S.D.;Jason, L.A.; Addictive Behaviors 2000-05-01 查看
On quitting smoking - Development of two scales measuring the use ofself-change strategies in current and former smokers (Scs-cs and scs-fs) Etter, J.-F.;Bergman, M.M.;Perneger, T.V.; Addictive Behaviors 2000-07-01 查看
Relationships between sensation seeking and emotional symptomatology duringsmoking cessation with nicotine patch therapy Carton, S.;Le Houezec, J.;Lagrue, G.;Jouvent, R.; Addictive Behaviors 2000-09-01 查看
Eight-year follow-up of a community-based large group behavioral smokingcessation intervention Carlson, L.E.;Taenzer, P.;Koopmans, J.;Bultz, B.D.; Addictive Behaviors 2000-09-01 查看
Individual change amid stable smoking patterns in polydrug users over 3years McCarthy, W.J.;Zhou, Y.;Hser, Y.-I.; Addictive Behaviors 2001-01-01 查看
Self-reported abstinence effects in the first month after smoking cessation Ward, M.M.;Swan, G.E.;Jack, L.M.; Addictive Behaviors 2001-05-01 查看
Retrospective study of the association of stress and smoking duringpregnancy in rural women Bullock, L.F.C.;Mears, J.L.C.;Woodcock, C.;Record, R.; Addictive Behaviors 2001-05-01 查看
Project EX - Outcomes of a teen smoking cessation program Sussman, S.;Dent, C.W.;Lichtman, K.L.; Addictive Behaviors 2001-05-01 查看
Predictors of smoking cessation from adolescence into young adulthood Chen, P.-H.;White, H.R.;Pandina, R.J.; Addictive Behaviors 2001-07-01 查看
Stage of change, decisional balance, and temptations for smoking -Measurement and validation in a large, school-based population ofadolescents Plummer^1, B.A.;Velicer, W.F.;Redding, C.A.;Prochaska, J.O.;Rossi, J.S.;Pallonen^2, U.E.;Meier, K.S.; Addictive Behaviors 2001-07-01 查看
Evaluating a population-based recruitment approach and a stage-based expertsystem intervention for smoking cessation Prochaska, J.O.;Velicer, W.F.;Fava, J.L.;Rossi, J.S.;Tsoh, J.Y.; Addictive Behaviors 2001-07-01 查看
The characteristics of women smokers concerned about postcessation weightgain Levine, M.D.;Perkins, K.A.;Marcus, M.D.; Addictive Behaviors 2001-09-01 查看
Race differences in weight concerns among women smokers - Results from twoindependent samples Pomerleau, C.S.;Zucker, A.N.;Namenek Brouwer, R.J.;Pomerleau, O.F.;Stewart, A.J.; Addictive Behaviors 2001-09-01 查看
Anxiety sensitivity - Relationship to negative affect smoking and smokingcessation in smokers with past major depressive disorder Brown, R.A.;Kahler, C.W.;Zvolensky, M.J.;Lejuez, C.W.;Ramsey, S.E.; Addictive Behaviors 2001-11-01 查看
Effectiveness of telephone contact as an adjunct to a self-help program forsmoking cessation - A randomized controlled trial in Spanish smokers Mguez, M.C.;Vazquez, F.L.;Becona, E.; Addictive Behaviors 2002-01-01 查看
One-to-One - A motivational intervention for resistant pregnant smokers Stotts, A.L.;DiClemente, C.C.;Dolan-Mullen, P.; Addictive Behaviors 2002-03-01 查看
Exploring the association between perceived risks of smoking and benefitsto quitting - Who does not see the link? Lyna, P.;McBride, C.;Samsa, G.;Pollak, K.I.; Addictive Behaviors 2002-03-01 查看
The relation between alcohol consumption and smoking abstinence - Resultsfrom the Working Well Trial McClure, J.B.;Wetter, D.W.;de Moor, C.;Cinciripini, P.M.;Gritz, E.R.; Addictive Behaviors 2002-05-01 查看
The addition of social support to a community-based large-group behavioralsmoking cessation intervention - Improved cessation rates and genderdifferences Carlson, L.E.;Goodey, E.;Bennett, M.H.;Taenzer, P.;Koopmans, J.; Addictive Behaviors 2002-07-01 查看
Testing stage effects in an ethnically diverse sample Johnson, J.L.;Fava, J.L.;Velicer, W.F.;Monroe, A.D.;Emmons, K.; Addictive Behaviors 2002-07-01 查看
Depression and smoking during pregnancy Zhu, S.-H.;Valbo, A.; Addictive Behaviors 2002-07-01 查看
Utility and accuracy of collateral reports of smoking status among 256abstinent alcoholic smokers treated for smoking cessation Patten, C.A.;Martin, J.E.;Filter, K.J.;Wolter, T.D.; Addictive Behaviors 2002-09-01 查看
Differences in evaluations of a tobacco awareness and cessation program byadolescents in four stages of change Stevens, S.L.;Colwell, B.;Miller, K.;Sweeney, D.;McMillan, C.;Smith, D.W.; Addictive Behaviors 2003-04-01 查看
Predictive value of aspects of the Transtheoretical Model on smokingcessation in a community-based, large-group cognitive behavioral program Carlson, L.E.;Taenzer, P.;Koopmans, J.;Casebeer, A.; Addictive Behaviors 2003-06-01 查看
History of major depressive disorder among smokers in cessation twreatment- Associations with dysfunctional attitudes and coping Kahler, C.W.;Brown, R.A.;Strong, D.R.;Lloyd-Richardson, E.E.;Niaura, R.; Addictive Behaviors 2003-08-01 查看
The impact of smoking cessation on drug abuse treatment outcome Lemon, S.C.;Friedmann, P.D.;Stein, M.D.; Addictive Behaviors 2003-09-01 查看
An examination of the process of relapse prevention therapy designed to aidsmoking cessation Stoffelmayr, B.;Wadland, W.C.;Pan, W.; Addictive Behaviors 2003-09-01 查看
Attribution and the effects of expectancy - how beliefs can influence theexperiences of smoking cessation Gilbert, H.M.;Warburton, D.M.; Addictive Behaviors 2003-09-01 查看
A comparison of four self-report smoking cessation outcome measures Velicer, W.F.;Prochaska, J.O.; Addictive Behaviors 2004-01-01 查看
Social and cognitive factors contributing to the intention to undergo asmoking cessation treatment Van Der Rijt, G.A.J.;Westerik, H.; Addictive Behaviors 2004-01-01 查看
Size, consistency, and stability of stage effects for smoking cessation Prochaska, J.O.;Velicer, W.F.;Prochaska, J.M.;Johnson, J.L.; Addictive Behaviors 2004-01-01 查看
Size, consistency, and stability of stage effects for smoking cessation Prochaska, J.O.;Velicer, W.F.;Prochaska, J.M.;Johnson, J.L.; Addictive Behaviors 2004-01-01 查看
A comparison of four self-report smoking cessation outcome measures Velicer, W.F.;Prochaska, J.O.; Addictive Behaviors 2004-01-01 查看
Social and cognitive factors contributing to the intention to undergo asmoking cessation treatment Van Der Rijt, G.A.J.;Westerik, H.; Addictive Behaviors 2004-01-01 查看
Social and cognitive factors contributing to the intention to undergo asmoking cessation treatment Van Der Rijt, G.A.;Westerik, H.; Addictive Behaviors 2004-01-01 查看
Size, consistency, and stability of stage effects for smoking cessation Prochaska, J.O.;Velicer, W.F.;Prochaska, J.M.;Johnson, J.L.; Addictive Behaviors 2004-01-01 查看
A comparison of four self-report smoking cessation outcome measures Velicer, W.F.;Prochaska, J.O.; Addictive Behaviors 2004-01-01 查看
Smoking among female prisoners: An ignored public health epidemic Cropsey, K.;Eldridge, G.D.;Ladner, T.; Addictive Behaviors 2004-02-01 查看
Does a childhood history of externalizing problems predict smoking duringpregnancy? Kodl, M.M.;Wakschlag, L.S.; Addictive Behaviors 2004-02-01 查看
Characteristics of cigarette smokers seeking treatment for cessation versusreduction Lemmonds, C.A.;Mooney, M.;Reich, B.;Hatsukami, D.; Addictive Behaviors 2004-02-01 查看
Outcome research methodology of smoking cessation trials (1994-1998) Gutmann, L.B.;Sobell, L.C.;Prevo, M.H.;Toll, B.A.;Gutwein, C.L.;Sobell, M.B.;Hyman, S.M.; Addictive Behaviors 2004-05-01 查看
Time spent with friends who smoke and quit attempts among teen smokers Jones, D.N.;Schroeder, J.R.;Moolchan, E.T.; Addictive Behaviors 2004-06-01 查看
The effects of controlled deep breathing on smoking withdrawal symptoms independent smokers McClernon, F.J.;Westman, E.C.;Rose, J.E.; Addictive Behaviors 2004-06-01 查看
Nonclinical panic attack history and smoking cessation: An initialexamination Zvolensky, M.J.;Lejuez, C.W.;Kahler, C.W.;Brown, R.A.; Addictive Behaviors 2004-06-01 查看
Smoking cessation efforts among substance abusers with and withoutpsychiatric comorbidity Unrod, M.;Cook, T.;Myers, M.G.;Brown, S.A.; Addictive Behaviors 2004-07-01 查看
Smoking among female arrestees: Prevalence of daily smoking and smokingcessation efforts Durrah, T.L.;Rosenberg, T.J.; Addictive Behaviors 2004-07-01 查看
Social support and the transtheoretical model: Relationship of socialsupport to smoking cessation stage, decisional balance, process use, andtemptation Wagner, J.;Burg, M.;Sirois, B.; Addictive Behaviors 2004-07-01 查看
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