篇名 | 作者 | 刊名 | 出版年 | 查看 |
Cigarette smoking among immigrant salvadoreans in washington, dc -Behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs |
Shankar, S.;Gutierrez-Mohamed, M.L.;Alberg, A.J.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2000-03-01 |
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Nicotine patches improve mood and response speed in a lexical decision task |
Gentry, M.V.;Hammersley, J.J.;Hale, C.R.;Nuwer, P.K.;Meliska, C.J.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2000-07-01 |
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Co-occurrence of alcohol and cigarette use among adolescents |
Hoffman, J.H.;Welte, J.W.;Barnes, G.M.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2001-01-01 |
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Effect of current tobacco use and history of an alcohol problem on healthstatus in hospitalized patients |
Patten, C.A.;Schneekloth, T.D.;Morse, R.M.;Herrick, L.M.;Offord, K.P.;Wolter, T.D.;Williams, B.A.;Hurt, R.D.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2001-01-01 |
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Environmental influences, employment status, and religious activity predictcurrent cigarette smoking in the elderly |
Williams, C.D.;Lewis-Jack, O.;Johnson, K.;Adams-Campbell, L.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2001-03-01 |
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Environmental influences, employment status, and religious activity predictcurrent cigarette smoking in the elderly |
Williams, C.D.;Lewis-Jack, O.;Johnson, K.;Adams-Campbell, L.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2001-03-01 |
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Trends in parent and friend influence during adolescence - The case ofadolescent cigarette smoking |
Bauman, K.E.;Carver, K.;Gleiter, K.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2001-05-01 |
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Patterns of adolescent alcohol, cigarette, and marijuana use over a 6-monthperiod |
Sneed, C.D.;Morisky, D.E.;Rotheram-Borus, M.J.;Ebin, V.J.;Malotte, C.K.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2001-05-01 |
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Prior cigarette smoking initiation predicting current alcohol use -Evidence for a gateway drug effect among California adolescents from elevenethnic groups |
Chen, X.;Unger, J.B.;Palmer, P.;Weiner, M.D.;Johnson, C.A.;Wong, M.M.;Austin, G.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2002-09-01 |
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The influence of cognitive coping and mood on smokers' self-efficacy andtemptation |
Rabois, D.;Haaga, D.A.F.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2003-04-01 |
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Ecological and individual predictors of maternal smoking behaviour -Looking beyond individual socioeconomic predictors at the community setting |
Phung, H.N.;Bauman, A.E.;Young, L.;Tran, M.H.;Hillman, K.M.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2003-09-01 |
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Cigarette smoking in a student sample: Neurocognitive and clinicalcorrelates |
Dinn, W.M.;Aycicegi, A.;Harris, C.L.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2004-01-01 |
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Cigarette smoking in a student sample: Neurocognitive and clinicalcorrelates |
Dinn, W.M.;Aycicegi, A.;Harris, C.L.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2004-01-01 |
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Cigarette smoking in a student sample: Neurocognitive and clinicalcorrelates |
Dinn, W.M.;Aycicegi, A.;Harris, C.L.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2004-01-01 |
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Characteristics of cigarette smokers seeking treatment for cessation versusreduction |
Lemmonds, C.A.;Mooney, M.;Reich, B.;Hatsukami, D.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2004-02-01 |
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Outcome research methodology of smoking cessation trials (1994-1998) |
Gutmann, L.B.;Sobell, L.C.;Prevo, M.H.;Toll, B.A.;Gutwein, C.L.;Sobell, M.B.;Hyman, S.M.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2004-05-01 |
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Eliciting patients' preferences for cigarette and alcohol cessation: Anapplication of conjoint analysis |
Flach, S.D.;Diener, A.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2004-06-01 |
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Reactivity to smoking cues in adolescent cigarette smokers |
Upadhyaya, H.P.;Drobes, D.J.;Thomas, S.E.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2004-07-01 |
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Relationship between early experiences with tobacco and early experienceswith alcohol |
Pomerleau, C.S.;Marks, J.L.;Pomerleau, O.F.;Snedecor, S.M.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2004-08-01 |
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Cognitive coping skills and depression vulnerability among cigarettesmokers |
Haaga, D.A.F.;Thorndike, F.P.;Friedman-Wheeler, D.G.;Pearlman, M.Y.;Wernicke, R.A.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2004-08-01 |
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Cognitive coping skills and depression vulnerability among cigarettesmokers |
Haaga, D.A.F.;Thorndike, F.P.;Friedman-Wheeler, D.G.;Pearlman, M.Y.;Wernicke, R.A.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2004-08-01 |
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Relationship between early experiences with tobacco and early experienceswith alcohol |
Pomerleau, C.S.;Marks, J.L.;Pomerleau, O.F.;Snedecor, S.M.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2004-08-01 |
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Cigarette smoking, ambulatory cardiovascular monitoring, and mood inVietnam veterans with and without chronic posttraumatic stress disorder |
Beckham, J.C.;Gehrman, P.R.;McClernon, F.J.;Collie, C.F.;Feldman, M.E.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2004-11-01 |
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The influence of offering free transdermal nicotine patches on quit ratesin a local health department's smoking cessation program |
Alberg, A.J.;Stashefsky Margalit, R.;Burke, A.;Rasch, K.A.;Stewart, N.;Kline, J.A.;Ernst, P.A.;Avey, A.;Hoffman, S.C.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2004-12-01 |
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Cigar use before and after a cigarette excise tax increase in New Jersey |
Delnevo, C.D.;Hrywna, M.;Foulds, J.;Steinberg, M.B.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2004-12-01 |
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Applicability of the Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence in smokerswith schizophrenia |
Steinberg, M.L.;Williams, J.M.;Steinberg, H.R.;Krejci, J.A.;Ziedonis, D.M.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2005-01-01 |
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Daily patterns of alcohol, cigarette, and marijuana use in adolescentsmokers and nonsmokers |
Duhig, A.M.;Cavallo, D.A.;McKee, S.A.;George, T.P.;Krishnan-Sarin, S.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2005-02-01 |
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Depression vulnerability, cigarette smoking, and the serotonin transportergene |
Brody, C.L.;Hamer, D.H.;Haaga, D.A.F.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2005-03-01 |
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Reported distress associated with concern about a cigarette smoker |
Thomas, J.L.;Patten, C.A.;Offord, K.P.;Clark, M.M.;Schroeder, D.R.;Nirelli, L.M.;Bronars, C.A.;Cowles, M.L.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2006-10-01 |
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Nicotine dependence, PTSD symptoms, and depression proneness among maleand female smokers |
Thorndike, F.P.;Wernicke, R.;Pearlman, M.Y.;Haaga, D.A.F.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2006-02-01 |
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Working memory in cigarette smokers: Comparison to non-smokers andeffects of abstinence |
Mendrek, A.;Monterosso, J.;Simon, S.L.;Jarvik, M.;Brody, A.;Olmstead, R.;Domier, C.P.;Cohen, M.S.;Ernst, M.;London, E.D.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2006-05-01 |
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Self-efficacy and outcome expectations for quitting among adolescentsmokers |
Solomon, L.J.;Bunn, J.Y.;Pirie, P.L.;Worden, J.K.;Flynn, B.S.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2006-07-01 |
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Randomized controlled trial of relapse prevention and a standardbehavioral intervention with adult smokers |
Schroter, M.;Collins, S.E.;Frittrang, T.;Buchkremer, G.;Batra, A.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2006-07-01 |
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Does exercise have an acute effect on desire to smoke, mood andwithdrawal symptoms in abstaining adolescent smokers? |
Everson, E.S.;Daley, A.J.;Ussher, M.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2006-09-01 |
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Effect of cognitive behavior therapy on smokers' compensatory copingskills |
Thorndike, F.P.;Friedman-Wheeler, D.G.;Haaga, D.A.F.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2006-09-01 |
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Disruption in Th1/Th2 immune response in young adult smokers |
Whetzel, C.A.;Corwin, E.J.;Klein, L.C.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2007-01-01 |
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Are smokers only using cigarettes? Exploring current polytobacco useamong an adult population |
Bombard, J.M.;Pederson, L.L.;Nelson, D.E.;Malarcher, A.M.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2007-10-01 |
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Estimating the impact of different cigarette package warning labelpolicies: The auction method |
Thrasher, J.F.;Rousu, M.C.;Anaya-Ocampo, R.;Reynales-Shigematsu, L.M.;Arillo-Santillan, E.;Hernandez-Avila, M.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2007-12-01 |
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Short-term effects of Project EX-4: A classroom-based smokingprevention and cessation intervention program |
Sun, P.;Miyano, J.;Rohrbach, L.A.;Dent, C.W.;Sussman, S.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2007-02-01 |
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Depression vulnerability within smoking research: How accurate areone-item screening items? |
McChargue, D.E.;Werth Cook, J.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2007-02-01 |
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Confirmatory factor analyses and reliability of the modified cigaretteevaluation questionnaire |
Cappelleri, J.C.;Bushmakin, A.G.;Baker, C.L.;Merikle, E.;Olufade, A.O.;Gilbert, D.G.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2007-05-01 |
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Aggregation of adverse behaviors and its affecting factors among youngmilitary conscripts in Taiwan |
Wu, D.M.;Chu, N.F.;Lin, Y.S.;Lai, H.R.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2007-06-01 |
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Adult attachment security and college student substance use |
Kassel, J.D.;Wardle, M.;Roberts, J.E.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2007-06-01 |
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Which dimensions of impulsivity are related to cigarette craving? |
Billieux, J.;Van der Linden, M.;Ceschi, G.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2007-06-01 |
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Relationship between self-reported task persistence and history ofquitting smoking, plans for quitting smoking, and current smoking status inadolescents |
Steinberg, M.L.;Krejci, J.A.;Collett, K.;Brandon, T.H.;Ziedonis, D.M.;Chen, K.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2007-07-01 |
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Perceived peer influence and peer selection on adolescent smoking |
Hoffman, B.R.;Monge, P.R.;Chou, C.P.;Valente, T.W.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2007-08-01 |
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Effect of impulsivity on cardiovascular and subjective reactivity tosmoking cues |
Doran, N.;McChargue, D.;Spring, B.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2008-01-01 |
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Effect of impulsivity on cardiovascular and subjective reactivity tosmoking cues |
Doran, N.;McChargue, D.;Spring, B.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2008-01-01 |
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Linkages between cigarette smoking outcome expectancies and negativeemotional vulnerability |
Johnson, K.A.;Zvolensky, M.J.;Marshall, E.C.;Gonzalez, A.;Abrams, K.;Vujanovic, A.A.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2008-11-01 |
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Intergenerational transmission of chronic physical disease via chronicmental disorders: The potential role of addictive behaviors |
Goodwin, R.D.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2008-11-01 |
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Smoking in help-seeking veterans with PTSD returning from Afghanistanand Iraq |
Kirby, A.C.;Hertzberg, B.P.;Collie, C.F.;Yeatts, B.;Dennis, M.F.;McDonald, S.D.;Calhoun, P.S.;Beckham, J.C.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2008-11-01 |
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Trauma exposure influences cue elicited affective responses amongsmokers with and without a history of major depression |
McChargue, D.E.;Klanecky, A.K.;Walsh, K.;DiLillo, D.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2008-11-01 |
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