篇名 | 作者 | 刊名 | 出版年 | 查看 |
Validation of English-language versions of three scales measuringattitudes towards smoking, smoking-related self-efficacy and the use ofsmoking cessation strategies |
Christie, D.H.;Etter, J.F.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2005-06-01 |
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Internet and paper self-help materials for problem drinking: Is therean additive effect? |
Cunningham, J.A.;Humphreys, K.;Koski-Jannes, A.;Cordingley, J.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2005-09-01 |
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A review of computer and Internet-based interventions for smokingbehavior |
Walters, S.T.;Wright, J.A.;Shegog, R.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2006-02-01 |
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Internet-based self-assessment of drinking-3-month follow-up data |
Koski-Jannes, A.;Cunningham, J.A.;Tolonen, K.;Bothas, H.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2007-03-01 |
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Evaluation of an Internet virtual world chat room for adolescentsmoking cessation |
Woodruff, S.I.;Conway, T.L.;Edwards, C.C.;Elliott, S.P.;Crittenden, J.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2007-09-01 |
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Sociodemographic and smoking-related psychosocial predictors of smokingbehavior change among high school smokers |
Woodruff, S.I.;Conway, T.L.;Edwards, C.C.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2008-02-01 |
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Sociodemographic and smoking-related psychosocial predictors of smokingbehavior change among high school smokers |
Woodruff, S.I.;Conway, T.L.;Edwards, C.C.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2008-02-01 |
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Computer-based interventions for college drinking: A qualitative review |
Elliott, J.C.;Carey, K.B.;Bolles, J.R.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2008-08-01 |
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Web-based alcohol prevention for incoming college students: Arandomized controlled trial |
Hustad, J.T.P.;Barnett, N.P.;Borsari, B.;Jackson, K.M.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2010-03-01 |
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Internet-based assessment and self-monitoring of problematic alcoholand drug use |
Sinadinovic, K.;Berman, A.H.;Hasson, D.;Wennberg, P.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2010-05-01 |
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Efficacy of an internet program for smoking cessation during and afterinpatient rehabilitation treatment: a quasi-randomized controlled trial |
Haug, S.;Meyer, C.;John, U.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2011-12-01 |
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Adolescent computer use and alcohol use: What are the role of quantityand content of computer use? |
Epstein, J.A.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2011-05-01 |
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Graphic-enhanced information improves perceived risks of cigar smoking |
Strasser, A.A.;Orom, H.;Tang, K.Z.;Dumont, R.L.;Cappella, J.N.;Kozlowski, L.T.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2011-08-01 |
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Graphic-enhanced information improves perceived risks of cigar smoking |
Strasser, A.A.;Orom, H.;Tang, K.Z.;Dumont, R.L.;Cappella, J.N.;Kozlowski, L.T.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2011-08-01 |
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A pilot study of StopAdvisor: A theory-based interactive internet-basedsmoking cessation intervention aimed across the social spectrum |
Brown, J.;Michie, S.;Geraghty, A.W.A.;Miller, S.;Yardley, L.;Gardner, B.;Shahab, L.;Stapleton, J.A.;West, R.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2012-12-01 |
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Computer and mobile technology-based interventions for substance usedisorders: An organizing framework |
Litvin, E.B.;Abrantes, A.M.;Brown, R.A.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2013-03-01 |
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Substance abuse precedes internet addiction |
Lee, Y.S.;Han, D.H.;Kim, S.M.;Renshaw, P.F.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2013-04-01 |
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Non-substance addictive behaviors in the context of DSM-5 |
Potenza, M.N.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2014-01-01 |
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An overview of problematic Internet use |
Spada, M.M.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2014-01-01 |
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Adolescent Internet use and its relationship to cigarette smoking andalcohol use: A prospective cohort study |
Chiao, C.;Yi, C.C.;Ksobiech, K.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2014-01-01 |
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Relationships between problematic Internet use and problem-gamblingseverity: Findings from a high-school survey |
Yau, Y.H.C.;Pilver, C.E.;Steinberg, M.A.;Rugle, L.J.;Hoff, R.A.;Krishnan-Sarin, S.;Potenza, M.N.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2014-01-01 |
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Young adults who smoke cigarettes and marijuana: Analysis of thoughtsand behaviors |
Ramo, D.E.;Delucchi, K.L.;Liu, H.;Hall, S.M.;Prochaska, J.J.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2014-01-01 |
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Non-substance addictive behaviors in the context of DSM-5 |
Potenza, M.N.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2014-01-01 |
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An overview of problematic Internet use |
Spada, M.M.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2014-01-01 |
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Adolescent Internet use and its relationship to cigarette smoking andalcohol use: A prospective cohort study |
Chiao, C.;Yi, C.C.;Ksobiech, K.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2014-01-01 |
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Relationships between problematic Internet use and problem-gamblingseverity: Findings from a high-school survey |
Yau, Y.H.C.;Pilver, C.E.;Steinberg, M.A.;Rugle, L.J.;Hoff, R.A.;Krishnan-Sarin, S.;Potenza, M.N.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2014-01-01 |
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Young adults who smoke cigarettes and marijuana: Analysis of thoughtsand behaviors |
Ramo, D.E.;Delucchi, K.L.;Liu, H.;Hall, S.M.;Prochaska, J.J.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2014-01-01 |
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Characteristics of online compulsive buying in Parisian students |
Duroy, D.;Gorse, P.;Lejoyeux, M.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2014-12-01 |
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Technology-based support via telephone or web: A systematic review ofthe effects on smoking, alcohol use and gambling |
Danielsson, A.K.;Eriksson, A.K.;Allebeck, P.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2014-12-01 |
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From socially prescribed perfectionism to problematic use of internetcommunicative services: The mediating roles of perceived social support andthe fear of negative evaluation |
Casale, S.;Fioravanti, G.;Flett, G.L.;Hewitt, P.L.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2014-12-01 |
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Comorbidity of psychiatric disorders with Internet addiction in aclinical sample: The effect of personality, defense style andpsychopathology |
Floros, G.;Siomos, K.;Stogiannidou, A.;Giouzepas, I.;Garyfallos, G.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2014-12-01 |
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The impact of early parenting bonding on young adults' Internetaddiction, through the mediation effects of negative relating to others andsadness |
Kalaitzaki, A.E.;Birtchnell, J.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2014-03-01 |
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Prevalence of internet addiction and its association with stressfullife events and psychological symptoms among adolescent internet users |
Tang, J.;Yu, Y.;Du, Y.;Ma, Y.;Zhang, D.;Wang, J.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2014-03-01 |
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Cognitive flexibility in internet addicts: fMRI evidence fromdifficult-to-easy and easy-to-difficult switching situations |
Dong, G.;Lin, X.;Zhou, H.;Lu, Q.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2014-03-01 |
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The impact of early parenting bonding on young adults' Internetaddiction, through the mediation effects of negative relating to others andsadness |
Kalaitzaki, A.E.;Birtchnell, J.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2014-03-01 |
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Prevalence of internet addiction and its association with stressfullife events and psychological symptoms among adolescent internet users |
Tang, J.;Yu, Y.;Du, Y.;Ma, Y.;Zhang, D.;Wang, J.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2014-03-01 |
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Cognitive flexibility in internet addicts: fMRI evidence fromdifficult-to-easy and easy-to-difficult switching situations |
Dong, G.;Lin, X.;Zhou, H.;Lu, Q.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2014-03-01 |
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Cognitive flexibility in internet addicts: fMRI evidence fromdifficult-to-easy and easy-to-difficult switching situations |
Dong, G.;Lin, X.;Zhou, H.;Lu, Q.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2014-03-01 |
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The impact of early parenting bonding on young adults' Internetaddiction, through the mediation effects of negative relating to others andsadness |
Kalaitzaki, A.E.;Birtchnell, J.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2014-03-01 |
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Prevalence of internet addiction and its association with stressfullife events and psychological symptoms among adolescent internet users |
Tang, J.;Yu, Y.;Du, Y.;Ma, Y.;Zhang, D.;Wang, J.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2014-03-01 |
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Cognitive flexibility in internet addicts: fMRI evidence fromdifficult-to-easy and easy-to-difficult switching situations |
Dong, G.;Lin, X.;Zhou, H.;Lu, Q.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2014-03-01 |
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The impact of early parenting bonding on young adults' Internetaddiction, through the mediation effects of negative relating to others andsadness |
Kalaitzaki, A.E.;Birtchnell, J.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2014-03-01 |
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Prevalence of internet addiction and its association with stressfullife events and psychological symptoms among adolescent internet users |
Tang, J.;Yu, Y.;Du, Y.;Ma, Y.;Zhang, D.;Wang, J.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2014-03-01 |
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Compulsive use of Internet-based sexually explicit media: Adaptationand validation of the Compulsive Internet Use Scale (CIUS) |
Downing, M.J.;Antebi, N.;Schrimshaw, E.W.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2014-06-01 |
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Is Internet addiction a psychopathological condition distinct frompathological gambling? |
Tonioni, F.;Mazza, M.;Autullo, G.;Cappelluti, R.;Catalano, V.;Marano, G.;Fiumana, V.;Moschetti, C.;Alimonti, F.;Luciani, M.;Lai, C.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2014-06-01 |
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The impacts of problem gambling on concerned significant othersaccessing web-based counselling |
Dowling, N.A.;Rodda, S.N.;Lubman, D.I.;Jackson, A.C.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2014-08-01 |
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Smokers' risk perception, socioeconomic status and source ofinformation on cancer |
Peretti-Watel, P.;Seror, V.;Verger, P.;Guignard, R.;Legleye, S.;Beck, F.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2014-09-01 |
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Development of the Internet addiction scale based on the InternetGaming Disorder criteria suggested in DSM-5 |
Cho, H.;Kwon, M.;Choi, J.H.;Lee, S.K.;Choi, J.S.;Choi, S.W.;Kim, D.J.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2014-09-01 |
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Abnormal gray matter and white matter volume in 'Internet gamingaddicts' |
Lin, X.;Dong, G.;Wang, Q.;Du, X.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2015-01-01 |
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Problematic Internet use and problematic alcohol use from thecognitive-behavioral model: A longitudinal study among adolescents |
Gamez-Guadix, M.;Calvete, E.;Orue, I.;Las Hayas, C.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2015-01-01 |
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Abnormal gray matter and white matter volume in 'Internet gamingaddicts' |
Lin, X.;Dong, G.;Wang, Q.;Du, X.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2015-01-01 |
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Problematic Internet use and problematic alcohol use from thecognitive-behavioral model: A longitudinal study among adolescents |
Gamez-Guadix, M.;Calvete, E.;Orue, I.;Las Hayas, C.; |
Addictive Behaviors |
2015-01-01 |
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