


Simulations of soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics during seven years in acatch crop experiment Blomback, K.;Eckersten, H.;Lewan, E.;Aronsson, H.; Agricultural Systems 2003-04-01 查看
Simulations of soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics during seven years ina catch crop experiment Blomback, K.;Eckersten, H.;Lewan, E.;Aronsson, H.; Agricultural Systems 2003-04-01 查看
Spatial carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus budget of a village in the WestAfrican savanna-I. Element pools and structure of a mixed-farming system Manlay, R.J.;Ickowicz, A.;Masse, D.;Floret, C.;Richard, D.;Feller, C.; Agricultural Systems 2004-01-01 查看
Spatial carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus budget in a village of the WestAfrican savanna-II. Element flows and functioning of a mixed-farming system Manlay, R.J.;Ickowicz, A.;Masse, D.;Feller, C.;Richard, D.; Agricultural Systems 2004-01-01 查看
Spatial carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus budget in a village of the WestAfrican savanna-II. Element flows and functioning of a mixed-farming system Manlay, R.J.;Ickowicz, A.;Masse, D.;Feller, C.;Richard, D.; Agricultural Systems 2004-01-01 查看
Spatial carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus budget of a village in the WestAfrican savanna-I. Element pools and structure of a mixed-farming system Manlay, R.J.;Ickowicz, A.;Masse, D.;Floret, C.;Richard, D.;Feller, C.; Agricultural Systems 2004-01-01 查看
Spatial carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus budget of a village in the WestAfrican savanna-I. Element pools and structure of a mixed-farming system Manlay, R.J.;Ickowicz, A.;Masse, D.;Floret, C.;Richard, D.;Feller, C.; Agricultural Systems 2004-01-01 查看
Spatial carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus budget in a village of the WestAfrican savanna-II. Element flows and functioning of a mixed-farming system Manlay, R.J.;Ickowicz, A.;Masse, D.;Feller, C.;Richard, D.; Agricultural Systems 2004-01-01 查看
The costs of soil carbon sequestration: an economic analysis forsmall-scale farming systems in Senegal Tschakert, P.; Agricultural Systems 2004-09-01 查看
Modeling the effect of abrupt changes in nitrogen availability onlettuce growth, root-shoot partitioning and nitrate concentration Linker, R.;Johnson-Rutzke, C.; Agricultural Systems 2005-11-01 查看
InfoCrop: A dynamic simulation model for the assessment of crop yields,losses due to pests, and environmental impact of agro-ecosystems intropical environments. I. Model description Aggarwal, P.K.;Kalra, N.;Chander, S.;Pathak, H.; Agricultural Systems 2006-07-01 查看
InfoCrop: A dynamic simulation model for the assessment of crop yields,losses due to pests, and environmental impact of agro-ecosystems intropical environments. II. Performance of the model Aggarwal, P.K.;Banerjee, B.;Daryaei, M.G.;Bhatia, A.;Bala, A.;Rani, S.;Chander, S.;Pathak, H.;Kalra, N.; Agricultural Systems 2006-07-01 查看
Economic potential for soil carbon sequestration in the Nioro region ofSenegal's Peanut Basin Diagana, B.;Antle, J.;Stoorvogel, J.;Gray, K.; Agricultural Systems 2007-04-01 查看
Integrating stochastic models and in situ sampling for monitoring soilcarbon sequestration Jones, J.W.;Koo, J.;Naab, J.B.;Bostick, W.M.;Traore, S.;Graham, W.D.; Agricultural Systems 2007-04-01 查看
A simulation-based analysis of productivity and soil carbon in responseto time-controlled rotational grazing in the West African Sahel region Badini, O.;Stockle, C.O.;Jones, J.W.;Nelson, R.;Kodio, A.;Keita, M.; Agricultural Systems 2007-04-01 查看
Carbon sequestration from common property resources: Lessons fromcommunity-based sustainable pasture management in north-central Mali Roncoli, C.;Jost, C.;Perez, C.;Moore, K.;Ballo, A.;Cisse, S.;Ouattara, K.; Agricultural Systems 2007-04-01 查看
Can carbon sequestration markets benefit low-income producers insemi-arid Africa? Potentials and challenges Perez, C.;Roncoli, C.;Neely, C.;Steiner, J.L.; Agricultural Systems 2007-04-01 查看
Soil organic carbon dynamics, functions and management in West Africanagro-ecosystems Bationo, A.;Kihara, J.;Vanlauwe, B.;Waswa, B.;Kimetu, J.; Agricultural Systems 2007-04-01 查看
Agricultural sector analysis on greenhouse gas mitigation in USagriculture and forestry Schneider, U.A.;McCarl, B.A.;Schmid, E.; Agricultural Systems 2007-05-01 查看
Introducing greenhouse gas mitigation as a development objective inrice-based agriculture: I. Generation of technical coefficients Pathak, H.;Wassmann, R.; Agricultural Systems 2007-06-01 查看
Introducing greenhouse gas mitigation as a development objective inrice-based agriculture: II. Cost-benefit assessment for differenttechnologies, regions and scales Wassmann, R.;Pathak, H.; Agricultural Systems 2007-06-01 查看
The diversity of rural livelihoods and their influence on soilfertility in agricultural systems of East Africa A typology of smallholderfarms Tittonell, P.;Muriuki, A.;Shepherd, K.D.;Mugendi, D.;Kaizzi, K.C.;Okeyo, J.;Verchot, L.;Coe, R.;Vanlauwe, B.; Agricultural Systems 2010-02-01 查看
The potential contribution of forage shrubs to economic returns andenvironmental management in Australian dryland agricultural systems Monjardino, M.;Revell, D.;Pannell, D.J.; Agricultural Systems 2010-05-01 查看
Life cycle assessment of greenhouse gas emissions from beef productionin western Canada: A case study Beauchemin, K.A.;Henry Janzen, H.;Little, S.M.;McAllister, T.A.;McGinn, S.M.; Agricultural Systems 2010-07-01 查看
Energy and carbon inventory of Iowa swine production facilities Lammers, P.J.;Honeyman, M.S.;Harmon, J.D.;Helmers, M.J.; Agricultural Systems 2010-10-01 查看
Energy and carbon inventory of Iowa swine production facilities Lammers, P.J.;Honeyman, M.S.;Harmon, J.D.;Helmers, M.J.; Agricultural Systems 2010-10-01 查看
The contribution of carbon-based payments to wetland conservationcompensation on agricultural landscapes Neuman, A.D.;Belcher, K.W.; Agricultural Systems 2011-01-01 查看
Environmental impacts from herbicide tolerant canola production inWestern Canada Smyth, S.J.;Gusta, M.;Belcher, K.;Phillips, P.W.B.;Castle, D.; Agricultural Systems 2011-06-01 查看
Sensitivity to information upscaling of agro-ecological assessments:Application to soil organic carbon management Bechini, L.;Castoldi, N.;Stein, A.; Agricultural Systems 2011-07-01 查看
Building a climate resilient farm: A risk based approach forunderstanding water, energy and emissions in irrigated agriculture Jackson, T.M.;Hanjra, M.A.;Khan, S.;Hafeez, M.M.; Agricultural Systems 2011-11-01 查看
Offsetting greenhouse gas emissions through biological carbonsequestration in North Eastern Australia Grace, P.R.;Basso, B.; Agricultural Systems 2012-01-01 查看
A case study of the potential environmental impacts of different dairyproduction systems in Georgia Belflower, J.B.;Bernard, J.K.;Gattie, D.K.;Hancock, D.W.;Risse, L.M.;Alan Rotz, C.; Agricultural Systems 2012-04-01 查看
Which policy would work better for improved soil fertility managementin sub-Saharan Africa, fertilizer subsidies or carbon credits? Marenya, P.;Nkonya, E.;Xiong, W.;Deustua, J.;Kato, E.; Agricultural Systems 2012-07-01 查看
Which policy would work better for improved soil fertility managementin sub-Saharan Africa, fertilizer subsidies or carbon credits? Marenya, P.;Nkonya, E.;Xiong, W.;Deustua, J.;Kato, E.; Agricultural Systems 2012-07-01 查看
Assessing costs of soil carbon sequestration by crop-livestock farmersin Western Australia Kragt, M.E.;Pannell, D.J.;Robertson, M.J.;Thamo, T.; Agricultural Systems 2012-10-01 查看
Assessing costs of soil carbon sequestration by crop-livestock farmersin Western Australia Kragt, M.E.;Pannell, D.J.;Robertson, M.J.;Thamo, T.; Agricultural Systems 2012-10-01 查看
Quantification of greenhouse gas emissions from open field-grownFlorida tomato production Jones, C.D.;Fraisse, C.W.;Ozores-Hampton, M.; Agricultural Systems 2012-11-01 查看
Energy consumption and CO"2 emissions in rainfed agriculturalproduction systems of Northeast Thailand Soni, P.;Taewichit, C.;Salokhe, V.M.; Agricultural Systems 2013-03-01 查看
Intensification of coffee systems can increase the effectiveness ofREDD mechanisms Noponen, M.R.A.;Haggar, J.P.;Edwards-Jones, G.;Healey, J.R.; Agricultural Systems 2013-07-01 查看
Life cycle assessment of the potential carbon credit from no- andreduced-tillage winter wheat-based cropping systems in Eastern WashingtonState Zaher, U.;Stockle, C.;Painter, K.;Higgins, S.; Agricultural Systems 2013-11-01 查看
Feeding high concentrations of corn dried distillers' grains decreasesmethane, but increases nitrous oxide emissions from beef cattle production Hunerberg, M.;Little, S.M.;Beauchemin, K.A.;McGinn, S.M.;O'Connor, D.;Okine, E.K.;Harstad, O.M.;Krobel, R.;McAllister, T.A.; Agricultural Systems 2014-05-01 查看
Rotational grass/clover for biogas integrated with grain production - Alife cycle perspective Tidaker, P.;Sundberg, C.;Oborn, I.;Katterer, T.;Bergkvist, G.; Agricultural Systems 2014-07-01 查看
Sustainable biochar effects for low carbon crop production: A 5-cropseason field experiment on a low fertility soil from Central China Liu, X.;Ye, Y.;Liu, Y.;Zhang, A.;Zhang, X.;Li, L.;Pan, G.;Kibue, G.W.;Zheng, J.;Zheng, J.; Agricultural Systems 2014-07-01 查看
Managing soil natural capital: An effective strategy for mitigatingfuture agricultural risks? Cong, R.G.;Hedlund, K.;Andersson, H.;Brady, M.; Agricultural Systems 2014-07-01 查看
Increasing ewe genetic fecundity improves whole-farm production andreduces greenhouse gas emissions intensities Harrison, M.T.;Jackson, T.;Cullen, B.R.;Rawnsley, R.P.;Ho, C.;Cummins, L.;Eckard, R.J.; Agricultural Systems 2014-11-01 查看
Resource use and greenhouse gas intensity of Australian beefproduction: 1981-2010 Wiedemann, S.G.;Henry, B.K.;McGahan, E.J.;Grant, T.;Murphy, C.M.;Niethe, G.; Agricultural Systems 2015-02-01 查看
Resource use and greenhouse gas intensity of Australian beefproduction: 1981 to 2010. Wiedemann, S.G.;Henry, B.K.;McGahan, E.J.;Grant, T.;Murphy, C.M.;Niethe, G.; Agricultural Systems 2015-02-01 查看
An analysis of the socio-economic factors influencing the adoption ofconservation agriculture as a climate change mitigation activity inAustralian dryland grain production Rochecouste, J.F.;Dargusch, P.;Cameron, D.;Smith, C.; Agricultural Systems 2015-05-01 查看
The financial implications of converting farmland to state-supportedenvironmental plantings in the Darling Downs region, Queensland Maraseni, T.N.;Cockfield, G.; Agricultural Systems 2015-05-01 查看
Evaluation of the DSSAT-CSM for simulating yield and soil organic C andN of a long-term maize and wheat rotation experiment in the Loess Plateauof Northwestern China Li, Z.T.;Yang, J.Y.;Drury, C.F.;Hoogenboom, G.; Agricultural Systems 2015-05-01 查看
Improving greenhouse gas emissions intensities of subtropical andtropical beef farming systems using Leucaena leucocephala Harrison, M.T.;McSweeney, C.;Tomkins, N.W.;Eckard, R.J.; Agricultural Systems 2015-06-01 查看
Quantification of greenhouse gas emissions for carbon neutral farmingin the Southeastern USA Torres, C.M.M.E.;Kohmann, M.M.;Fraisse, C.W.; Agricultural Systems 2015-07-01 查看
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