


Replanting strategies for grain sorghum under risk Williams, J.R.;DeLano, D.R.;Heiniger, R.W.;Vanderlip, R.L.;Llewelyn, R.V.; Agricultural Systems 1999-05-01 查看
New sorghum and millet cultivar introduction in Sub-Saharan Africa: impactsand research agenda Ahmed, M.M.;Sanders, J.H.;Nell, W.T.; Agricultural Systems 2000-04-01 查看
Development of a land quality index for sorghum in Indian semi-arid tropics(SAT) Mandal, D.K.;Mandal, C.;Velayutham, M.; Agricultural Systems 2001-10-01 查看
The ALMANAC model's sensitivity to input variables Xie, Y.;Kiniry, J.R.;Williams, J.R.; Agricultural Systems 2003-10-01 查看
A rule-based method for the development of crop management systemsapplied to grain sorghum in south-western France Debaeke, P.;Nolot, J.M.;Raffaillac, D.; Agricultural Systems 2006-10-01 查看
Farm-level adoption of sorghum technologies in Tigray, Ethiopia Wubeneh, N.G.;Sanders, J.H.; Agricultural Systems 2006-11-01 查看
Increasing incomes of Malian cotton farmers: Is elimination of USsubsidies the only solution? Baquedano, F.G.;Sanders, J.H.;Vitale, J.; Agricultural Systems 2010-09-01 查看
Contribution of sorghum to productivity of small-holder irrigationschemes: On-farm research in the Senegal River Valley, Mauritania Garcia-Ponce, E.;Gomez-Macpherson, H.;Diallo, O.;Djibril, M.;Baba, C.;Porcel, O.;Mathieu, B.;Comas, J.;Mateos, L.;Connor, D.J.; Agricultural Systems 2013-02-01 查看
Simulation analysis of factors affecting sorghum yield at selectedsites in eastern and southern Africa, with emphasis on increasingtemperatures Turner, N.C.;Rao, K.P.C.; Agricultural Systems 2013-10-01 查看
Simulation analysis of factors affecting sorghum yield at selectedsites in eastern and southern Africa, with emphasis on increasingtemperatures Turner, N.C.;Rao, K.P.C.; Agricultural Systems 2013-10-01 查看
A diagnostic appraisal of the sorghum farming system and breedingpriorities in Striga infested agro-ecologies of Ethiopia Gebretsadik, R.;Shimelis, H.;Laing, M.D.;Tongoona, P.;Mandefro, N.; Agricultural Systems 2014-01-01 查看
Crop sequences in Australia's northern grain zone are lessagronomically efficient than implied by the sum of their parts Hochman, Z.;Prestwidge, D.;Carberry, P.S.; Agricultural Systems 2014-07-01 查看
Impacts of agricultural water interventions on farm income: An examplefrom the Kothapally watershed, India Karlberg, L.;Garg, K.K.;Barron, J.;Wani, S.P.; Agricultural Systems 2015-06-01 查看
Substitution of corn silage with sorghum silages in lactating cowdiets: In vivo methane emission and global warming potential of milkproduction Colombini, S.;Zucali, M.;Rapetti, L.;Crovetto, G.M.;Sandrucci, A.;Bava, L.; Agricultural Systems 2015-06-01 查看
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