



Are spider assemblages in fragmented, semi-desert habitat affected byincreasing cover of agricultural crops? Opatovsky, I.;Pluess, T.;Schmidt-Entling, M.H.;Gavish-Regev, E.;Lubin, Y.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2010-02-01 查看
Vegetation height of patch more important for phytodiversity than thatof paddock Wrage, N.;Sahin Demirbag, N.;Hofmann, M.;Isselstein, J.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2012-07-15 查看
Long-term effects of different mulching and cutting regimes on plantspecies composition of Festuca rubra grassland Gaisler, J.;Pavlu, V.;Pavlu, L.;Hejcman, M.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2013-09-15 查看
The Steinach Grassland Experiment: Soil chemical properties, swardheight and plant species composition in three cut alluvial meadow afterdecades-long fertilizer application Hejcman, M.;Sochorova, L.;Pavlu, V.;Strobach, J.;Diepolder, M.;Schellberg, J.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2014-02-01 查看
Long term defoliation by cattle grazing with and without tramplingdifferently affects soil penetration resistance and plant speciescomposition in Agrostis capillaris grassland Ludvikova, V.;Pavlu, V.V.;Gaisler, J.;Hejcman, M.;Pavlu, L.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2014-12-01 查看
Long term defoliation by cattle grazing with and without tramplingdifferently affects soil penetration resistance and plant speciescomposition in Agrostis capillaris grassland Ludvikova, V.;Pavlu, V.V.;Gaisler, J.;Hejcman, M.;Pavlu, L.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2014-12-01 查看
Effect of cattle slurry on soil and herbage chemical properties, yield,nutrient balance and plant species composition of moderately dryArrhenatherion grassland Duffkova, R.;Hejcman, M.;Libichova, H.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2015-12-25 查看
Effect of cattle slurry on soil and herbage chemical properties, yield,nutrient balance and plant species composition of moderately dryArrhenatherion grassland Duffkova, R.;Hejcman, M.;Libichova, H.; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2015-12-25 查看
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