


The Downside Report Morris, M.; The American Journal of Evaluation 1998-24-01 查看
Commentary: It Depends...On What You Think You Are Doing Mathison, S.; The American Journal of Evaluation 1998-24-01 查看
Dialogue with Marsha Mueller Fitzpatrick, J.L.; The American Journal of Evaluation 1998-24-01 查看
Advantages and Challenges of Using Inclusive Evaluation Approaches inEvaluation Practice Ryan, K.;Greene, J.;Lincoln, Y.;Mathison, S.;Mertens, D.; The American Journal of Evaluation 1998-24-01 查看
Beyond Statistical Significant Tests: The Importance of Using OtherEstimates of Treatment Effects to Interpret Evaluation Results Kellow, J.T.; The American Journal of Evaluation 1998-24-01 查看
Ethical Challenges Morris, M.; The American Journal of Evaluation 1998-22-01 查看
The Opportunity Morris, M.; The American Journal of Evaluation 1998-22-01 查看
Commentary: Moral Demands and Strong Evaluation Schwandt, T.A.; The American Journal of Evaluation 1998-22-01 查看
Commentary: Achieving the Untroubled Slumber Bonnet, D.G.; The American Journal of Evaluation 1998-22-01 查看
The Issue of Advocacy in Evaluations House, E.R.;Howe, K.R.; The American Journal of Evaluation 1998-22-01 查看
Toward a Social Ecological View of Evaluation Use Conner, R.F.; The American Journal of Evaluation 1998-22-01 查看
An Evaluation of Michael Scriven's ''Minimalist Theory: The Least Theorythat Practice Requires'' Trochim, W.M.K.; The American Journal of Evaluation 1998-22-01 查看
Ethical Challenges Morris, M.;Scheirer, M.A.;Eastmond, N.; The American Journal of Evaluation 1998-23-01 查看
Commentary: Evaluation Planning is The Heart of the Matter Scheirer, M.A.; The American Journal of Evaluation 1998-23-01 查看
Commentary: When Funders Want to Compromise Your Design Eastmond, N.; The American Journal of Evaluation 1998-23-01 查看
A Tribute to Donald T. Campbell Reichardt, C.S.; The American Journal of Evaluation 1998-23-01 查看
The Philosophy of Science (and of Life) of Donald T. Campbell Mark, M.M.; The American Journal of Evaluation 1998-23-01 查看
Don Campbell and Measurement in the Social Sciences Sechrest, L.; The American Journal of Evaluation 1998-23-01 查看
Donald T. Campbell and Research Design Trochim, W.M.K.; The American Journal of Evaluation 1998-23-01 查看
Cross-Cultural Research, Ethnography and the Multitrait-Multimethod Matrix Ginsberg, P.E.; The American Journal of Evaluation 1998-23-01 查看
Donald Campbell and Evaluation Theory Shadish, W.R.;Cook, T.D.; The American Journal of Evaluation 1998-23-01 查看
Don Campbell: The Person Behind the Scholarship Reichardt, C.S.; The American Journal of Evaluation 1998-23-01 查看
Comments on Perrin's ''Effective Use and Misuse of PerformanceMeasurement'' Bernstein, D.J.; The American Journal of Evaluation 1999-24-01 查看
Performance Indicators -- Promises Unmet: A Response to Perrin Winston, J.A.; The American Journal of Evaluation 1999-24-01 查看
Performance Measurement: Does the Reality Match the Rhetoric? A Rejoinderto Bernstein and Winston Perrin, B.; The American Journal of Evaluation 1999-24-01 查看
The implications of diversity and disability for evaluation practice:commentary on Gill Lee, B.; The American Journal of Evaluation 1999-21-01 查看
When the boat gets missed: response to M.F. Smith Cousins, J.B.;Earl, L.M.; The American Journal of Evaluation 1999-21-01 查看
Dialogue with Gary Henry Fitzpatrick, J.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2000-24-01 查看
Dialogue with Gary Henry Fitzpatrick, J.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2000-24-01 查看
On the role of dialog in evaluation Mark, M.M.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2000-21-01 查看
Meta-analysis and the learning curve in evaluation practice Lipsey, M.W.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2000-21-01 查看
Meta-analysis and everyday life: the good, the bad, and the ugly Schwandt, T.A.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2000-21-01 查看
Method and rationality are not social diseases Lipsey, M.W.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2000-21-01 查看
Further diagnostic thoughts on what ails evaluation practice Schwandt, T.A.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2000-21-01 查看
Toward clarification of program evaluation: a proposal with implicationsfor the possible certification of evaluators Sawin, E.I.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2000-21-01 查看
Dialogue with David Fetterman Fitzpatrick, J.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2000-21-01 查看
Commentary: alleviating the fears of the anxious administrator Konard, E.L.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2000-21-01 查看
Commentary: politics, context, and integrity Thomas, C.L.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2000-21-01 查看
On the role of dialog in evaluation Mark, M.M.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2000-21-01 查看
Meta-analysis and the learning curve in evaluation practice Lipsey, M.W.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2000-21-01 查看
Meta-analysis and everyday life: the good, the bad, and the ugly Schwandt, T.A.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2000-21-01 查看
Method and rationality are not social diseases Lipsey, M.W.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2000-21-01 查看
Further diagnostic thoughts on what ails evaluation practice Schwandt, T.A.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2000-21-01 查看
Toward clarification of program evaluation: a proposal with implicationsfor the possible certification of evaluators Sawin, E.I.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2000-21-01 查看
Dialogue with David Fetterman Fitzpatrick, J.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2000-21-01 查看
Commentary: alleviating the fears of the anxious administrator Konard, E.L.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2000-21-01 查看
Commentary: politics, context, and integrity Thomas, C.L.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2000-21-01 查看
THE POTPOURRI MORRIS, M.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2002-21-01 查看
Commentary: Begin with a Good Program Theory: The Case of the MissingGuiding Principle SENGUPTA, S.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2002-21-01 查看
Commentary: Developmentalist and Constructivist Perspectives on ThePotpourri JANESICK, V.J.;STEVENSON, C.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2002-21-01 查看
Teaching and Training with Metaphors PATTON, M.Q.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2002-21-01 查看
Ethical Challenges Morris, M.; The American Journal of Evaluation 2002-21-01 查看
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